Kalitta Quito cargo flights choice cargo operations flight flowers

Kalitta returns with flights to Quito operating for Choice Cargo

Choice Cargo begins airline operationsínea Kalitta with flights chárter and el Quito Mariscal Sucre Airport. Photo by Diogo da ConceiçãO

The compañía Choice Cargo, General Sales Agent, Kalitta Freight Trade Representative, startó operations with the aforementioned aerolínea at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito. The company has two weekly operations on Tuesdays and Fridays., using aircraft Boeing 747-400 with a load capacity of 100 tons and transport cargo from Quito to the hub of the International Airport of Miami from where it is distributed to various destinations in USA and other parts of the world.

Choice Cargo startedó operations in Quito with Kalitta

“Choice Cargo is pleased to announce that since August 2022 We started at the Mariscal Sucre Airport in the city of Quito with operations of two flights chárter freighters with B747 aircraft on the Quito route – Miami, to provide greater capacity to the Ecuadorian market, supporting así to its growth in exports and imports to and from the United States with the más violas isáquality standards, taking care of the log chainíaesthetics of each of the products we transport, with the purpose of contributing to the development of the país and the regionón”, said Diego Íñiguez, CEO of Choice Cargo.

kalitta tomó I decided itón to operate in Ecuador due to market growth towards USA and the different destinations in Europe, Asía y Oceanía. Choice Cargo developmentó all the study about the market, considering the main demand seasons. The quality of ecuadorian flower is highly appreciated in the international market, so there is a need to have más capacity in terms of flights with the objective of contributing to the growth of exports.

For his part, Ramón Meó, President and CEO of Corporación Quiport, I knowñaló: “The start of operations of Choice Cargo in the Ecuadorian market represents a very important advance in terms of the offer of space for export cargo.ón that leaves Quito. The flower sector, our main user, has registered a significant increase in terms of its productionón and its ability to place the Ecuadorian flower in international markets and this operationón freighter help usá to meet the needs of exporters”.

Además, the top executive of Quiport I knowñaló that the moment I choseó Choice Charge to enter the país is ógreat, Well, these five months that remain from toñO 2022 serveán to consolidate the operationón of the aerolínea facing the high season of San Valentín 2023, what to startá in mid-Januaryñthe starter.

Total, the airline fleetínea Kalitta accounts with 24 freighters Boeing 747-400, which allows, during peak export seasonsón and Quito, Additional flights may be available depending onón of demand.

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