Officially, was inauguratedó the operations of the second clue of the Jorge Ch Airportáturn that serves the city of Lima, as part of the expansion processóterminal n aérea. LAP press photos
Finally and after several delays in the construction processón that has not been exempt from polémica in mediaón of Perú, The airport operator together with local and government authorities inaugurated the second runway of the main Peruvian airport and one of the más important connection pointsón from the kingsón.
Lima already has two runways for landing and takeoff
Last 03 April took offó the first grandfatherón commercial for Jorge Ch's new trackáturn, teníto the city of Tarapoto as a destination with 140 passengers on board. That same día, spaghettiéIt was not doneó the first landing of an airplaneón in the new infrastructure. In this case it wasó of an aircraft of the Force Aéarea of Perú. Both operations were carried out without anyún setback.
The first operations of the new runway were completed thanks to the joint work between Lima Airport Partners (LAP), the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), the Corporación Peruvian Airports and Aviationón Commercial (Corpac), and the aeron communityáutica in general, Bajo la supervisionón of Ositran.
The new infrastructure, which is part of the mega expansion projectón of Jorge Cháturn, to allowá convert to Perú in one of the main connections toécontinent areas. Además, increaseá the operational capacity of the airport and guaranteeá greater security in case of contingencies. El uso went smootháneo in its entirety isá planned for January 2025 with the new terminal.
Aún isán implementing familiarization processesón with everyone involved, además of pending runway maintenance 1, what to beá subject to implementationóTotal number of operations on the brand new, modern runway.