LATAM flights 2022 recovery operation operations flight ecuador brazil chile peru argentina colombia

LATAM would close the 2022 with the 85% of your flights

LATAM Airlines y sus filiales cerrarían el 2022 with the 85% his flights compared to the same pre-pandemic period in the 2019.

The group LATAM plans an operationónumber of passengers of a 81% for September (measurement in seat-kiloómeters available – ASK) compared to the same period of 2019 (pre-pandemic scenario), while for the closure of 2022 love to overcome the 85% de operationón en todo el grupo de aerolídenies.

LATAM prevé operate approximately 1290 daily national and international flights during the month, connecting 142 destinations in 22 países. The cargo business, while, have programmed más de 1270 flights on cargo planes. All of these projections areán subject to evolutionón of the pandemic in the countriesíwhere the group operates.

in august 2022, the trápassenger fare (measured in passenger-kilometersórented meters – RPK) it was of 80,9% in relationón at the same timeíodo de 2019, based on an operationón measure in ASK (seats-kiloómeters available) of a 81,8% compared to August 2019. I'm involvedó than the employment factorón will decrease 0,9 percentage points, arriving to 83,0%.

On load, the employment factorón was 55,8%, which corresponds to an increase of 1,3 percentage points in relationón a agosto de 2019.

Operationón por filial


  • 89% operationón projected (versus september 2019). Projection referenceón agosto 2022: 89%
    • 103% doméstic and 72% international
    • Total September destinations: 54 doméstatic and 20 international.


  • 70% operationón projected (versus september 2019). Projection referenceón agosto 2022: 69%
    • 74% doméstic and 68% international
    • Total September destinations: 16 doméstatic and 25 international.


  • 115% operationón projected (versus september 2019). Projection referenceón agosto 2022: 109%
    • 138% doméstic and 88% international
    • Total September destinations: 17 doméstatic and 5 international.


  • 55% operationón projected (versus september 2019). Projection referenceón agosto 2022: 51%
    • 132% doméstic and 31% international
    • Total September destinations: 8 doméstatic and 3 international.


  • 79% operationón projected (versus september 2019). Projection referenceón agosto 2022: 78%
    • 91% doméstic and 74% international
    • Total September destinations: 19 doméstatic and 26 international.


  • 96% operationón projected (versus september 2019). Projection referenceón agosto 2022: 100%
    • 68% belly doméstic and 79% belly international*
    • 153% dedicated freighter

estimateóoperational n per segment vs 2019 – September 2022

(measure in ASK)

Doméstic paíSpanish speaking people 81%
Doméstic Brazil 103%
International 68%
Total consolidated 81%


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4 comentarios en “LATAM cerraría el 2022 with the 85% of your flights”

  1. I find it very curious that the Latin American airline such as LATAM
    Have your shares on the floor and it is said that it should reach Us0.02
    where is the business in the shares or the planes in the air????
    Otherwise I don't understand it A solid company equals shares in sauce a company with shares at the limit in negative bankruptcy Or there is deceit in the values?
    To sell more shares than flight tickets???

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