American Airlines announces purchase of 20 supersonic aircraft boom overtures

American buys 20 Boom Overture supersonic aircraft

American Airlines and Boom Supersonic announced the airline agreementíline to buy up 20 aircraft overture, with opción a 40 additional.

American pagó a depónon-refundable fee for 20 initial planes. Overture is expected to carry passengers at twice the speed of commercial airliners más rácurrent requests.

The new super planesónicos

Overture de Boom Supersonic introduciríto a major new speed advantage for American's fleet, which is currently the más simple, young and efficient among the network operators of USA. Sayún the tséterms of the agreement, Boom must meet operational requirements, performance and safetyáindustry standard, así as with other customary conditions of American prior to delivery of any Overture.

“Looking to the future, super tripsóunique beingán an important part of our ability to offer our customers”, said Derek Kerr, CFO of American. “We're excited about the way Boom givesá shapes the future of travel for both our company and our customers”.

Overture Eastá diseñused to transport from 65 a 80 passengers to Mach 1,7 over the water, or twice the speed of commercial airplanes más rácurrent requests, with a range of 4250 miles náUticas. Optimized for speed, safety and sustainability, Overture también isá diseñI love to fly in más de 600 routes around the world in just half the time. Fly from Miami to London in just under five hours and from Los ÁAngeles to Honolulu in three hours are some of the many possibilities.

“We are proud to share our visionón of a world más connected and sustainable with American Airlines”, Blake Scholl said, founder and CEO of Boom. “We believe Overture can help American deepen its competitive advantage online, Aerol loyalty and general preferenceíneas a través of the paradigm-shifting benefits of cutting travel times in half”.

In July, Boom reveló He saysñor productionón end of Overture, what isá scheduled to launch in 2025 and transport its first passengers to 2029.

AúThere are several challengesíos ahead for the manufacturer and operators, what to requireá a great participationón of regulatory entities to be able to achieve super flightsóunique in nearbyías of populated areas, main challenge that alsoén influenció the the end of the legendary Concorde.

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4 comentarios en “American compra 20 Boom Overture supersonic aircraft”

  1. Certainly a new generation of supersonic jets. Anyway, they are still four-engines like the Concorde, Tupolev 144 and today with the Boom company several airlines are betting on these more affordable trips to everyone's pocket.

    The current trend is twin-engines and I know that there are still technical limitations and therefore it is still necessary to reach supersonic Mach speeds 1 or more all four engines. There will surely be a jet with these characteristics in the future (beyond 2040) a supersonic twin engine.

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