Today we are going to reviewáthey are the países to which Ecuadorians sí need visa to be able to enter.
In other installments we have reviewed the paíthose who do not request a visa from Ecuadorians to be able to travel only with the passport and we even comment on those paíyou know you can travel only with the céidentity question.
Now is the time to reviewáthey are those países (the great majoríto really) that the main requirement to be able to travel is to have a tourist visa if you are from Ecuador.
Paíyou know that Ecuadoriansí they need a visa to travel
It is very true and it is a great reality, that he ecuadorian passport is one of the más débiles of the región as for the países that you can travel without having to obtain a visa beforehand, therefore it is important to remember this list, so that theí Travelers take this information into account.ón and avoid problems when traveling.
- From Afghanistanán
- Albania
- Germany
- Andorra
- Angola
- Algeria
- Saudi Arabia
- Australia
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Austria
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Bélogic
- Belice
- Benín
- Bermuda
- Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Brunei Darussalam
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Bután
- Cape Verde
- Cambodia
- roomún
- Canadaá
- Qatar
- Chad
- Vatican City
- Cyprus
- North Korea
- Comoras
- Ivory Coast
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- Croatia
- Denmark
- Djibouti, Djibouti
- Dominica
- Egypt
- United Arab Emirates
- Eritrea
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- España
- Estonia
- Ethiopiaía
- Fiji
- Finland
- France
- Philippines
- Gabón
- Gambia
- Guinea Bissau
- Ghana
- Granada
- Greece
- Greenland
- french guiana
- Equatorial Guinea
- Netherlands
- Hungría
- India
- Andán
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Iceland
- Marshall Islands
- Greetingsón
- Italy
- Japón
- Jordan
- Kenya
- Kiguistán
- Kiribatií
- Kuwait
- Lesotho
- Latvia
- Líbano
- Liberia
- Libya
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Macedonia
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malta
- Morocco
- Mauritania
- México
- Mówhy
- Mozambique
- Myanmar, Burma
- Namibia
- Nepal
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Norway
- New Caledonia
- New Zealand
- Aboután
- From the packán
- Palestine
- Papúa-New Guinea
- Poland
- Portugal
- Puerto Rico
- United Kingdom
- RepúCentral African War
- RepúCzech war
- Repúwar of the congo
- República Democrática of the congo
- República DemocráLao Popular Ethics
- República Guinea Rwanda
- Romania
- San Marino
- Saint Lucia
- Santo Tomé Y Príncipe Senegal
- Serbia
- Sierra Leone
- Syria
- Somalia
- Sri Lanka
- Sudán
- Sudán From the South
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Suriname
- Tayikistan
- Taiwan
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- East Timor
- Togo
- Tokelau
- Tonga
- Túnez
- Turkmenistan
- Ukraine
- Uganda
- Uzbekistán
- Vanuatu
- Vietnam
- Wallis Y Futuna
- Yemen
- Zambia
Validity and recommendations
- Tu passport must be valid with at least 6 months before expiration, but check with your dadís of destination by their local regulations.
- Before buying a ticket, ask the consulate of your destination for updated immigration requirements to avoid bad times.
- Remember that it is the traveler's responsibility to know whaté documents are required to travel.
- This informationón can change rárequested and without prior noticeún immigration conditions of each countryís.
¿Have they traveled to any of these countries?íses? Cuétell me in the commentsé so complex was the processástep to obtain the visa.
In good terms we have to get a visa to travel to almost all the countries in the world, what a pity that Ecuador is so poorly regarded worldwide and our authorities do nothing to improve the image of the country
Unfortunately it's a mix of factors., from the image you say to economic factors and ending in migration issues, Hopefully we can see better times and conditions to travel in the future.
You need to place Mexico there
all the reason, I missed, I already put it.