Ecocopter carbon footprint offsets flight operation

Ecocopter offsets the carbon footprint of its operations

Ecocopter becomes a pioneer company in operationón of helixóRegal Pterosón in compensating for his carbon footprint.

The carbon footprint was born as a measure to quantify and generate an indicator of the impact that an activity or process has on climate change.ático.

To precisely deal with the planetary environmental threat, is that fromñO 2022 Ecocopter has committed to offsetting its carbon footprint and contributing with actions to the care and protectionón of the environment with thisáinternational standards. At the company, look forá support different projects within Latinoamérica in order to achieve compensationón of CO2 emissions in operationséreas, improving its efficiency and promoting good prámanagement skepticsón energéethics.

“The first step to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality in operationséreas, is to quantify CO2e emissions. For it, contractó the service of a third party verifier adhered to and authorized by the Huella Chile Program (Project Company), who validated the cácalculations performed and methodologyíused by the organizationón to obtain the carbon footprint of the operationséareas of theñO 2021, from the medicineón obtained we define compensation strategiesón to 2022 based on the estimateón of flight hours budgeted for the yearñor next”, says Tania Gajardo, Ecocopter Quality Manager.

Currently, Ecocopter is compensating the entire carbon equivalent issued by the operationséreas. This implies that all flights carried out by the companyñístarting in January 2022 are zero carbon using the méall of the compensationón y transformándose theí in the first propeller companyópteros at the South American level that carry out managementón in the operations of Ecuador, Perú and Chile.

The projects chosen to generate compensationón isán linked to the use, energy developmentías clean and renewable and, responsible use of natural resources. These projects are a significant contribution to integrating engineeringía and technologyíin production processes, así like preservationón of ánative trees.

In the same línea, Ecocopter spaghettién joinedó to the Clean Flight program. An initiative púmilitary/private that seeks to implement a national aviation programón sustainable, led by the Energ Sustainability Agencyética of Chile (AgencySE) and supported by the Aeron Boardáutica Civil. The purpose is to improve the efficiency of freight transportation.íaces and passengers of the aviation industryón civil, promoting good prámanagement skepticsón energéethics on the part of the airlinesíairlines and airline companiesáUticas.

With everything, Ecocopter has committed and designedñated a strategy that seeks to achieve carbon neutrality through the efficient use of resources and compensation.ón of the 100% of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory.

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