UFOs, china balloons and takedowns

We talk in this installment about the topic of fashion knockdown from objects unidentified, ¿Is it a Chinese balloon or are they UFOs??

many rumors, fake videos and photos areán circulating these úlast días after announcement of the demolition of an unauthorized object in spaceéreo de USA and that evenén referó In colombia.

After this first demolition, in the úIn the last few hours, new official reports have appeared from NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) by más similar events, but with a difference, the origin has not been indicated and whaté type of objects have been.

¿Whaté it's a ufo?

For the moviesíbutts and cartoons, We are used to relating the word UFO with a flying object that has an extraterrestrial pilot inside.áearrings, but youétechnically, this is not like thatí, per máI know the theoriesías conspiratorias así they would like it.

An unidentified flying object (UFO) It is an object or phenomenonóexcept in the sky that cannot be identified or explained by aviation experts.ón o astronomería. There are many theoriesías and speculations about what couldístill be the UFOs, including aliens, secret military aircraft, fenóless natural or simple human errors. Nevertheless, till the date, there is no conclusive evidence that UFOs are of extraterrestrial or supernatural origin.

Regarding the response of governments and the tráI'm theéprisoner to UFOs, depends on the país and the situationón in particular. In some cases, governments can investigate UFO reports and publish official reports about them. Nevertheless, many governments tooéThey have classified informationón about UFOs as confidential or secret, what has fueled theoryíthose of conspiración on one «front» to hide the truth about UFOs.

As for the tráI'm theéreo, the drivers toéInmates often take UFO reports very seriously and may notify military or defense authorities to investigate.. In some cases, They can even divert commercial flights to avoid a possible collision.ón with an unknown object in the air, just as these days have happenedías with temporary restrictions in areas where they areán flying over.

Usually, Although UFOs are a fascinating topic and have generated much interestés and speculationón, todavía it is not known with certainty what they are or dówhere they come, más with the official reports of these días.

It is prudent to waitáwith informationón official once the different remains are recovered and analyzed by the authorities, how we saw, its origin can be very varied.

Finally, we are sure that the authorities work together with other institutions to guarantee the security of operations toéareas at all times.

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