emirates boeing 777 freighter fleet flights

Emirates expands its fleet with five Boeing freighters 777

Boeing and Emirates announced that the airíMiddle East line isá expanding aún más su flota de cargueros exclusiva de Boeing with an order of five 777 Freighters.

His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman and CEO of Emirates Airline and Group, said: «Emirates isá invirtiendo en nuevos cargueros para que podamos seguir atendiendo la demanda de los clientes con los úlatest fuel efficient aircraft. Este pedido refleja la confianza de Emirates en la demanda de carga aérea y el crecimiento general del sector de la aviación. Lays the foundation for our continued growth, what isá impulsado por el alcance de nuestra red global diversa, la infraestructura de manejo avanzada en nuestro centro de Dubái y las soluciones de transporte personalizadas que Emirates ha desarrollado para satisfacer las variadas necesidades de nuestros clientes».

Este nuevo acuerdo está valorado en más de $ 1.7 billion at list prices. The planes beán operated by Emirates SkyCargo y se sumarán a su flota de 11 Boeing 777 freighters. At Dubai Airshow last november, Emirates announcementó an inverseón de mil millones de dólares para expandir su capacidad de carga aérea, including two new 777 Cargueros que se unieron a la flota de Emirates este añO.

Emirates was a launch customer of the 777 Freighter y actualmente es el operador más grande del mundo de la familia 777, With almost 150 aircraft of this type in your fleet. El carguero más sold from Boeing, el 777F, It is the twin-engine freighter más grande, longer range and más capaz del mundo que vuela en la actualidad, with a 17% less fuel consumption and CO2 emissions compared toón with previous aircraft.

«Valoramos la confianza que Emirates ha depositado en repetidas ocasiones en su flota de cargueros exclusivamente de Boeing», Stan Deal said, President and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. «La expansionón de la flota de Emirates con estos 777 Freighters adicionales de bajo consumo de combustible permitirá to the airínea respaldar su creciente demanda del mercado de carga, transportando mercancías de manera rápida y eficiente desde el origen hasta el destino en el Medio Oriente y en todo el mundo».

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4 comentarios en “Emirates expande su flota con cinco cargueros Boeing 777

  1. Carlos Fernandez

    It even gives the impression that once Airbus launches the A350 Neo it would be the end of Boeing. 777-8/9. By replacing large four-engined aircraft, Boeing 777-9 It is an extraordinary twin-engine flying machine but its 90s design takes its toll and as Boeing has already fully exploited the aerodynamics of the B747, Finally, there comes a point that no matter how much technology is applied to the B787 Dreamliner, the B777 will become history in terms of efficiency but not in capacity because it is the largest twin-engine in the world.. I think the B777 will have a better future as a Freighter (freighter) what as commercial.

    Emirates knows it needs capacity but passenger efficiency, You have orders yes B777-9 although more for cargo the B777-8F is excellent.

    1. There will be an A350neo? The problem of 777-9 is that it still does not fly and the delays are killing it financially. Although Boeing proves it, only the airlines will be able to say how good and better than other planes it is. For now, will have to keep waiting. what i see, is that the 777X has technology from ago 10 years? I don't know what changes there will have been in this time and I think that this weakens it..

  2. Hello there. Excellent article. I leave you a topic to analyze. It was demonstrated that the A380 came out untimely and the B787 pushed it further into the abyss, finishing burying his younger brother and new A350. I have the perception that the B777-9 will cause the same in the A350, with the exception of European airlines married to Airbus(Iberia). What do you think?

    1. I don't think so, the A350 is a great machine that has surprised even Airbus with its performance and has the capacity for optimization to make it more competitive. To my way of seeing, the 777-9 will come to compete with the A350 peer to peer, since the 787 I don't see competition from 350 for autonomy, capacity and more. I can be wrong.

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