passport validity travel flights international international trips expire expiration 6 months six

Passport validity to travel

¿Cuál is the validity that the passport must have to be able to travel? Sean 6 months or less, Today I leave you several recommendations for your próximo flight.

This is undoubtedly one of the main concerns of travelers, especially for those who left for the end to review their travel documents.

Hereí recommendations begin, when you go to buy an airline ticketón, first of all you must make sure that your documents are visa, passport O cédrama Eastén valid based on your date of travel or entry to your countryís of destination.

Taking this considerationón, today we are going to review the validity that passports must have for a trip.

¿Whaté passport must be valid to travel?

This is a very broad question and requires a broad question full of edges.. The truth is that there is no single global answer or úunique and dependá of many factors such as your país of origin and destination.

What you should take into account is that each país has its own políethics and regulations in this regard. Some will allow youán travel with 3 months of validity, others dutyás have at least 6 months of validity.

Hereí comes the complex part, as there is an endless number of variants and conditions that each país is free to apply based on your needs or immigration situations come these important and básimple recommendations:

  • Always travel with a passport that has más de 6 months of validity until the end of the trip (there may be problems on the trip that extend your stayía).
  • Check the validity of your travel documents before buying the ticket.
  • Start the tripámite de renovationópassport number before travel, even if at the time of travel your passportún isá current.

My passport has just 6 months of validity, ¿I can travel?

To dependá bye byeís of destinations (some won't let youán travel if you don't meet the time míYOU) and from your fatherís of origin since some take into account the end date of the trip más no start.

¿Can I travel with a passport that is less than six months old??

Likewise dutyás review the specific caseíyour father's nameís of origin and destination, since some allow travel with fewer months of validity.

¿Can I travel to the United States with a passport less than six months old??

Sí couldás travel, the United States will ask youá that you have a valid visa and that your passport has the necessary validity for your statusía.

Although this is the rule básica, some aerosolíneas podríto deny boarding, so the rule of 6 months until the end of the trip it is applied again for the traveler's peace of mind, it is better to do it this wayí.

¿Whaté paíthey ask for the validityísix month old?

The list is very extensive, the biggestíbyeíthis validity is required, so I recommend consulting with the specific caseíyour father's nameís of destination.

Usually, This requirement is reinforced by paíyou know that they also requestén visa for travelers, but not exclusive to them.

¿Cóthe validity is not taken into account?

The recommendationóIn general, your passport must have más of six months validity, even taking into account after the trip back to your countryís de origen.

¿Can I renew my passport before six months??

Sí, You can do it at any time at your broadcast office.ón más close.

¿Can I travel with two passports??

Sí, you can travel with your passport 6 months of validity and with a new one. It is even normal to travel with a totally expired passport, where you have a valid visa, but with another new passport as an enabling document.

¿You can travel if you do not have the valid míwhat?

And he byeís the one you fly to requires a validity míencourage and you don't fulfill it, I won't be able toás enter, even though you can get out of your wayís.


  • Activate alerts on your cell phone to remember the date on which your passport will arriveá to the 6 months.
  • You can renew your passport before the expiration time.
  • Remember that knowing the validity conditions of the passport are the responsibility of the traveler.
  • When in doubt, better renew your passport, This is better than getting surprises at immigrationón.
  • If you renew your passport andún is valid, couldás travel with the new and old without problems.

¿They have had problems with the validity of their passport? Cuétell me in the comments…

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26 comments on “Validity of the passport to be able to travel”

  1. Hello there, I have a work visa for Spain, I will travel in 01 march 2024, but my passport expires in august, I will have some problem logging in.

  2. Hello there, I am a Colombian citizen and my passport expires in 5 months, However, I have my ID and I need to travel to Peru. The Peruvian consulate told me that I could travel with my ID without problem, but the airline tells me that I must renew my passport… Who do I pay attention to?? Why does the airline require it if the country doesn't??

  3. Buenas tardes, I'm from Ecuador and tomorrow I have a trip to Miami and my passport expires on 14 of March of 2024, if I can go out?

  4. Hi Nicolas, I am Chilean and I am traveling this Wednesday 26 October 2023 and Cancun x 8 days , but my passport expires in 4 months and a half, I will be able to travel? I can't get a new one anymore . I have paid round trip tickets, hotel, car insurance and rental, I also have a valid waver visa, help with something?
    Thank you very much

    1. Hello Loreto, In the case of Mexico they demand 6 months of validity of the passport. I recommend that you do everything possible to renew it to avoid being denied access., that they could do it, but there is that possibility that it would damage your trip.

  5. Hi Nicolas. I have a trip to the United States tonight and my passport is valid until 30 October 2023. Do you think they will allow me to travel?. My stay will only be until 27 of May. Thanks.

  6. Hi Nicolas, my mother's visa expires on 15 July 2023, but we want to travel together on the 10 al 15 May 2023, she would have problems?
    I renewed my passport and visa in January 2023.

    Thank you very much

  7. Hello, one question. I am going to travel to my country of origin in July and my passport expires in September. I would have a problem entering

  8. Hi Nicolas, I have a trip to the United States this Friday and I just realized that the passport expires in May. I can travel ?? I will have problems leaving or entering the country??

  9. Hello good, an urgent question. I renew my passport now because I have validity of 6 months and a few days. I have a flight and HE IS with the passport of 6 months. I can go with both? I have to update data? Thanks

  10. very good. I have a very urgent question, my passport expires in 6 months and a few days. I am traveling to Mexico shortly and the day I return to Spain the passport will have less than 6 months. I'm going to renew my passport so I don't have problems, The issue is that both the flight and he IS to make a stopover in the US, the old passport appears. I can go the same with both passports?

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