Airbus A350 Iberia christening Quito city EC-NXE flights

Iberia names an A350 as “City of Quito”

One of the más new Airbus A350 from Iberia has been baptized as «Quito city» in homage to the capital of Ecuador in its bicentennial.

Iberia He wanted to join the celebrationón of the bicentennial of the city of Quito, naming your avión más advanced with the name of the capital of Ecuador.

Specific, It is an A350 that was incorporatedó to the airline fleetínea last December and that, since yesterday, is part of its flight program.

It's avión with matríEC-NXE name and name “Quito city” is part of a newáAirbus manufacturer standard, one verseón improved version of this model of which Iberia has been aerolílaunching line and, además, it is the first one that has received equipped with the new Business cabins, Premium Economy y Turista.

for now, it's avión has permission to fly to the US, Argentina, Chile and Colombia, but the compañía isá in trámites to get you flying to all your Am destinationsérich Latin America where it operates with the A350 fleet.

Ecuador, one of the países with greater connectivity

The electionón de Quito as the name for the new planeón Iberia's A350 Next was not random, Well, Ecuador is, precisely, one of the países in which the aerosolíne españOla has deployed greater connectivity with Spainña. In fact, this is one of the two países, along with Brazil, in which Iberia connects Madrid with two local cities, in this case with Quito and Guayaquil.

It should be remembered that for the current winter season, Iberia incrementó its frequencies up to six weekly in the case of Quito, and has three weekly flights with Guayaquil, which means an offer of nine flights every week between both países.

Regarding plans for the future, in the midst of Iberia's commitment to continue strengtheningéleaning on Ecuador, the airídon't decideó consolidate the increases that were initially going to be for the winter season and make them permanent throughout the year 2023, with the aim of continuing to promote connectivity and reach the daily flight with Quito.

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8 comentarios en “Iberia bautiza un A350 como «Ciudad de Quito»

  1. Excellent for Quito, Guayaquil, basin and blanket. Like cities what are developing.
    giving a lot of promotion to foreign tourism from Europe Asia and the United States for our country it is time to open doors to the world and for the 4 regions what does Ecuador have from Barcelona 🇪🇦🇪🇨 🌍🌎🌏🌐👍

  2. Congratulations and it is excellent news for you to know our city of Quito and Guayaquil but it would be very good if they extended the routes to Los Angeles, the USA and New York are the places where there are many Ecuadorians and tourism would increase much more

  3. Carlos Fernandez

    What good news Nicholas! Not only for commemorating the bicentennial of our city, but also for parking the plane in a terminal in another country, many will be able to read and be interested in Quito, its history and what it is today and be motivated to travel one day.

    Greetings, and a great and happy 2023!

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