aena brazil Congonhas Campo Grande Uberlândia Santarém Marabá Montes Claros Carajás Altamira Uberaba Corumbá Ponta Porã

Aena wins the concession of eleven airports in Brazil

Aena announcementó what turned outó winner of the concession processón to manage and develop eleven additional airports in Brazil.'s photo

Aena International Development S.M.E., a través from which it develops its international activity, has been declared by the National Aviation Agencyón Civil Brazil winner of the auction held for the concessionón, for a period of 30 años, of eleven Brazilian airportsños, that added the 12% of the trápa's figís and 2019: Congonhas, Campo Grande, Uberlândia, Santarém, Marabá, Clear Mountains, Carajás, Altamira, uberaba, Corumbá and Ponta Porã, Congonhas airport being the main airport of the group, with 22,8 million passengers in 2019, the 85% of all these eleven airports.

Aena increases its presence in Brazil

The price of the awardón –auction result púwar carried out in the dítoday in the S stock marketão Paulo- Has been of 2.450 million Brazilian reaisños, about 468 millions of euros.

Además of this amount, in accordance with the regulatory specifications of the concessionón, must be disbursed 1.639 million Brazilian reaisños (To the change, about 312 millions of euros) by way of mandatory commitments, so the total amount of the operationón amounts to 4.089 million Brazilian reaisños, approximately 780m Million euros.

You gesture at itón of these eleven airports carries an obligationón of payment of a considerationón variable with a grace period of four toños, consisting of a percentage of gross income that increases from a 3,23% up to a 16,15% annual.

According to the planningón and studies carried out on the necessary investments, se prevé an inverseón close to the 5.000 million Brazilian reaisños (constant prices 2020), the 73% of which isá planned to be carried out in the first phase of the concessionón, this is, until 2028.

These airports passán to be managed by a concessionaire company that will be createdá to the effect, participated in 100% by Aena International Development. Prevé that the signing of the Concession Contractón by the concessionaire company the próximo mes dee february de 2023.

The eleven airports in BrazilñThe awarded join the six airports of the Northeast Group of Brazil that Aena manages fromñO 2020.

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