The group LATAM iguala el núgroup of pre-pandemic destinations in 2019 and projects a 83% de su operationón this November.
LATAM y sus filiales proyectan una operaciónumber of passengers of a 83% for november (measurement in seat-kiloómeters available – ASK) compared to the same period of 2019 (pre-pandemic scenario) y mantiene su previsión de superar el 85% de operationón al cierre del añO. This month, el grupo cumplirá un gran hito en su proceso de reactivación al volar el mismo número de destinos que tenía previo a la pandemia COVID 19 in november 2019. In the same way, concreteó el reinicio de sus rutas Santiago-Curitiba y Antofagasta-Lima, those that reinforce their regional connectivity network.
LATAM prevé operate approximately 1.347 daily national and international flights during the month, connecting 144 destinations in 22 países. The cargo business, while, have programmed más de 1.500 flights in such aircraft. All of these projections areán subject to evolutionón of the pandemic in the countriesíwhere the group operates.
in october 2022, the trápassenger fare (measured in passenger-kilometersórented meters – RPK) it was of 82,8% in relationón at the same timeíodo de 2019, based on an operationón measure in ASK (seats-kiloómeters available) of a 81,9% compared to October 2019. I'm involvedó than the employment factorón will increase 0,9 percentage points, arriving to 83,3%.
in charge, the employment factorón was 55,4%, which corresponds to an increase of 0,7 percentage points in relationón a octubre de 2019.
estimateón Operationón LATAM group – November 2022
(passenger operations measured in ASK / cargo operations measured in ATK)
Brazil | 89% operationón projected (versus november 2019). Projection referenceón octubre 2022: 88% 97% doméstic and 80% international Total destinations November: 54 doméstatic and 21 international. News: International: Restart Curitiba-Santiago route (3 f/s) |
Chile | 78% operationón projected (versus november 2019). Projection referenceón octubre 2022: 75% 71% doméstic and 82% international Total destinations November: 17 doméstatic and 26 international. News: International: Restart route Santiago-Curitiba (3 f/s) and Antofagasta-Lima (2 f/s). |
Colombia | 110% operationón projected (versus november 2019). Projection referenceón octubre 2022: 113% 114% doméstic and 104% international Total destinations November: 17 doméstatic and 5 international. |
Ecuador | 67% operationón projected (versus november 2019). Projection referenceón octubre 2022: 52% 127% doméstic and 50% international Total destinations November: 8 doméstatic and 4 international. |
Perú | 79% operationón projected (versus november 2019). Projection referenceón octubre 2022: 78% 101% doméstic and 71% international Total destinations November: 19 doméstatic and 27 international. News: International: Restart of the Lima-Antofagasta route (2 f/s). |
Load | 105% operationón projected (versus november 2019). Projection referenceón octubre 2022: 105% 79% belly doméstic and 84% belly international* 164% dedicated freighter |
*Belly: merchandiseítransported in the cargo hold (lower deck) grandfather'són.