How is the registration of an aircraft defined??

Each aircraft is differentiated by one foodíbutt the different record, ¿but cómo se la defined o withál es la lólogic behind this identificationón?

Perhaps, some chance you saw an airplane newsáutica where is decíwhat a grandfatherón with matríHX-BVC habíhas suffered a accident, but you stayedó the concern about that motheríbutt, ¿of dónde dirty o qué means?

As well, there is no answerágo to this question, but yesí we can learn something new about matríaircraft tails.

The mothersíaircraft tails

First let's learn something interesting, each byeís has its own prefix when establishing an aircraft with a matríwhich flies with the flag of a countryís. Let's review some examples:

  • Australia – VH
  • Argentina – LV or LQ
  • Bélogic – OO
  • Bolivia – CP
  • Chile – CC
  • Perú – OB
  • Ecuador – HC
  • España – EC
  • Panamá – HP
  • United Kingdom – G
  • México – XA o XB
  • USA – N
  • Paílow ses – PH
  • Canadaá – C
  • France – F
  • Japón – AND
  • China – B

As we can see, It is a great variety of prefixes that change país in país, but what isá regulated by ICAO standards established in 1919, so all planes mustán have a motherívisible tail and wings, máwith informationóadditional registration inside the aircraft.

It should be noted that some paímatr are assignedídifferent seats for private or military planes. Examples:

  • FAE-630 – Force AéEcuadorian area for your Boeing 737-200

¿Whaté goes afterés of the prefix of each país?

As we could see, each byeís has one or más letters that differentiate it from othersás, but internally each aircraft will differá by additional letters or núheritage. En base a la regulationón local, the prefix can be followed by:

  • Núgroupers and letters
  • Núheritage
  • Letters

These three variants changeán themselvesún what the authorities defined, for example some paíthe prefix with n is usedúgroupers and letters like USA:

  • N657NK
    • The N is the prefix of the país
    • 657 núAerol Series Grouperínea
    • NK cóI say IATA of the airlineínea Spirit

The PAíyou know they only have núheritage:

  • CP-2551
    • CP is the prefix of Bolivia
    • 2551 is the national aircraft registry

Finally, others paíonly letters are used:

  • HC-CPG
    • HC is the prefix of Ecuador
    • CPG is the National Aircraft Registry

As we can see, There is a great variety of shapes like paítheir matrimonies are definedínaughty, In some cases it is based on the numberúmere production seriesón of the avión, airline reserveínea or nújust touch in order of arrival at the register.

It is úlast point is the más used, whether one seriesérich or sequential letters that are assigned according toún who registers first.

¿You can finish the letters and núheritage?

Sí, these can happen and have happened. In these cases what the países is to start recycling matríwheels used by airplanes many years agoños and that have already been deregistered or a new variant is created.

Explaining this we can take as an example the case of Chile, where we can see planes with matríbutt CC-AAA what to thinkíamos is an avión DC-3 o similar, but currently it corresponds to a Bell 505 of only 5 añsince its productionón.

¿Knowíthis informationón?

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6 comentarios en “¿Cómo se define la matrícula de una aeronave?”

  1. Very interesting article because it gives us more learning in our favorite hobby. There is a detail to review in your writing. Suffix is ​​what goes at the end of the word or nomenclature, as is the subject of this article. prefix goes before. Means, that the letters assigned to each country, CP, HK, etc, are prefixes and what follows after the hyphen is the suffix. Greetings

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