Avianca Ecuador route flights Quito Cancun direct flight schedule cost

Avianca Ecuador starts selling flights Quito – Cancún

the airínea Avianca Ecuador startó la venta de su nueva ruta con vuelos ente los aeropuertos de Quito and Delún.

Of having only one route between Ecuador y México with an aerosolínea, from June we will have three companies in this market and two routes.

Ecuador verá inaugurado una nueva ruta en junio, what to beá servido por dos aerolídenies. I mean flights between Delún y Quito qué to beá servida tanto por Viva Aerobus and the más reciente anuncio viene de la mano de Avianca Ecuador.

Avianca Ecuador tendrá vuelos a Cancúfrom Quito

From the 15 of June, the airínea ecuatoriana iniciará su nueva ruta directa desde Quito, conectando en esta oportunidad con el cotizado mercado turístic of Delún.

After requesting the route and as we first reported in this space in August 2022, the order is specified at the start of flights 8 months laterés.


  • Avianca flight 7394 takes off from Quito at 7:30 am y aterriza en Cancún at 11:10 am behind 3 hours and 40 flight minutes.
  • Avianca flight 7395 despega de Cancún at 12:00 pm and land back in Quito at 3:40 pm after 3 hours and 40 flight minutes.


These flights operateán con tres frecuencias semanales los díthe mars, thursday and sábados de manera inicial.

Cabe indicar que estos vuelos serán operated by aircraft Airbus A320 with capacity for 180 passengers in a single class.

In this way, la ruta tendrá 1.080 asientos semanales disponibles entre ambas vías, being likeí una ruta de gran importancia entee México and Ecuador, outstripped by very few seats on the route to City of México.

The direct routes that Avianca operates with its different subsidiaries to and from Ecuador are:

  • Desde Quito a Bogotá, San Salvador, San José, Buenos Aires, Averageín y Nueva York (starts in june).
  • From Guayaquil to Bogotá, San Salvador, Lima, New York, Averageín y Cartagena.
  • AND, the operationón judgementéstica connects the cities of Quito, Guayaquil, San Cristóbal, Baltra, basin and blanket.

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4 comentarios en “Avianca Ecuador inicia venta de vuelos Quito – Cancún”

  1. I think the competition is too much for such a new route. I think that avianca should connect Ecuador to the south to destinations like Sao Paulo or Santiago de Chile from Quito with the A320 neo that it has

  2. I did not expect, especially since Viva is going to start the flights in June and they are going to fly the same days. I think it would be better for Avianca or Viva to modify the itineraries to fly on different days.

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