planes that have disappeared disappeared lost history plane crashes mh370 malaysian airlines flights

The planes that have disappeared

Today we will talk about the history, reviewing some of the flights O planes that have disappeared and so far they have not been found.

Perhaps, tú you think that the famous flight Malaysia Airlines MH370 has been the único avión que jamás has been found, but the history of aviationón tells us that this is not soí and there are many other cases.

the aviationón is still the means of transport másafest in the world and this is demonstrated by the lowívery good chances of being in a damn aéreo, but despite this, the aviationón is susceptible to unfortunate events, among them, that planes disappear completely, despite all the technologyíwhat we currently have available.

Planes that have disappeared

To start reviewing history, We must first know whaté dica la OACI - Organizationón of Aviationón International Civil in its definitionón official on missing planes:

The ICAO says: “when the b has been completedúofficial search and the remains have not been located”.

Although some pieces have been found for some airplanes, such as the same case of the MH370, the final result of the investigationón resulted in the aircraftón was not found and his búofficial search.

There are several airplanes that have never been found in the history of aviation.ón and others who spent some timeún time until his remains were located, some of the máKnown s include:

  1. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: The 8 march 2014, flight MH370 disappearedó while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Pekín with 239 people on board. Despite an intense bústay in the Océagain Íthat's it, the grandfatherón has never been found.
  2. Flight 19 of the United States Navy: The 5 from December to 1945, five TBM Avenger aircraft disappeared while conducting navigation trainingón in the TriáBermuda angle. The crewón of the planes was never found.
  3. Flight 3704 de American Airlines: The 19 November 1996, I saw oneón the cargo Boeing 747-100 disappearedó while flying from New York to Santo Domingo. the grandfatherón had three crew members on board and was never found.
  4. Flight 441 de Flying Tiger Line: The 3 march 1962, I saw oneóLockheed L-1049 Super Constellation cargo ship disappearedó while flying from Guam to the Philippines with 107 people on board. the grandfatherón was never found.
  5. Flight 19 de Eastern Air Lines: The 30 march 1948, I saw oneóDouglas DC-3 passenger plane disappearedó while flying from San Juan, Puerto Rico to Miami with 32 people on board. the grandfatherón was never found.
  6. Flight 22 by Varig: The 30 of January of 1979, I saw oneónumber of Boeing passengers 707 disappearedó while flying from Ríthat of January to Pairís con 58 people on board. the grandfatherón was never found.
  7. Flight 411 de Canadian Pacific Air Lines: The 8 July 1965, I saw oneóDouglas DC-6B passenger plane disappearedó while flying from Vancouver to Tokyo with 52 people on board. the grandfatherón was never found.
  8. Flight 629 de United Airlines: The 1 November 1955, I saw oneónumber of Boeing passengers 377 Stratocruiser explotó in the air while flying from Denver to Portland with 44 people on board. The remains of the avióThey were never found.
  9. Flight 980 de Eastern Airlines: The 1 of January of 1985, I saw oneónumber of Boeing passengers 727 crashedó against a mountainñwhile flying from Asunción, Paraguay to Peace, Bolivia. All the 29 occupants on board died and the remains of the planeóThey were never found.
  10. Flight 447 from Air France: The 1 June 2009, I saw oneón passenger Airbus A330 disappearedó while flying from Ríthat of January to Pairís con 228 people on board. The remains of the avióThey were not found laterés of an intense bústay in the Océwhat Atláantique.
  11. Flight TC-48 of Force AéArgentina area disappearedó without a trace 3 November 1965 when the Douglas C-54 reportedó a fire broke out in the control tower and after a few 30 minutes after taking off it didn't come backó to receive informationón of the crewón without trace until today.

These are just a few examples of planes that have gone missing and never been found.. In many cases, the exact cause of the disappearanceón remains a mystery and has generated many theoriesíaces and speculations.

¿Do you know somethingún another case like these?

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4 comentarios en “Los aviones que han desaparecido


    Nicolás Colonel EDMUNDO CARVAJAL FLORES, my uncle by marriage, much admired and loved, disappeared in the East flying a Cessna 185 with a nun and a load of meat. It was from the company ATESA del Cap. Drexsel. UNTIL NOW THEY FIND IT. HAVE PASSED 59 YEARS. Father of Arturo Carvajal Rousseau that you met in TAME VIRTUAL

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