¿You can stopover at Schengen area without having one visa on 2025? Today I answer this comúA question for travelers to this area, but in connectionón fuera de Europa.
This is not the first time I have been asked this question and I have it.ípending writing. The need or love to travel takes us to very distant destinations, where we will generally need to perform a scale in connectionón to reach our final destination.
In this búmany travelers are forced toón, so to speakí, to make a stop at Unión European within its so-called Schengen Zone, where several nationalities such as the Ecuadorian, require a visa to get into conditionón of tourism.
¿You can make a stopover in Europe Schengen area in connectionón hacia fuera o dentro de Europa?
Answering the question that originates this post, the answer fácyl is, sí It can, but you must take into account the following factors so that you do not have problems y puedas perder todo tu viaje:
- You can make a connectionón his visa at the Universityón European or Schengen area as long as your next point of the trip is a countryís outside this space without leaving the traffic zoneáinternational site:
- flight example 1: Guayaquil – Madrid – Doha
- flight example 2: Quito – Bogotaá – Amsterdam – istanbul
- If your next point is within the Schengen area, but with final destination another countryís outside this zone, dutyás process a short-stay or tourist visa:
- flight example 1: Guayaquil – Panamá – Paris – Roma – Egypt
- flight example 2: Quito – Lima – Madrid – Paris – Muskú
- If when making a stopover in the Schengen area you must leave the travel zoneáinternational airport, for example to remove a suitcase from the hold and check it again at another airlineínea, dutyás obtain a short-stay or tourist visa
- If your next point is within the Schengen area, you mustás process a short-stay tourist visa.
¿Whaté What happens if I change Aerosol?ínea when having different reservations?
In this case, the first aerosolínea que te chequea podría negar tu embarque, dado que esta aerolínea es la responsable en revisar tus documentos y al no tener control sobre toda la reserva tiene la potestad de no permitirte el embarque:
- flight example: Guayaquil – Ámsterdam en KLM y después change of aerosolínea no socia de la primera o en otra reserva para volar de Amsterdam a Estambul con Pegasus.
Así que si este es tu caso y para evitar problemas, te recomiendo tramitar una visa de corta estancia de turismo en tu punto de llegada a Europa.
I have a suitcase checked with an airlineínea, but I have to pick it up to send it with another airlineínea, ¿I can do it?
- Sí, but dutyás process a short-stay or tourist visa to be able to enter the Schengen area to pick up the suitcase and check it again at the new airportínea.
¿Whaté paíThey are part of the Schengen area?
Son 26 paíyou países the Schengen States:
- Germany
- Austria
- Bélogic
- Bulgaria
- RepúCzech war
- Denmark
- Slovenia
- Slovakia
- España
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Greece
- Hungría
- Iceland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Norway
- Paílow ses
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Sweden
- Switzerland
¿There is a visa only to do workáairport site?
Sí, but this is requiredófor the following nationalities:
- From Afghanistanán
- Bangladesh
- Cuba (some paíSchengen countries request, consult specific caseífico)
- República Democrática of the congo
- Eritrea
- Ethiopiaía
- Ghana
- Andán
- Irak
- Nigeria
- From the packán
- Somalia
- Sri Lanka
As we can see, connection can be madeón in tráAirport route by airports in the Schengen area, but we must be attentive to each of the conditions hereí described.
¿Have you ever stopped at the Unión European? Cuétell me your experience in the comments.
Voy saliendo de dubai para Venezuela y hago escala en Budapest Milán y Madrid , debo retirar maleta en butapest y Milán y de Madrid a Venezuela es otra aerolínea , pero yo fui deportada de Suecia hace 2 años y medio y no se si puedo entrar a Europa para hacer escala
Yo diría que no puedes ingresar a la Unión Europea, pero tal vez si explicas que solo estás de tránsito no tengas problemas, but I see it difficult. Tell me how it's going.
Pero solo iría de escala ya que voy a mi país , para salir del aeropuerto de budapest debo pasar migración y es cuando se dan cuenta que no puedo estar allí , entonces dime porque no podría hacer escala , si no estoy haciendo migración
Pero dijiste que tendrías que retirar el equipaje en cada escala, para hacerlo, debes pasar por migración pues. No hay forma de retirar tu equipaje y volver a darlo a la siguiente aerolínea sin pasar por migración. Si pasas migración, sabes lo que pasará si es que hay una alerta con tus datos.
Hi Nicolas, quería cosultarte si necesito visa Schengen si tengo un boleto comprado en LATAM pero operado por Iberia con la siguiente ruta: Guayaquil – Lima – Madrid – Londres y de regreso es viceversa. Thank you very much for your answer
Hola Segundo, sí todo está dentro de una misma reserva y no debes retirar equipaje para volver a entregarlo, you shouldn't have any problems.
Hello there , I have a doubt , si salgo de Estambul con Turkish airlines Al terminal 1 y salgo con Air Europa en Madrid Barajas del mismo terminal 1 a Ecuador , sin tener que facturar maleta,solo voy con la de mano ,.debo sacar una visa ?
Hola Gregorio, la teoría dice que no necesitas visa, pero asegúrate de que tu vuelo esté todo dentro de la misma reserva para mayor tranquilidad.
Good morning, I have a question, deseo hacer un viaje a Egipto, necesito visa shengen de transito para viajar a Egito ya que tengo una escala en Madrid
Hola Katherine, revisa los requisitos y recomendaciones que pongo en esta publicación, lo básico es que tengas todo el viaje en la misma reserva y no debas retirar equipaje chequeado en Madrid.
Hello good, queria preguntar si yo soy de Marruecos y quiero ir a Estambul pero hago escala en Barcelona o Madrid puedo o necesito visado. Me habian comentado que si llevo maleta si necesito visado pero si solo llevo equipaje de mano puedo entrar sin visado. Lo que no se, es que cuando yo baje del avion y vaya a coger el siguiente vuelo hacia donde me tengo que dirigir, I explain, hay algun lugar donde deben ir las personas que no tienen visado o voy con las personas hacia el lugar donde tengo que coger el siguiente vuelo
Hi Sara, para no necesitar visa deberás volar en una misma reserva y aerolínea, asegúrate que si llevas maleta de bodega esta vaya chequeada hasta tu destino final. Sobre la segunda inquietud, cuando bajes del avión, debes seguir las instrucciones para dirigirte a la zona de conexión internacional o la puerta de embarque que indique las pantallas. Have a good trip.
A query: Mi esposo tiene residencia española vigente, su renovación la hizo hace tres años, pero reside en Ecuador. Ahora quiere viajar a España… tendrá algún inconveniente para poder ingresar porque tiene escala en Ámsterdam.
No debería tener ningún problema mientras tenga todos sus documentos al día.
Query… Soy de Chile viajo a Madrid unos días, luego Atenas y Estambul. El vuelo de vuelta a Madrid hace escala 2 horas en Varsovia. ¿Se necesita algún tipo de visado??
hi Cesar, ciudadanos chilenos no requieren de visa para ingresar a zona Schengen.
Hi Nicolas. Me gustaria hacer una pregunta por alguna duda. Soy de nacionalidad Cubana. Tengo vuelo por una misma aerolinea desde el Cairo a la Habana , Con escala de 13 h aproximada en Milan .
My Doubt is : no necesito visa para esa escala ?
Hello there, según los registros, cubanos sí requieren visa para hacer escala en algunos países Schengen, te recomiendo preguntar en el consulado más cercano.
Thanks for your reply. Según cuando compre boletos no requiero visa para seguir viaje a mi país cuba. Ya que es un billete completo y solo será una escala de 13 hora en Milán Malpensa. Por la misma aerolínea sin cambio a otra. Ahora me crea la duda. Si me pudiera ayudar. Thanks in advance
Hola Yan, as I told you, te recomiendo preguntar en el consulado más cercano para tu seguridad, según la información pública, ciudadanos de Cuba necesitan visa en algunos países para hacer escala en zona Schengen, por esto mi recomendación.
List. Thank you very much. Eso haré
Hello Nicolas. Je vis à Istanbul je suis de nationalité camerounaise et j’y vais aussi avec mes deux enfants de nationalité turcs mais ils ont la double nationalité c’est à dire les enfants possèdent également chacun un passeport camerounais. Donc comme je suis exempté de visas pour 90 jours avec mon passeport Camerounais j’aimerais allez un peu de vaccin en grenade et j’ai un permis de séjour turc bien-sûr. Nous devons voyagé de Istanbul à Grenade mon vol doit faire escale à Barcelone pour 8 heures de temps. Et Continué avec une autre compagnie vers la Grenade. Avons nous besoin d’un visas transit ? Mais sur les réservations de vols ce n’est pas mentionnée besoin d’un visas transit pour l’escale à Barcelone. J’aimerais savoir avant de prendre mon billet merci de me répondre.
Hello, if you have a passport that allows you to enter the Schengen area for 90 days, you do not need a transit visa.
Hi Nicolas, I have a question.
Tengo una conexión en Madrid de 10 horas y quiero conocer la ciudad, tengo que pasar migración para salir de la sala de conexión?
I'm from Ecuador, best regards
hi Cesar, Yes, debes pasar migración y en ese caso necesitas visa.
Hi Nicolas, I am Ecuadorian, vivo en The UK, voy a viajar a Ecuador por vacaciones por un mes pero hare escala en España por una hora y media pero no tengo visa Schengen, voy a tener algun problema cuando vaya y cuando regrese de mis vacaciones. Porfavor te agradeceria mucho si me ayudaras con la información.
Hello Santiago, mientras no salgas de la zona de conexión internacional como por ejemplo a retirar equipaje y volver a entregarlo, todo bien sin visa.
Hola nicolas soy de perú y hare una escala de 8 horas en madrid con cambio de terminal . Debo volver hacer check in . Necesito algun visado?
Hol Ivonne, ciudadanos peruanos no necesitan visa para entrar a Europa-
Hello there, soy peruana y Viajere a Noruega, mi escala es en Paris (I won't leave the airport) , necesito algún tipo de visa?
Hi Patricia, ninguna visa, ciudadanos peruanos no necesitan visa para entrar a espacio Schengen.
Hola nicolas soy de perú y hare una escala de 8 horas en madrid con cambio de terminal . Debo volver hacer check in . Necesito algun visado?
Hola Ivonne, los viajeros del Perú no necesitan visa para ingresar al espacio Schengen, buen viaje.
Si viajo Desde República dominicana y de I cambiar de terminal 4 to 1 y debo recomer mis maletas debo solicitar una visa
Si debes recoger maletas y volver a entregarlas a la misma u otra aerolínea, si necesitas visa.
Hello there! Sorry, tengo una consulta a ver si entendí bien el artículo:
Si yo quiero hacer un viaje, Let's say, de Venezuela a Tailandia, y mi opción más económica es comprar boletos desde Venezuela a España (Madrid) y desde Madrid hasta Bangkok, ¿al ser con aerolíneas diferentes (pero que parten del mismo aeropuerto) necesito una visa de tránsito para hacer el cambio en España?
Gracias por tu tiempo y por el artículo.
Hola Stephany, una consult, ¿eres venezolana tal vez?
Hola puedo viajar milano nicaragua con escala madrid panamà.soy cubano sin visa en italia.
Entiendo que no estás legal en Italia?
Hello there, viajo con KLM a Japón y tengo una escala en Ámsterdam, necesitaría una visa de algún tipo al llegar a Ámsterdam?
Hello there! Mientras tu vuelo sea en una sola reserva y no debas retirar tu equipaje, you don't need a visa.
Tengo visa de turismo a España múltiple entrada y tengo un vuelo de escala en zona Schengen Guayaquil- Ámsterdam-paris- Sevilla- Madrid no ahí problemas con permisos mi visa es Schengen con destino principal a España
Hello there, al ser de múltiples entradas tu visa, You have no problems.
Hello there! Soy chilena y viajo a Egipto en Noviembre por turismo, I have a scale 12 hours in paris. Puedo salir del aeropuerto en Paris para conocer la ciudad? Necesito algún documento para entrar y salir del aeropuerto? Thanks
Hello there, al ser chilena no necesitas nada especial para salir más que mostrar tu reserva de vuelo con la continuación de tu viaje.
Hi Nicolas, soy ecuatoriana y estoy viviendo en Chile. Voy de vacaciones a Paises Bajos y solicité la visa con entradas múltiples. Hace dos días me entregaron la visa pero con una única entrada. El punto es que llegó a Amterdam por la mañana a las 9:00 (vuelo de KLM) y ese mismo día a las 18:00 salgo para Turquía, el viaje a Turquía son 6 días y después regresar a Amterdam a terminar mis vacaciones y porque mi vuelo de regreso es Ámsterdam – Santiago.
Ya había comprado los vuelos a Turquía con Turkishairlines, pero con el tipo de visa solo puedo entrar una vez a territorio Schengen. Si no salgo del aeropuerto internacional y tomo el vuelo a Turquía, después me dejan ingresar sin problema a países bajos?
Estoy algo preocupada y quiero saber si es mejor cambia mi pasaje inicial de KLM y que la Ruta sea Santiago-Amsterdam-Estambul, y saber que no tendré problemas en el aeropuerto de Amterdam en la escala que hago y después para ingresar a Países Bajos para el resto de mis vacaciones.
Tu ayuda por favor
Hello there, mientras no pases por migración, no contará el ingreso a zona Schengen, importante que en la idea tengas todo el vuelo dentro de una misma reserva y no debas retirar equipaje en la conexión.
Hi Nicolas, soy ecuatoriano y viajo desde Quito a Istambul (Turquía no solicita visa) con escala en Amsterdam, llevo maleta de mano. El punto es que compré el vuelo con KLM y ellos mismo me vendieron la conexión con Pegasus (cambio de KLM a Pegasus en Amsterdam). Necesitaría visa?
hi eddy, si todo está dentro de una misma reserva, you shouldn't have a problem, todo sujeto a verificación y análisis de la aerolínea al momento del check-in.
Hola nicolas.. voy a reservar con KLM la ruta es johannesburgo-amsterdam-surinam, solo llevo equipaje de mano hago transferencia en amsterdam donde debo estar aproximadamente 20 hours, no salgo de la zona de transito internacional, todo el viaje lo hago con la misma aerolinea, quisiera saber si necesito una visa de transito, I am cuban
Hello Jorge, si todo el viaje está dentro de una misma reserva y aerolínea, puedes hacerlo mientras no salgas de la zona internacional de tránsito, al menos que la aerolínea considere alguna información adicional que pueda requerirte visa.
Hi Nicolas, estoy pensando en reservar com KLM un viaje a Japón, el problema es que no se si necesitaré alguna visa, pero para estar seguro preguntaré. La ruta que me da KLM es Gye- Amnsterdan – Shangai (pudong Areopuerto internacional) Aereolina «China Eastern» – Japan. Todo en una misma reserva dada por KLM.
El problema es que KLM me dice que
«Los pasajeros que viajen con escala en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Pudong (PVG) en Shanghái deberán recoger todo el equipaje, dirigirse a la planta de salidas y volver a realizar el check in.»
No se si entendí bien pero el chek in seria en Amsternadm- Shangai o Shangai Japón? De ser el primer caso requeriría visa 🤧.
Perdón por las molestias.
De lo que me dices, te comentan que en Pudong debes retirar el equipaje, no en Amsterdam, por lo que estarás bien.
Dear Nicholas
Quería confirmar si es que se puede hacer un cambio de aerolínea sin pasar por migración en el aeropuerto de Barcelona. Me comunique con el aeropuerto y me indicaron que debo hacerlo directamente con las aerolíneas involucradas. Las mismas son Turkish Airlines a Avianca para regresar a Ecuador. Mi nacionalidad es Ecuatoriana.
Los datos de los vuelos son los siguientes:
Turkish AirlinesTK 1467
10:00 – 12:40
AviancaAV 19
14:00 – 17:50
Hable con Avianca y me pidieron que me comunique con migraciones en España.
En la pagina web de Avianca existe la ruta mencionada sin embargo, si compro los boletos por separado el precio se reduce a la mitad.
Muchas gracias por tu respuesta y tu blog.
Hello Caroline, lo que debes revisar es que las aerolíneas operen en la misma terminal, eso lo puedes ver en la reserva del boleto, ahí se indica en cuál opera una u otra.
Hello there, tengo una consulta digamos que soy de nacionalidad ecuatoriana, y voy volando de Rusia a Latinoamerica. Mis vuelos son por partes tipo un boleto de Rusia a Turquía, otro de Turquía a España y de ahí de España a latinoamerica, y voy solo con maleta de mano. Tendría algún problema si tengo que hacer esa pequeña escala en Madrid? Necesitaría visa?
Hello there! Depende de la aerolínea al final del día, varios usuarios han indicado que han tenido problemas en Turquía para conectar en España hacia Latinoamérica, por lo que recomiendo volar todo dentro de una misma reserva.
Hello there, I am Ecuadorian, tengo un vuelo con latam, quito,bogota, madrid solo con maleta de mano y de ahi tomo un vuelo a turquia con Turkish Airlines, tendria algun inconveniente?
Hello Victor, de forma clara, deberías poder hacerlo sin problema mientras no cambies de terminal o debas pasar migración, yes indeed, la aerolínea podría hacerte problemas por no tener el vuelo dentro de una misma reserva con una sola aerolínea.
Good day,
Cumplí los 90 días en el espacio Schengen y volví a México.
Ahora planeo ir a Marruecos pero la escala es en Madrid, puedo hacer la escala ahí sin problemas?
Mientras sigas las recomendaciones aquí indicadas, deberías poder hacerlo sin problemas.
Hola buenos días y gracias por tu valiosa información. Quería comentarte mi caso ya que ni el consulado ni la aerolínea me dan respuesta.
Mi madre vendrá a visitarme a Suiza mi actual lugar de residencia. Su vuelo hace escala en Madrid. Le he hecho la carta de invitación que me exigen en Suiza pero en el consulado de España me dicen que pueden que le nieguen la entrada si sale de la Zona de tránsito internacional. Me dicen que si sale o no de esa zona me lo debe decir la aerolínea y la aerolínea me dice que es el consulado quien lo sabe. Así que estoy muy nerviosa porque nadie me da respuesta. Su vuelo viene de Bogotá Madrid Ginebra. Agradezco toda tu ayuda aclarándome este asunto. Te mando un cordial saludo y feliz dia
Hola Tremayna, la información te la da la aerolínea al momento que tu hagas la compra en la web, ahí cuando compras el boleto te dirán si hay cambio de terminal, cambio de avión o todos los detalles del viaje.
se compro por el pasaje completo por KIWI nos indicaron que el primer avion sale desde casablanca a Madrid con la aerolinea Iberia y desde Madrid a Bogota colombia con la aerolinea de avianca con el equipaje totalmente facturado, mi esposo tiene carta de invitacion y su pasaporte en regla, el fue al consulado de españa y le indicaron que no habia ningun problema, recibimos un correo del consulado de españa y nos dicen que si el equipaje esta totalmente facturado no habia ninguna clase de inconvente pero queremos estar seguros
Hello there, lo importante es que no cambie de terminal y no deba retirar el equipaje, esas son las reglas básicas.
Good day
My question is this, mi prometido es de nacionalidad Marroquin, yo compre su pasaje con facturacion de su pasaje de la siquiente manera ORIGEN: Marruecos Casablanca DESTINO Bogota Colombia con escala en MADRID, para abordar el avion que lo llevara a colombia requiere visa ? or NOT
Es una sola reserva? Debe retirar su equipaje en Madrid?
Hello there,
On a flight from Morocco to Madrid and from Madrid to Brazil, for instance, If it is not necessary to change terminals and I travel without checked luggage; I need transit visa?
In most cases you do not need a visa, but be careful, make the entire flight the same reservation.
Hola una amiga de nacionalidad Turca viene de Turquía- Madrid, luego Madrid Venezuela. tiene que tener visado de transito
Depends, cambia de aerolínea o debe retirar su equipaje?
Good morning Nicolás, please help me, I'm going from Ecuador to Moldova, I have two stopovers, one in Amsterdam.- BUCHAREST on the same airline I am going as a tourist to Moldova I need that visa help me xfa
Hello Daniel, as i read, From this year Romania becomes a country in the Schengen area, so if you make two stops within this territory, yes you need visa.
Dear Nicholas, thank you for all of your help, I had a new question, I have to travel to Rwanda soon, From Ecuador. The route is Quito-Amsterdam-Kigali (Rwanda). I do not have a Schengen visa, and it will not be possible for me to obtain it due to time. As I see on the ticket, I'll have to stay in Amsterdam for around 20 hours, There are VIP room options or even hotels in the international zone of the hotel where I can stay? The ideal would be to be able to stay in a hotel for that time., but not having to leave the international zone for any reason, not even for a suitcase or some control or something extra, since as I mentioned before, I don't have a Schengen visa.
Hello Gino, of course, In Amsterdam there are VIP rooms where you can enter with certain cards or paying a fee. About the hotel, I'm not sure, but I think there is one that allows you to stay without leaving the international zone.
thanks Nicholas, I tell you that I already contacted one of Schipol's internal hotels, It's the Mercure hotel, They told me that I don't need a visa to stay there.. I just have one final question that came up., and it is the one with the suitcases, I am going to do the entire trip with KLM, Baggage registration is valid until the final destination? or it will be necessary to register again at Schipol even if it is the same airline? What happens is that someone there told me that since I'm going to be a little more 20 hours, I would have to check the bags again even if it is the same airline, and that is a big problem, because to do that I have to leave the international zone, which would not be possible in my case.
Hello Gino, that depends on the reservation, if it is with the same airline, the 90% of the cases, checked until final destination. If in the event that you have to check the suitcase again you will need the visa.
good night Nicholas, thanks for all the valuable information, I am Ecuadorian and I am planning to take a trip to Rwanda soon, check the options and there are 2: Quito-Madrid-El Cario-Kigali (Rwanda) and Quito-Madrid-Doha (Qatar)-Kigali (Rwanda). In the first option I have to change airlines in Cairo, In the second option, the entire trip is with a single airline, although on different flights.. Based on what I read, and considering that I do not have a Schengen visa, I wouldn't even have time to process it, I think the second option is the best, since in the first option there is the possibility that the second airline will deny me passage, you would be right? On the other hand, If I travel with the second option, which is the best, being a single airline, There would not be the risk of having to leave the international space to see a suitcase or register it again at the Madrid airport, right?? Thank you very much for your help!
Hello Gino, Without a doubt, the best option is the one that is all under the same reservation and airline., At the time of making the reservation you have to make sure that this is the case and that your luggage is checked until the final destination. In any case, yes in Doha for example, you will have to remove the luggage, processing a visa in Qatar is much easier and faster, so it's better to do it with that option.
Hello there, I am from the Dominican Republic and I have a flight from Marrakech to Santo Domingo with 2 different airlines. The first doing 2 stopovers in Spain and the second from Madrid to Santo Domingo. Do I have to have a visa? When I came to Morocco they didn't make a problem but I only had a stopover in Spain.
If you have two scales, you need a visa. As you say, On the way there it was a stopover, you can do that without problems, but having two stopovers and two airlines, you need a visa.
Greetings… I have an urgent question .
I'm in Italy , but I have to return to my country with my son 2 years , his document is being updated, I can scale with the paper where the update date is?? I have a single stopover in Madrid of two hours , taking another plane with the same line to my country, Dominican Republic . Suitcases directly from Italy to the Dominican Republic, I have to apply for a transit visa for ?
Hi Vanessa, Being a minor the issue is more complex, I recommend you ask the airline or your nearest consulate.
The airline tells me that if I have all the documentation with me, there is no problem. , the child is declared only by me , I have absolute custody of him , I will go to Spain just for a stopover , As I told you, my suitcases from Italy go directly to the final destination REP. Dominican…
I don't see any major problems, It doesn't hurt to check with the Embassy just in case..
Thanks , he is declared only by me . I have absolute custody of the child , The airline tells me that they have no problem letting me get on the plane. , What would it be if they controlled in Madrid at the moment? , but I understand that since we are Dominicans they can't give me problems , since I'm going to my country . Suitcase will go directly to my country from Italy , In Spain I will only go to the terminal that corresponds to me to go to my country .
In this case, you shouldn't have any problems, It doesn't hurt to talk to the consulate.
Hello Nicolas,
I am of Moroccan nationality and I would like to do Casablanca – Madrid – Punta Cana with a 4-hour transit to Madrid even though I do not have a Schengen Visa. Do I have to go out to Madrid to collect the checked suitcases or can I continue and do my transit directly knowing that I am traveling with two different airlines
Health! You must review the reservation with the airline, it will let you know if you need to collect your luggage or if you can continue directly to the connecting flight area.
Hi Nicolas, a query: My girlfriend who has an Indonesian passport will make a stopover in Madrid in the following way: DOHA – MADRID – LIMA. In Madrid you must change airlines, you must remove your luggage and recheck. Both flights will be at terminal T4S. You will need a visa in this case? Thank you
Hi Adrian, It would be necessary to check if her nationality can enter Schengen without a visa, But if you would require a visa to do tourism for example, You must yes or yes have a visa to be able to leave, so be it to remove the luggage and check it again.
Hi thanks for the information, I wanted to ask for a ticket! I am of Moroccan nationality I have a Romanian residence card I am leaving from Bucharest to Zurich to Marrakech, the stopover is 14 hours with the same airline swiss air
I want to know if there is a number of hours that must not be exceeded during a stopover
to my knowledge, you can stay until 24 hours in transit
Hello there. I am a Colombian national, my trip is Bogotá, Madrid, amsterdam, Such. Upon arrival in Amsterdam I change airline from Iberia to KLM within the same reservation. Should I just check if I should pick up a suitcase between those flights??
Hello Julian, Colombians do not require a visa to enter the Schengen area, so you shouldn't worry about anything in particular.
j'ai un vol du casablanca vers Erevan et j'ai un escal en milan en italie sans changement d'avion
I am Moroccan
Do I need to have a transit visa?
Please follow the instructions published here.
Hi Nicoas, thank you for your answers
I am from Morocco and I am going to the United States with a stopover in Paris. I am traveling with the same airline and only one stopover
Hello there! As you can read in this post, then, unless your nationality is on the list, You do not need a visa as long as you meet the indicated requirements.
good morning Nicholas, I have read the article, thanks for the detailed information.
I have a concern, I will travel to Tokyo and make a connection in Spain without a visa since I will only carry hand luggage. I will use Iberia and in Spain I will change to Turkish Airlines in the article it says that in these cases I need to apply for a short visa, I am days away from the trip and this information took me by surprise.. In this case I must contact Turkish Airlines to ensure boarding ?
A question, airlines depart from different terminals? Do you have everything within the same reservation or are each flight separately?
Nicolás I tell you that I have the same situation., I'm going Bogotá – Madrid – Istanbul. I arrived in Madrid with Plus Ultra airlines and from Madrid to Istanbul with Iberia. Separate flights, but they come from the same terminal, I leave in less than 6 hours. You think there is no problem?
Hello jhon, you are colombian too?
Hello Nicolas, please travel to Bolivia from Türkiye with Milan connections ,Madrid with a stopover in Milano 11 hours I checked in and when I boarded they wouldn't let me now I can't leave the airport either. What I can do??guide me please
Hello paola, your situation is very complicated. What airport are you at and they won't let you leave??
Hello Nicolas, your help please.
I fly from Dubai on KLM to Amsterdam and then Barcelona and I have to change airlines to Avianca until Bogotá.
I need visa ?
Check the terminals and both companies are in the terminal 1
I pass immigration control to remove the suitcases ?
Hello Mario, There are two stops in the Schengen area., yes you need visa. What is your nationality?
Hi Nicolas, I am from Ecuador and I want to travel Quito – Madrid – Barcelona – Tel Aviv and the return would be the same route, For this case you would need a Schengen visa
Hello Jorge, as you can see in the directions, Yes, you need a visa if you make two stops in the Schengen area..
Hello, I am in Egypt for 2 months I have to go to the Dominican Republic, what stopover is good and safe for me to reach my destination, the Dominican Republic
Spain would be a good option, but check your own travel conditions and nationality.
Hello Nicolas, I am ONLY Moroccan I live in Morocco, I have to travel from Dakar to Kualalampur but I have to go through CDG for a 3-hour stopover with Air France, I don't have a residence permit, just my Moroccan passport, I don't have any checked baggage and my connection is at CDG for KUL, do I have to have a visa EVEN IF I DO NOT LEAVE THE INTERNATIONAL ZONE knowing that for KUL as a Moroccan we are exempt from a visa. thank you in advance Nicolas
Please follow the instructions shown in this post to know if you need a visa or not..
hello, And if, for example, I leave with Iberojet from Punta Cana RD, and the other airline is Pegasus Madrid-Cairo
There is a risk that the first one will not let you board because it is not certain that the other part of the flight will take place..
Bonjour! I have a flight leaving Senegal for Barcelona then Budapest finally Istanbul, will I need a visa?
Please follow the instructions on this page to know what to do and what is needed.
Bonjour , please I have a Romanian visa and no Shengen visa , I am a student in Romania I found a flight to Casablanca – Paris with a 1h30 stopover in Paris and then Paris – Bucharest and subsequently Bucharest – Iasi and what it does for me a dh well visa for the stopover in Paris ? Or I can go without a visa knowing that the entire flight is with the same company so I don't have to re-check my baggage in the hold ! Thank you
Please, just follow the instructions in this publication where the conditions are explained.
Hello, I need to take a visa-free flight with a stopover from Quito-Spain-Romania
Hello there! Of course, Check the publication where there are the details you need to know to be able to do it.
But if you are in Italy, are you legal?
Nicolas I am Ecuadorian, I have a flight from Quito to London but I have a stopover in Amsterdam , my flight is
Quito-Amsterdam-London , I won't leave the airport, and that's the whole route , everything with KLM
I need a transit visa for Amsterdam?
Hello Jessenia, if you read all the instructions mentioned here, you will not need a visa.
Hello Nicolas I am Nigerian I have a flight to Casablanca but I have a stopover in Amsterdam my flight is Amsterdam Suriname I will not leave the airport it is the whole route with KLM
I need a transit visa for Amsterdam ?
Please follow the instructions in this publication to know if you need a visa or not..
I am traveling from Dakar to Canada with a stopover in Lisbon.
The stopover being 12 hours, can I leave the airport to visit the city and come back afterwards ?
I do not have a transit visa and the entire flight is operated by TAP PORTUGAL.
I have a friend who could take me for a walk.
Thank you for helping me
You need a visa for that, unless your nationality allows you to enter the Schengen area without a visa.
Hello Nicolás, unfortunately I wanted to ask you if I am going from Morocco to Turkey and I make a stopover in Madrid Barajas but I have to stay there for one 10 O 12 hours and I have a hotel booked in Madrid will they let me leave the airport until my next flight or do I need a schengen visa to be able to leave the airport thank you and have a good day….
Hello there, to leave the airport you need a visa.
Good evening Nicolas , I am from Guinea Conacry I am traveling to Colombia all flights must necessarily make a stopover in Shengen territory for 1h15 to 12h do I need a transit visa if I do not leave the ZT airport that I 'would wait there for my next flight.
Hello please, Follow the instructions in this same publication or ask at the nearest consulate.
Good evening, how are you ? I have a flight to take from Dakar to Bolivia I have to make a 10 hour layover time in Madrid will I need a transit visa in Madrid. But I have an Ivorian passport
Your country is part of the list of those that need a visa? Also check whether or not you should remove luggage.
Hi Nicolas,I have a very big question and I would like you to help me if you can,My girlfriend is Dominican and we are going to the Philippines because she does not need a visa to enter there,can do Santo Domingo -Madrid – Doha – Manila? Or would I need a transit visa?, thanks and regards
Hi Javier, as long as you comply with the recommendations indicated here, shouldn't have any problems.
but there is something that I did not understand,about having the flights within the same reservation,what do you mean with that ? By the way, how difficult would it be to get that Schengen visa? ?
The same reservation would mean having all the sections of your flight on a single airline or with several airlines, but that they have an agreement between them, For example, if you have a flight from XXXX to XXXX with the reservation code 124455 and the other section with reservation code 34566 they would be different and you would have problems. About getting the visa, You must process it in the country of first entry into the Schengen area and it will depend on whether or not you meet the requirements of that country..
Hello Nicolas, I am of Congolese nationality I have a Canadian visa but with Air Maroc I have a Lisbon ticket and another ticket from another company for Canada. Do I have to have a transit visa in Lisbon??
Hello there, you must follow what is indicated in this publication, what I can recommend is to have the flight all within a single reservation, not separate flights.
good sir. Larenas.
I'm dominican, I have a connecting flight: Santo Domingo-Madrid, Timisoara Romania.
I would like to know if I need an airport transit visa to travel in the area and while I wait for my final destination flight?
Hola Bryan, You must follow the instructions in this publication to know your requirements. In general, you need all your flight to be in a single reservation.
hello nice day, I'm Chilean, was 84 days in the Schengen area as a tourist, After that I left and traveled to Türkiye as 1 month and a half. It turns out that now my final destination is Morocco, but I have a connecting car stopover in Milan, that is to say, I have to go through migrations, collect baggage and re-check in with another airline. Then to return to Chile I have to make a self-connection in the Schengen area, Do you think it has problems?, since I have not stayed out the 3 months in a row?
Hello Martina, Regrettably, I don't have an answer for this very specific question. I could recommend you consult with a European consulate near you.
Hi Nico! Nice to greet you I am Ecuadorian and I have a trip from Egypt to Quito all in one reservation. I do not have a Schengen visa. I want to know what will happen to my luggage and what stopover in Madrid. Flight from Egypt with egyptair and change in Madrid to Avianca. My problem is if I should pick up my luggage in Madrid and why do I have a change of terminal. Thanks in advance
Hello Alejandro, if you should pick up your luggage in Madrid and check it again, you must have a visa, if not and the reservation includes an agreement between those two airlines, You will not have to worry about your luggage or the visa.
Hello Nicolas, I will travel to Tokyo by doing Algiers-Beijing, Beijing-Tokyo, with two different companies, it says that I have to take the luggage and check in with the second company to go to Tokyo, is it necessary a chinese transit visa or not?
thanks in advance
If your nationality needs a visa to enter China, yes you need a visa since you must collect the luggage.
Health, I have the ordinary passport of Burkina Faso,
Do I need an airport transit visa to transit through Amsterdam in the Netherlands ??
Just read and follow the instructions on this publication.
Good Morning, I am Dominican. I am traveling from Punta Cana to Marrakech with a stopover in Madrid, I just go 10 days with hand luggage and the next flight is in the same terminal that I arrive at (They changed my first flight and now I have a 24-hour stopover). I understand that I do not need any visa but the comments that indicate if they are the same reservation make me doubt, in this case they are different reservations because there are no companies that do that itinerary.
Thanks a lot
Hello there, being separate reservations, you could be denied boarding by the airline if you do not have a visa.
Dear Nicholas, I have a scheduled flight Quito – Guayaquil – Amsterdam – seoul, all on the same airline (KLM) and with transit stopover in Amsterdam (change of plane), everything is covered by KLM in the same reservation and according to the airline I receive my checked bag in Seoul. In that sense, according to what was expressed in this post, I do not require a visa, right?. It should be noted that the return is on the same airline, with Seoul route – Amsterdam -Quito
This is Ricardo, You do not need a visa as long as you meet these conditions.
Hello there, my name is Luna, I'm from Argentina and I don't have a European passport. I spent a year in Norway with a working holiday visa. I ran out of 8 of August, therefore I had to leave the schengen zone, Now I am in Bulgaria and I want to go to a country outside the Schengen zone but my flight stopovers are in two countries in the Shengen zone. My question is: if I don't leave the airport, Can I make these stopovers in the Schengen area since I have not been the 3 corresponding months outside the schengen area? taking into account that I left the schengen zone for just one month
The basic rule is only a stopover in the Schengen Zone without a visa, more than one scale, you need a visa.
Hi Nicolas, can you help me with this question, I'm Peruvian, I traveled from Lima to Paris after a stopover in Madrid from 3 hours, with different airlines and different reservations, only carrying a carry-on bag. The flight from Lima arrives at the terminal 4 in ultraplus and I leave in iberia in the terminal 4, my query: I have to go through immigration at the Barajas airport, that is to say go out, and return to the iberia counter ?? Thank you for your attention and excuse the ignorance in these procedures
Hello Thomas, a pleasure. in papers, You do not need to migrate in Madrid and you would only have to connect with your next flight when both leave the same terminal.
Hello there! I have a flight from Panama to Madrid and from Madrid to Tel Aviv all with Iberia, but i have only 90 layover minutes, I have to go through some control when I get off in Madrid or I go directly out of one door and go to the other? I'm afraid that I don't have the time. Thank you very much!
Hello there, yes it's a tight time, but you should be able to make it, check your reservation if the next flight leaves from the same terminal you arrive at.
If you leave from the same terminal, it is not necessary to pass control at the Barajas airport or migrations ????
You must collect your baggage and re-check it with another airline?
Hello there, I have a reservation from Guayaquil- Bogota with Avianca and Bogota – Madrid with Iberia (all in one reservation) arriving at the T4S terminal in Madrid, Due to time constraints and lack of appointments, we were unable to obtain the Schengen visa on time and we need to make another reservation for another flight that departs from the same terminal and connects to Istanbul or Cairo, which does not require a visa for Ecuadorians., can you do this? or we must request a change of destination to the initial reservation? I appreciate your help and support
Hello there, It must all be in the same reservation so that you do not have problems making a stopover in Schengen without a visa.
I am of Moroccan nationality with residence card in Canada.
I want to take a Casablanca/Lisbon/Ponta Delgada/Montreal flight .
I don't have a schengen visa.
all flights are operated by Azores airlines.
is it possible to take this flight ?
Thank you.
You will need a visa, you have two stops on the Schengen area.
hello I am Guinean I have a Guatemala visa. I took a Casablanca ticket- Guatemala, I have to make a stopover 14 h in Madrid with Iberia before continuing is this possible knowing that I don't have a Spanish visa..
Bonjour, you can make this stopover without a visa provided you do not change terminals and do not have to leave the airport to collect your luggage.
hello good, I'm from Argentina and I just came back from Italy where I was 90 days as a tourist. for 90 days in theory I could not enter again. but I want to travel to Ireland for a study visa, and I have to make a stopover in Madrid. As I do? can they deny me entry? I have to do migrations if I'm in connection waiting for another flight? Thank you!
You would be traveling with another type of visa, in this case study, you shouldn't have any problems.
Hi Nicolas, I have a BOGMAD flight with Avianca but I transit without a visa since my final destination is TeLaviv in Israel that same day with Iberia, would have some kind of problem? Stay tuned
Hi Jonathan, If you follow the recommendations and details that you must take into account to be able to do it without a visa, you will not have any problems.
Hi Nico, I have a question. I want to travel to Ecuador. i am living in doha. My question is the following, I travel from here Doha to Tel Aviv with Pegasus, then from Tel Aviv to Panama with Iberia and I make a stopover in Madrid from 7 hours. The baggage pass is covered by Iberia, so I don't need to check my suitcase again and I don't have to go through immigration, transit only. My Doubt is, Can I cancel my Iberia flight because I don't have a visa?, despite the fact that I am only going to make international transit in Madrid and Iberia covers that? I have an Ecuadorian passport
Hi Luis, there is always a chance that the airline will deny boarding, but if the entire flight from Tel Aviv is in a single reservation with Iberia, shouldn't happen, since as you say, is covered by the same airline.
hello, I am traveling on Pegasus airline from Istanbul to Quito, with connection in Amsterdam, from there I travel in Klm, I need to have the Shengen visa???
Hello there, it is all within the same reserve?
If I travel to Istanbul and my layover is in Barcelona (I am Ecuadorian), do i need some kind of visa or not? Thanks.
hi eddy, what do you need, You just have to comply with what is indicated here.
hello i need guidance,I have a flight from Chile – Sweden. I make a stopover in Canada and then in Denmark to the final destination in Stockholm, I only have 55 minutes to board. My question is if I should check the suitcase ? again or arrive at final destination ,I don't want to miss the flight ( flight operated by Air Canada then airline change by scandinavian operated by air Canada) Thank you
hello pauli, it depends. Your trip is all within the same reservation or they are separate reservations?
Hello I am going to Morocco from Algeria and there is no direct flight so I have to go through France and I do not have a Schengen visa
But I have an Algiers ticket / Paris / Casablanca with Air France so I just have a stopover from 3 hours
My question would I need a visa ?
I am of Algerian nationality
Thank you
Just follow the instructions on this publication.
is it possible to go to amisterdams without a transit stopover
If you follow what I say in this publication, yes you can.
If I have to change my terminal, it means leaving the international connection area? Would this be the Schengen visa? Is there any chance they can deny me? I would appreciate it if you could help me with a guide to apply for this visa, please..
Depends, every airport is different, some connect terminals to each other and do not perform migration. The visa should not be denied if you meet the requirements.
Hello there.
I am of Turkish nationality and I want to travel to Peru but with a stopover in Madrid, since there are no direct flights. I would like to know if I need some type of visa since my scale will be a maximum of 6 hours at the airport, What will it take me to go through immigration in Spain to be able to board my next flight?.
Hello there, you must leave the international connection zone? If so and you must carry out entry migration to Europe, you will need a visa.
I'm Khadija Khouldi, Moroccan, I have a ticket from Morocco to Yerevan Armenia, I take the stairs at Malpensa 7 ore
Please follow the instructions in this post..
Hello there, I am Ecuadorian and I have a return flight, from Quito-Ecuador to Istanbul Türkiye (purchased with a single reservation AVIANCA-TURKISH AIRLINES).
No visa is required for Ecuadorians to enter Turkey.
On the way out, the scale is in Bogotá and then directly to Istanbul, so there is no documentation problem.
The return is Istanbul – Madrid – Bogota – Quito. The stopover in Madrid is 7 hours and I understand that once there, I would not need a Schengen visa or an airport transit visa as long as I make sure that I do not have to go out to pick up luggage outside the international area and I have my boarding pass that I will manage online.
The query I have is; Will they require a visa in Türkiye to let me board the Istanbul route plane? – Madrid?
I should even clarify that I saw that people who have a valid US visa are exempt from getting a transit visa in the Schengen area and in my case I do have a valid US visa.
Beforehand, Thank you for the help that you may be able to provide
Hola Christian, reviewing your case, you shouldn't have any problem about it on the return, since it is only a connection within the same itinerary.
Hello, good day. I have a return flight from Istanbul/Guayaquil.. on turkish airline. but with transit of 4 hours in Madrid. coming T 1 and leaving through T4 s on Avianca airlines to Ecuador. Since the suitcases are going, I will say the destination from Istanbul to Guayaquil , I need a transit visa. It is a single Turkish flight shared with Avianca.
If everything is under the same reservation and the terminals have a connection area without migrating, you don't need a visa.
Hello Nicolas
my next trip with IBERIA casa /RIO DE JENEIRO with a stopover in Madrid as there is no direct flight, and I do not have a Schengen visa will I have problems boarding
Hola Khaled, as long as you follow the instructions on this page, you shouldn't have any problems.
Good afternoon, I have a flight with KLM with a stopover at Schipol airport.- Amsterdam final destination Germany I need to process a visa I am Peruvian all the flight is operated by KLM
Hello there, as I understand, Peruvians do not require a visa to enter the European Union.
Hello Goodnight, I have a question maybe you can help me, Soon we plan to travel with my husband to Istanbul from Guayaquil but we have two stopovers in Bogotá and Madrid. My husband is Turkish and I am Ecuadorian. We need a transit visa for the stopover in Madrid.? I would appreciate it for the information.
Hola Lisbeth, if you follow the instructions in this same post, you will have the answer.
Hello I hope you can answer me I have a flight I am in Turkey Istanbul and I want to return to Bolivia I am Bolivian I have a trip with a stopover in Istanbul- With a stopover in Amsterdam my final destination is Brazil Rio de Janeiro. I need a visa to enter Amsterdam will they let me board
Hi Carlos, if you follow the instructions I give in this post, you will have the answer.
hello I would like to know if with a shengen visa given by the Italian embassy ,I can get a ticket to Spain and stay a month in Spain, Thank you
How long is your visa?
I am a Mexican Resident, I have my FM3, here supposedly I understand that if I only have a connection in the Schengen zone if it can. In my case it would only be France both round trip, I hope that if I can travel being Ecuadorian with Mexican residence since my flight would be Mexico-France-Shanghai.
As long as you comply with what is indicated here as the same airline, checked baggage to final destination, etc, you should be fine.
Hello there, my question is that I have a flight with final destination Asia, but the flight is Mexico, layover in France 5 hours and then Asia. I am Ecuadorian and I would like to know if I will not have problems if I do not have a transit visa.
Do you have a visa to go through Mexico first of all??
Hello Nicolas I am Senegalese I am traveling to Nicaragua I have a 5 hour stopover in bogata I need a transit visa for dovecote oubien
Ask the Colombian embassy for more information.
I am Senegalese too brother I have a friend with the same problem
Good luck.
Hi Nicolas, I have a flight from Santo Domingo that stops in Madrid and then in Istanbul and my final destination is Singapore, I need a visa to be able to make these stopovers?
Hi Alex, The stopover in Madrid is no problem as long as you comply with what I indicate in this same publication and take into account the recommendations. On the stopover in Istanbul it is already outside the Schengen area, you would have to find out.
Hi, I hope you can answer me., i'm in manila, and i want to fly back to el salvador ( my country) is it ok if my flight was klm from manila to bogota( with a stopover in amsterdam) and then another flight to San Salvador with Avianca, Do you think it would be a problem?.
Hello there, as long as you have your travel documents up to date, I see no problem and review all the conditions that I detail in this same publication.
Hello Nicolas I hope I can receive an answer from you. I am an Ecuadorian residing in Mexico and I want to make a trip with a stopover in Paris and final destination outside the Schengen zone. Can I travel without a visa?? Since the connection is only a couple of hours. Thanks for your answer.
hi willy, If you follow the instructions in this publication you will understand what you need to comply with.
Hi Nicolas, a pleasure to greet, I am from Ecuador and I want to travel to Egypt but the scale goes through Morocco, can i go in transit, his visa? thanks for your help
Hello there, on which route do you arrive in Morocco? The problem is that it is not Schengen.
Josue, estoy en una situación similar. También soy salvadoreño. Podría contactarte por correo o telefono. Necesito ayuda. Responde a este comentario, please
Hello, I have a Gambian passport and it allows me to go to Belize, the country which is not far from Mexico, can I go there in the Senghen area and in America without their visa because I checked the ticket but the stopover is senghen space and America
You need to have the in the same reservation code all your flights. Ask at the local consulate for more information.
Hi Nicolas. the lufthansa company has refused to bill me today. because my ticket said. malabo_frankfurt-munich-barcelona which is my final destination. I have a multiple entry visa 365 days. They tell me that I cannot make scales from two Schengeng airports. I have to be a resident .
Hello Josephine, If you have a tourist visa for your final destination within Schengen, under no circumstances should you have been denied boarding.
I don't know what is happening in Europe, sometimes you are denied boarding, I know someone with an Algerian passport who had a flight from Doha – Madrid – Guayaquil. The stopover in Madrid 6 hours. His return was Quito – Madrid – Doha (scale of 5 hours in Madrid) having travel insurance, hotel reservation. They didn't let him board, your flight had a single reservation with Qatar Airways operated with Iberia (the flight to Ecuador)
Has no sense, even more so if the entire flight was within the same reservation.
Hi Nicolas,
I have a trip to Barcelona from Guayaquil Ecuador, I have a Schegen visa from Spain but my flight has a layover of 2 hours in paris, I can scale 2 hours in Paris without the need for a special visa?
You can scale it without problem.
Hi Nicolas , I have a question. I am Bolivian and I have a flight to Ireland. ,but for that I have to make scales , Spain , France or Amsterdam. in which I will make a connection, they will ask me for a visa or something? Of course I will do different airlines .
how many stops will you make?
of scales I have : Madrid , Paris and Amsterdam and my final destination would be Dublin Ireland.
You need a visa as explained in this post.
I have heard something about a transit visa is this? or what type of visa exactly ? Pardon my ignorance..
tourist visa. Here it is explained which countries can request a transit visa.
Hi Nicolas , one last question , I leave Bolivia , I pass through sao paolo brazil and make a stopover in amsterdan , where can i do the transit visa, in my consul or in the same terminus of the amsterdam airport? gracias..
This process is done at the consulate..
Hello, my husband is from Morocco, he has Argentine residence, he can make a stopover in Spain to come to Argentina or he needs a visa, he would travel through Iberia
Hello Valeria, if you read this post carefully you will find the answer.
Hello there, The post is very clear but to confirm. If I travel only with hand luggage then I completely stop worrying about the visa even if I travel with different airlines (if I go Guayaquil- Istanbul stopover Panama and return Istanbul – Guayaquil with a stopover in Madrid) I understand that I don't even have to go through migration in Madrid or Panama ? Thanks.
Hello there! You don't go through immigration, you only connect to the next flight, but make sure all flights leave from the same terminal or are interconnected terminals.
So I have a problem if I arrive in Madrid at the terminal 1 (Turkish Airlines), and then I have to take the flight in Avianca (Terminal 4) ??
It would be necessary to check if they are interconnected terminals and if your luggage is checked to the final destination.
Hi Nicholas, I have a question., although the post is very clear, I want to make sure since my nephew travels to Morocco for an exchange, in Iberia they offer the flight Quito Madrid – madrid casablanca; but it is with Iberia the first and with Air Maroc the second. If I book in iberia there is no problem with the checked bags as I understand it to be true?. Can you get me out of that doubt?. Thank you very much
Hi, Pablo, Thanks for your comment. If the flight with Air Maroc is within the same Iberia reservation and you should not collect the luggage and not deliver it again, no require visa, opposite case, Yes.
Hi Nicolas,my destination is egypt, but I am traveling from Cuba and my stopover is in Madrid for 2 hours and then I return the flight to Turkey and to my destination which is Egypt, to be the 2 hours in Madrid I need a visa?
Hello there, if you follow the instructions in this post, plus the list of countries that do need a visa, you will have the answer. Finally, Come to the consulate to clear up any additional doubts.
bonjour, I have a Malian passport, I leave Morocco for Senegal transiting through Portugal in the same company TAP, do i need a transit visa ??
If your flight is in one and only reservation code, you can transit in Portugal with out a visa, unless your nationality is required to.
Hello there
I am Ecuadorian returning from MNE my flight leaves from Pogdorica Gye, makes a stopover in Barcelona, Madrid Gye. My question is can I transit without a visa?. SINCE I DON'T HAVE A SCHENGEN VISA
Hello Sandra, as well explained here, if you make two or more stopovers in Schengen, you need a visa.
Hi Nicolás, I could fly from Cuba to Madrid and Madrid London, my final destination is London alone. 3 hours of stay I need a transit visa to 3 city o 2
Hola New, where do you stopover? what airline is it? You have a single reservation or several?
I still haven't made the reservation because I don't know if I can make a stopover in Madrid and continue to my final destination, which is London.. But I wanted to book with air Europa Havana Madrid. Madrid london. And on the way back do the same operation with air Europa. Why did they tell me that Air Europa flew from the same terminal? 1 a london. And they tell me that I have to change there is always the same with air Europa for london 2 O 3 pray for my next flight
Hello there, of power you can, but you should read the information in this post carefully.
To another question if I also book with iberojet santiago de cuba… Madrid and Madrid London with air clothing always under the same reservation, do I need a transit visa or not?. And upon return the same reservation London Madrid Madrid Santiago requires a transit visa
What is your nationality?
I leave Cuba and go to London but the stopover is in Madrid from 2 O 3 hours and I take the next flight to London you need the transit visa
Hola New, In this same publication you can read which countries need a transit visa.
Hi, how are you ?
I have a question, I hope you can help me solve it.. i am currently working in qatar and i am going to ecuador for my vacation in march, My flight leaves from Doha to Madrid with Qatar Airways and from there Madrid to Quito with Iberia (all under one booking reference) I need a short stay visa ?
Hello there! how can you read, if it's just a stopover and everything is under the same reservation, you do not require a visa.
Hello there, I have planned to travel to Japan for studies in the middle of the fortnight of March. Tickets have not been purchased yet, but I see that most of the flights have a stopover in Paris or Amsterdam, if they do not stop at both. Some flights make stopovers of more than 10 hours, while in others 5 hours approximately
EXAMPLE 1 : Lima a Amsterdam (operated by KLM- layover 5hrs), then to paris ( Operated by AIR FRANCE- scale 14 hrs) finally to japan (operated by AIR FRANCE)
EXAMPLE 2: Lima a Paris ( Operated by AIR FRANCE- scale 7 hrs) finally to japan (operated by AIR FRANCE)
EXAMPLE 3: Lima a Amsterdam ( Operated by KLM- escala 4hrs) finally to japan (operated by KLM)
. I would like to know if I have to get some type of visa or permit for the stopover, I'm not going to leave the airport, but if the scale is long I will have to stay in a hotel, which I believe that inside the airport there is also, but if to stay I need a visa from the country, I better not stay. I hope you can help me.
Hello there, as explained here, as long as you make a single stopover in the Schengen area you do not need a visa, if you do more than one, there you will need a visa. Make sure that your purchase is all in a single reservation with checked baggage to the final destination, so you don't have problems.
good night nicholas, how are you?, I have a concern, I am going to make a trip with final destination to Egypt, but the flight stops in Amsterdam and Madrid, we would need to have the Shengen visa.
Hello Caroline, as you can read in this post, if there are two stopovers in Shengen, you need a visa.
Hi Nicolás, aireuropa sold me a flight to Istanbul with the airline and then changing with Turkish airlines. I must scale 6 hours in Madrid as a Bolivian I do not need a visa to make the stopover. but if I change airlines in the same terminal it is T1 my suitcase goes directly from Bolivia to Istanbul. could you help me with this please
Hello Silvana, if you go in the same reservation and you don't have to worry about the suitcase, you will not have any problems.
good night Nicholas. could you help me with a question. I plan a trip from Guayaquil to Istanbul, the flight stops in Panama and Barcelona. My question is if I need a Schengen visa for international transit? And if so, how long does it take to get it since my trip would be in August?. thanks for your time
Hello Andres, If you follow the instructions in this publication you will have a clear picture.
No friend… I have a return flight from Istanbul to Quito, I stopover in Amsterdam, if I don't exit the terminal, I do not need a Schengen visa
So is.
I would like you to help me since I cannot find information anywhere and the Spanish embassy in Ecuador does not answer my calls or emails
* I am Ecuadorian, my final destination is israel , but my flight has two different booking codes , the first reservation code guayaquil – Madrid , and the second Madrid – Israel , They leave from the same terminal and I don't have a checked bag, just a carry-on bag. I do not have a Schengen life because they are not giving appointments , would there be a problem or does it have to be the same reservation code ? I would really appreciate the answer 🙏🏻
It's the same airline?
They are the same airlines and leave from the same terminal, the only difference is that they are different reservation codes.
If I have the same reservation code, yes I could?
The airline is Iberia
Yes, same code you will be calmer.
Hi Nicolas! I have a question, my girlfriend has Schengen life for the Netherlands, I could make a stopover in Madrid and take another flight with a different company to the Netherlands? I would go with one or two checked bags that I would have to re-check later. I would have a problem going through immigration? The airlines arriving to Madrid and departing to the Netherlands must be in the same terminal? You can leave the terminal if necessary to catch the flight to the Netherlands?Thanks
If you have a Schengen visa, you can make stopovers without problem and re-check bags without complications in immigration.
Hi Nicolas. One question I am of Colombian nationality (I understand that I do not need a visa for the Schengen area). I have a first reservation to Venice (Italy) from Panama (where i currently live) with a stopover of an hour and a half in Madrid (This route is operated by Iberia and up to Italy everything is within the same reservation). However, I have a totally different reservation (operated by Austrian Airlines) with a flight that takes off exactly 4 hours after arriving in Italy and bound for Romania (this is my final destination). The question is: Can I stay in Italy in the international transit zone and go to my flight to Romania or should I go into Italy and then go to the Austrian Airlines counter, check in and go back to Italy to leave Italy?. I appreciate any information you can give me.. Since the scale is 4 hours I think that gives me enough time for whatever the case may be.
I clarify that I do not have hold luggage. carry-on bag only.
hello johan, Being Colombian you don't have any problem with your stopover or multiple stopovers in the Schengen area. Regarding what you say, if you do not have luggage in the hold to check, You must not leave the international transit area, yes indeed, Check that at the arrival airport, the airline that takes you (Iberia) and the one that connects you (Austrian Airlines) are in the same terminal or the terminals have a connection, it usually happens that for example X arrives at the terminal 3 and Y exits the terminal 7 and both do not have an internal connection and there you would have to migrate.
good evening, I booked a Bamako Tangier flight via Portugal and Spain , I am Malian , do i need a transit visa
If you make two stopovers in the Schengen Zone, yes you need visa.
Hi Nicolas, I have a flight to Amsterdam – São Paulo, in which I transit 5 hours in paris, the flight is with Air France and Latam, I am of Indian nationality, I will require Visa? and additionally, how much transit time is allowed in the Schengen zone
Hello there, you bought in the same reservation? You must pick up your suitcase in Paris and check it again?
Hi Nicolas
a question my wife and my son are traveling to bogota hong kong making two stopovers the first in madrid and the second in frankfurt. They would need a short-term visa or it does not apply, their final destination being Hong Kong..
hi edgar, what nationality do they have?
Nicolas Larenas
Hello good evening, I traveled from Cuba to Egypt making a stopover in Madrid. The flight is fully operated by Qatar Airways.
Do I need a transit visa to be able to make the stopover??
Thanks a lot
Hello Omar, how can you read here, Cuba is on the list of countries that need a visa. You have to ask directly at the Consulate of Spain,
Hi Nicolas, I have a trip with final destination London. I already have the tourist visa for the UK, but I have to make a two-hour stopover in Madrid or Amsterdam, and I want to know if I need a Schengen visa to be in transit in these countries.
Hi Brenda, as long as you meet the requirements that I indicate in this content, you will not have any problems.
Hi Nicolas, I have the following doubt, I hope you can help me. I already have my residence permit approved in the Netherlands, and I have a Return Visa to be able to travel to the Netherlands and be able to collect my new residence permit there. Can I enter Spain to make my stopover?? I would have to pick up my bags to board the second flight again, they are two independent flights.
Hello Alberto, At first glance I do not see that you are going to have problems with your return visa document, but I am left wondering if the airline from your initial point of travel is going to file an objection since it cannot affirm that you are not staying in Spain, although it would be illogical to have your visa for the Netherlands.
hello sir nicholas how are you, i have a ticket from turkey to guinea but i have to stop over in portugal do i really need a transit visa for senegal ?
I have a Guinean passport
Hi Condé, you will not need a visa if you only connect through Portugal in the same airline and reservation.
Hello, I hope you can help me solve my existential problem 🥹 I'm going to study in Ireland from Bolivia and my flight leaves from Bolivia, I go through Panama, my first stop and I go through France, the second connection through 2 hours that I would have to wait and my final destination is Ireland I need to obtain a transit visa ? 🙏🏻😢
Hola Karen, after France you go directly to Ireland or have some other previous stop in the Schengen Zone?
Hello my flight and for Serbia but stopover and 4 p.m. in Rome for a connecting flight from air serbia I do not have a transit visa do I have to have it even if I do not move from the airport ? If it is mandatory on site I can have it democratic republic of the congo
Hi! If you change from one airline to another and they do not have a codeshare, you will need a visa.
Hi, I'm going from Cuba to Romania and I'm making a stopover in Paris., I need schenge visa for that
As you can read in this post, you must comply with the detailed requirements and conditions.
Your help please I go. Travel from Quito to Istanbul.. With an intermediate stopover in Madrid.. My question is my flight is with a contract of two airlines Avianca and Turkish Airlines, I'm going to need a visa for Madrid my stopover is from 4 hours??
Is it all under one reservation or are there two separate ones??
Hello Nicolás, I have a question, I hope you can help me. I did a tour from Quito with a stopover in Bogotá from Bogotá Barcelona with a final destination in Istanbul. My vacations were from 10 days but having some problems in my business in Quito I have advanced my return flight to Ecuador I have two return tickets from Istanbul Barcelona and my next ticket is Barcelona Ecuador but my flight leaves the day after being in Barcelona my agency has made with hotel reservation ? I could go out to rest in the hotel until I resume my connection
Hello Andres, if you don't have a visa, you cannot leave the international connection zone of the airport.
hello sir Nicolas I must travel to Guinea but must make a stopover in Portugal do I necessarily need a transit visa for my stopover I have a Guinean passport
If you have the same airline and reservation, and your baggage is checked in until its final destination, you don’t need a visa.
my algerian boyfriend will travel from algeria to ecuador and he has to make a stopover 11 hours in paris, I need to know if you have to have a transit schenger visa?
Hello there, as long as you meet all the conditions that are specified in this publication, does not require a visa.
Hola.. I have a flight from Quito to Doha with a stopover in Amsterdam, How do I know if I am leaving the international area of the airport or not?? everything is with the same airline KLM
The only way is by looking at your reservation and asking the airline if your bag is checked to the final destination..
Hi Nicolas! I bought a return ticket to Qatar with KLM, my one way scale is: Gye – Amsterdam – Doha; and the return is Doha- – Paris – Panama – Guayaquil, I have a suitcase that, being from the same airline, will go directly to my final destination. My question is that both the outward and return journeys go through ONE Schengen area airport with less than 24 hours and I know that initially I do not need a transit visa, but being different airports (ida: Amsterdam, he came back: Paris) I won't have a problem with that?
hi Fabiola, I don't see a problem with the stopover at different airports as long as it's the same airline and you book without leaving the connection area.
Hi friend, i am traveling to dublin (I don't need a visa) from bolivia
and I have a stopover in Spain I need a visa? I will fly with two different airlines but I will only take hand luggage
what passport do you have?
hello! I read that the visa to Japan allows us to make several transit stops without leaving the airport in the Schengen area when our final destination is outside the schengen area, maybe you know something about that?
Hello there, the basic rule is that you can make ONE stopover in the Schengen Zone as long as your next point is outside this space. The visa to Japan has no influence that I know of to allow you more layovers.
Hi, I'm thinking of traveling to Qatar with a round trip stopover in Madrid. 6 hours I need European visa. From Madrid to Qatar with flight Qatar airwayis
Do you change airlines?? Should you remove a suitcase from the hold in Madrid and check it again??
Hello, I have a round trip flight from Ecuador to Turkey. In both I have a stopover in Amsterdam on the round trip., I need visa ?
As long as you don't change airlines, you do not need to collect your luggage, you'll be fine, but read everything I explain here carefully.
Hello excuse me, I travel in November, My flight is from Ecuador-Colombia- France(scale of 6 hours) -Dubai. I was looking for information if I need transit visa in France, I travel with Air France. On some websites I read that if I need a transit visa and on others I don't.
You go out to pick up your suitcase? You change airline? It is the same reservation?
I plan to travel to Dubai from the Dominican Republic with a stopover in Spain, istanbul and dubai, i need visa exchange ?
You must comply with what I explain in this post, but paying attention to the immigration requirements according to your nationality. It's not the same for everyone.
I had a flight with only one connection in Europe, but they just changed it for one of two. I do not have a visa and I have Ecuadorian nationality. The flight is handled by a single company (KLM)
Hello Cristian, if the next stop is within the Schengen Zone or from a country that asks us for a visa, you will need to apply for a visa. but just in case, go to a KLM office to see if they give you a different guideline as it is their fault to change the reservation.
hi nicolas I'm mustapha moroccan I have a ticket from Casablanca Morocco to Yerevan Armenia (I have a visa for Armenia) I bought the ticket online from Mohamed airport 6 Morocco towards Yerevan I 1 escal to milan malpensa 7 hours 5 min I kindly ask if I can travel without problems or do I have to have a visa from the country where I will be doing escal?
Please follow the instructions written in this post to know if you need a visa or not..
Good morning Nicolás, what to do if I am in Egypt on vacation and I have to return to Cuba, which is my country of origin
Buy a ticket to return.