flights Colombia Venezuela bogota caracas maiquetia valancia barcelona

Flights between Colombia and Venezuela return

From this month of September returnán scheduled international flights between Colombia and Venezuela. This is what we know at the moment.

Definitely, two international markets of the máimportant s of Latin Americaérich come backán to have international flights, all this thanks to the resumptionón of diploma relationsáethics between bothíses.

Post written by: Daniel Martinínez, correspondent in Venezuela
Twitter: @dgaviacion_

With note no° C1157/22 and A0507/22 the National Aviation Instituteón Civilian of Venezuela reportedó spaghettién that commercial operations for the transfer of passengers include from the 9 September tooén in the Repúwar of Colombia.

Flights between Colombia and Venezuela restart

the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro and his manóVenezuelan logo Nicolás Maduro announced the reopening of the borders and flights between the two países from the próximo 26 of September. The reopening takes place afterés of the restoration of diplomatic relationsáethics and commercial relations between both countriesíses

Flights between both nations have beenían reduced and suspended as a consequence of the diploma crisisática and ended up being completely canceled due to the arrival of the pandemic in 2020.

Before the pandemic úaerol nicasíne in operating between both paíthose were the airícolombian nea Wingo and on the Venezuelan side the Aerolídenies Avior Airlines and Laser Airlines, together keepían 30 weekly flights between both paíending with the arrival of the crisis Covid-19.

With the restoration of relations, three airídaughters of Colombia have requested the reopening of their flights with Venezuela these are Avianca and Latam Colombia what's thereíthey have abandoned the countryís due to economic difficultiesósafety and operational safety, but now these requested to operate between Bogotaá and Caracas on a daily basis, and in the case of Wingo that already operated atís, solicitó a new route between Bogotá and the city of Valencia up to a daily frequency each.

The aerosolsínew Venezuelans Avior Airlines and Laser Airlines that were already operating before the pandemic, they also estimateén reestablish their flights between both países. The different operations mustíhave yet to begin to be authorized by the National Aeronautics Instituteáutica Civil INAC and in turn be announced and put up for sale by each of the companies.

We will update this informationón permanently themselvesún be the case.

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