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Discount tickets for people with disabilities and the elderly

¿Sabíso in the Ecuador there is a discount on tickets toéinmates for people with disabilities or who are elderly?

The Aviation Lawón Civil of Ecuador así stipulates it in its artíass 55 and today I want to tell you all the details of this benefit that many may not know.íeven of its existence.

about días aquí On the blog a reader asked meó precisely on this topic and the discount that applies to seniors, from what it seemed to meó It is timely to tell you everything you need to know about cóhow to apply for this benefit.

The discount on tickets or tickets toéinmate for people with disabilities or the elderly

Sayún the National Council on Disabilities (CONADIS) during the 2019 Were issued 9.085 tickets aéprisoners and 3.434 people with disabilities benefited from the preferential rate on tickets. The biggestía number of beneficiariesían disability física (59.58%) followed by auditory (16.37%), visual (14.21%), intellectual (5.91%) and psychosocial (3.93%).

The people whoás traveling within this group have between 25 a 64 añare old and represent the 86.69 % del total informó the DGAC in a statement published some time agoás.

Let's review the Law that establishes this benefit:

the elderly (65 añaxis o más) and the disabled are entitled to a fifty percent discount (50%) on all freight rates.

With this base we can expand the informationón so that they can make use of this 50% discount established by artíass 55 of the Aviation Lawón Civil.

¿Sober thaté rate discount applies?

This reductionón is applied on the tarifa neta established by operatorséprisoners, who report their rate schedule to the Directorate month by monthón General of Aviationón Civil.

¿CóHow can you access the discount??

The beneficiary mustá getting closer directly to the office O point of sale from the airínea to be able to buy the discounted ticket by presenting your cécitizen dulaífor senior citizens and meaté from CONADIS for disabilities.

¿Have you ever applied the senior citizen rate?? Cuéntame qué This was the experience and how beneficial it was.ó in the final price.

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59 comments on “Discount tickets for people with disabilities and the elderly”

  1. Julio César Sánchez

    Hello Nicolas Larenas, congratulations for your publication, the information you provide us is very helpful. I have a question, I can buy round-trip tickets for myself and my family members with my senior citizen ID card and receive the discount on the 50%. Thanks for your answer

  2. Good Morning. I am an older adult, from 72 years, and I want to travel in May from Quito to Jerusalem, then to Alicante, Miami and return to Quito. How and when the discount is applied 50%? Thanks for your reply.

  3. hello, thank you very much for helping with the information, I wanted to ask you if the discount applies to flying from Ecuador to Argentina?

  4. Good evening,with a disability of 50% but which does not fall within the disabilities listed,I am entitled to an airline discount?if so how much?Thank you

  5. Maria Luisa Brevi

    Hello there, I have 67 years old and would like to buy a round trip ticket to Italy. The discount for the elderly is applied in the same way in all airlines and is always 50%? Thanks a lot

  6. Hello, good morning. I have a question. Do people with disabilities pay for luggage?? and at the GUAYAQUIL airport there is also this airline? Thank you for helping us with the doubts BLESSINGS

    1. Through the page you can do it, there is a box that is checked and enables the search and purchase of tickets with the disability discount. At the time of generating the purchase, you will be asked to upload your scanned identity card to the system, as well as the disability card that must be valid or the new card where this condition is indicated., I traveled to Mexico through this page and it is ultra safe and reliable.

  7. Hi Nicolas, I am very pleased to see your dedication to solving our travel doubts, very grateful for it.

    I have 2 queries: I have my parents who are of legal age, we plan to take a family trip to Medellin by Avianca, What would be the type of discount they would receive and clearly we would go to the offices to receive the corresponding discount.

    Second consultation I have a baby under 2 years what would be the cost a normal rate or would she also have a discount.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help, many successes

    1. Hi Nicolas, a taste. The discount for your elderly parents is the one indicated here 50% of the fee (without counting fees and taxes). About the discount for minors, should be reviewed, it is not a fixed value and it changes according to the route and conditions of saddle or not saddle, so I recommend you check directly with the airline.

  8. rooster recalde

    Hi Nicolas, I have some doubts that I hope you can solve for me, the first, to buy with the senior discount, This person must be present or it is enough to bring their ID; and the second question is if there is a JetBlue office in Quito, since I can't find any information about an office of this airline, and as a last doubt, Does this only apply on trips to and from Ecuador or on any flight? because I would like to buy a flight within the US with the senior citizen discount for my dad at the American Airlines office. Thank you very much in advance

    1. hello gallo, effectively, the person must be present for the purchase as directed by the airlines. About JetBlue, Its sales office works at the Quito airport hours before the flight departs, which is at night.. For domestic flights in the United States the discount does not apply, It would only be if the flight is, for example, Quito – Miami – Chicago.

      1. rooster recalde

        Thank you very much for the information Nicholas., I'll keep it in mind.
        A return flight would also apply? For example Miami – Quito

        1. You should buy the Quito ticket – Miami – Quito in a single reservation. If you want to buy Miami – Quito and you are in the United States, You will not have a discount since this is by Ecuadorian law and applies only in our territory.

          1. rooster recalde

            Of course I understand, is that my idea is to buy one way to Chicago and then move within the US to return through Miami, so that was my question, I would still buy it from Ecuador.

            1. The discount is for domestic flights in Ecuador and for international flights from the country. For domestic flights in other countries does not apply, unless those countries have their own discounts and apply them to foreigners.

  9. Hi Nicolas! A year ago KLM offered a discount by law for a girl of 15 years. Today I can't find any reference to that, not even on the internet. you know about that? Discount for minors?

    1. Hello Oscar, I had not heard of discounts for children under 15 years, I know that for minors 3 years a differentiated rate is applied, but in any case, these must be purchased directly at the airline office with the passenger present.

  10. Bonjour, My 73-year-old husband has a mobility inclusion card (Priority) (in question a polyarthritis deformans extremely painful on a daily basis), he cannot travel in economy class because of his pain. Can he benefit from reduction in business in your opinion ? I thought I saw that Turkisch Airlines was doing 20 at 25 % reduction in case of disability.
    But I don't know where to turn to get reliable information.. Thanks in advance

  11. Good Morning, I would like to buy a ticket for my mom, who is elderly, if the airline does not have a physical point of sale, it's only online, for example wingo, iberia, how to apply the discount

  12. Hello my name is Luis and I would like to know if I can purchase discounted flights for the disabled from London to Quito Ecuador I have a mobility disability and I have 61 years thank you

  13. I am going to travel from Quito to
    valencia Spain. I have 70 years it is possible to discount the 50 any airline???? Thanks

  14. It is necessary to expand your good article indicating:
    1. The discount is on ALL the rates that the airline "markets" in Ecuador. That means promotions, regular, economy or business class, etc
    2. Non-compliance by the airline carries heavy fines and recidivism until the loss of the operating permit
    It is important to emphasize that this rule is expressly established in a resolution of the CNAC with the character of law and is the same in the resolution that is issued with each operating permit.

  15. Nicholas, nice to greet you friend, I tell you that on June 29 I traveled to Fort Lauderdale in Spirit and the lady who sells the tickets at the counter of the Spirit offices in the CC Aventura Plaza in Guayaquil, Ecuador, He told me that the airline did not apply that rate because it was Low Cost or low cost, I would like to know your opinion about it if that answer is valid or not and why, Thank you.

  16. Good afternoon, regarding the discount on airfares for both elderly and disabled people, they always apply to the highest rate and never to the lowest and should also be applied to the low rates.

      1. good afternoon Nicolás my mother is elderly we live in Quito but we are foreigners. The senior discount applies to only nationals or foreigners as well???

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