cirrus sr series aircraft delivery 9000

Cirrus delivers the number SR Series 9000

The manufacturer Cirrus celebró deliveryúmero 9000 of their planes SR Series y presentó paintings special commemorations for this reason. AOPA's photo

Cirrus Aircraft presentó today a new avión also encouragingóLimited edition inspired by the destination to commemorate the delivery of the aircraftón número 9000 SR series. The SR series of edición limited número 9000 reflects the thousands of aircraft owners Cirrus that embody Cirrus Life™, allowing them to travel to different destinations without restrictions or límites. Whether to grow your business, spend time with family or explore the world, Cirrus aircraft owners experience más from the comfort of your advanced and luxurious SR series aircraft.

Cirrus 9000

From the beginning of the Cirrus aircraft ownership experience, clients work together with the company's Xi Design Studioñíto customize your new aircraft. Founded in 2009, Xi Design Studio carefully curates an exclusive experience that leverages technologyíto advanced, the engineeríworld class and a facilityócutting-edge painting and finishing technique to build an aircraftón Cirrus úone of a kind.

Cirrus Aircraft's Xi Design Studio shows off its art prowessícross sticés attractive designñor and the collectionón of colors of the Editionón Limited. I designed themñthose of buildingsón limited with tem namesáticos, 'Lefty', ‘Lava’, ‘Magma’ y ‘Santorini’ They were inspired by different international destinations and illustrate the company's range of premium and custom paint schemes.ñía. In associationón con Sherwin-Williams, Cirrus Aircraft the reformó the character tonesístatic, namely, Lava orange and Aegean blue, to create a splash of bold and ecl coloréskeptic.

To commemorate the 9000 SR Series deliveries, The númere nine joinedó temáethically throughout the designñO. The iconographyía ‘9’ INSPIRATIONó the líelegant and aerodynamic linesáfuselage lenses, along with the numerous great detailsáexterior walls. The topic continuesúinside the cabin with several custom touches on the seats and embroidery.

With the launch of the editionón limited número 9000, Cirrus Aircraft presentó The new Cirrus all-weather floor liners are designedñdesigned for adventure travel to protect the floor of the aircraftón of the mud, the sand, Water, dirt and más. Each liner features a custom badge commemorating the delivery milestone. The floor coverings areáSR Series All-Weather Standard for Aircraft G1-G6 isán available for purchase. Además, each aircraft ownerúmero 9000 from the SR series of editionsón limited beá equipped with the receiptséBose A30 pilot headset and aviation watch announcedón D2™ from Garmin® International with custom straps that match the livery número 9000 for a premium flight experience.

He saysñor tailored and the bold colors attract attentionón with the SR series of edición limited número 9000 and they are a testimony of the passionón unwavering customer Cirrus Aircraft to seek new experiences and travel the world.

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