Ecuadorians need visa countries require request process Ecuador

Countries that Ecuadorians DO need a visa

Today we are going to reviewáthey are the países to which Ecuadoriansneed visa to be able to enter.

In other installments we have reviewed the paíthose who do not request a visa from Ecuadorians to be able to travel only with the passport and we even comment on those paíyou know you can travel only with the céidentity question.

Now is the time to reviewáthey are those países (the great majoríto really) that the main requirement to be able to travel is to have a tourist visa if you are from Ecuador.

Paíyou know that Ecuadoriansí they need a visa to travel

It is very true and it is a great reality, that he ecuadorian passport is one of the más débiles of the región as for the países that you can travel without having to obtain a visa beforehand, therefore it is important to remember this list, so that theí Travelers take this information into account.ón and avoid problems when traveling.

  1. From Afghanistanán
  2. Albania
  3. Germany
  4. Andorra
  5. Angola
  6. Algeria
  7. Saudi Arabia
  8. Australia
  9. Armenia
  10. Azerbaijan
  11. Austria
  12. Bahrain
  13. Bangladesh
  14. Barbados
  15. Bélogic
  16. Belice
  17. Benín
  18. Bermuda
  19. Bosnia-Herzegovina
  20. Botswana
  21. Brunei Darussalam
  22. Bulgaria
  23. Burkina Faso
  24. Burundi
  25. Bután
  26. Cape Verde
  27. Cambodia
  28. roomún
  29. Canadaá
  30. Qatar
  31. Chad
  32. Vatican City
  33. Cyprus
  34. North Korea
  35. Comoras
  36. Ivory Coast
  37. Costa Rica
  38. Cuba
  39. Croatia
  40. Denmark
  41. Djibouti, Djibouti
  42. Dominica
  43. Egypt
  44. United Arab Emirates
  45. Eritrea
  46. Slovakia
  47. Slovenia
  48. España
  49. USA
  50. Estonia
  51. Ethiopiaía
  52. Fiji
  53. Finland
  54. France
  55. Philippines
  56. Gabón
  57. Gambia
  58. Guinea Bissau
  59. Ghana
  60. Granada
  61. Greece
  62. Greenland
  63. french guiana
  64. Equatorial Guinea
  65. Netherlands
  66. Hungría
  67. India
  68. Andán
  69. Iraq
  70. Ireland
  71. Iceland
  72. Marshall Islands
  73. Greetingsón
  74. Italy
  75. Japón
  76. Jordan
  77. Kenya
  78. Kiguistán
  79. Kiribatií
  80. Kuwait
  81. Lesotho
  82. Latvia
  83. Líbano
  84. Liberia
  85. Libya
  86. Liechtenstein
  87. Lithuania
  88. Luxembourg
  89. Macedonia
  90. Madagascar
  91. Malawi
  92. Maldives
  93. Mali
  94. Malta
  95. Morocco
  96. Mauritania
  97. México
  98. Mówhy
  99. Mozambique
  100. Myanmar, Burma
  101. Namibia
  102. Nepal
  103. Niger
  104. Nigeria
  105. Norway
  106. New Caledonia
  107. New Zealand
  108. Aboután
  109. From the packán
  110. Palestine
  111. Papúa-New Guinea
  112. Poland
  113. Portugal
  114. Puerto Rico
  115. United Kingdom
  116. RepúCentral African War
  117. RepúCzech war
  118. Repúwar of the congo
  119. República Democrática of the congo
  120. República DemocráLao Popular Ethics
  121. República Guinea Rwanda
  122. Romania
  123. San Marino
  124. Saint Lucia
  125. Santo Tomé Y Príncipe Senegal
  126. Serbia
  127. Sierra Leone
  128. Syria
  129. Somalia
  130. Sri Lanka
  131. Sudán
  132. Sudán From the South
  133. Sweden
  134. Switzerland
  135. Suriname
  136. Tayikistan
  137. Taiwan
  138. Tanzania
  139. Thailand
  140. East Timor
  141. Togo
  142. Tokelau
  143. Tonga
  144. Túnez
  145. Turkmenistan
  146. Ukraine
  147. Uganda
  148. Uzbekistán
  149. Vanuatu
  150. Vietnam
  151. Wallis Y Futuna
  152. Yemen
  153. Zambia

Validity and recommendations

  • Tu passport must be valid with at least 6 months before expiration, but check with your dadís of destination by their local regulations.
  • Before buying a ticket, ask the consulate of your destination for updated immigration requirements to avoid bad times.
  • Remember that it is the traveler's responsibility to know whaté documents are required to travel.
  • This informationón can change rárequested and without prior noticeún immigration conditions of each countryís.

¿Have they traveled to any of these countries?íses? Cuétell me in the commentsé so complex was the processástep to obtain the visa.

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4 comments on “Countries where Ecuadorians DO need a visa”

  1. In good terms we have to get a visa to travel to almost all the countries in the world, what a pity that Ecuador is so poorly regarded worldwide and our authorities do nothing to improve the image of the country

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