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Ecuador: New prices on international flights from June

After the expected reduction announcementón of the Eco Delta for airports of Quito and Guayaquil, ¿cuáto beán the new ticket priceséinmates on international flights since June?

Last 29 march 2023 the announcement that I have been pressing does toños, the Eco Delta spaghettién is reduced to Quito and Guayaquil, Remember thatíto previously reduced to $5 dóhomes for Manta and Cuenca.

The announcement seeks to increase competitiveness toéRea that has Ecuador as for the Taxes and fees that load Avi's passagesón and that we pay both Ecuadorians and alsoén tourists, it's not just the Eco Delta that shrinks, but alsoén the TuríStica that travelers pay to the PAís.

The new prices from June

However, the reductionón of the echo delta that we will begin to see in our tickets from the 1 of June, where instead of always paying, no matter the distance of the flight $50 dóhomes, marketá to be úonly the 5% of the net rate charged by the airlineínea without counting fees and taxes.

As a request from several blog readers and as a kind of price monitoring, I have prepared a list of Cuánto cost international passages from Ecuador and witháI don't have toíI start paying from the 1 June próximo.

The picture hereí indicated has the rates that airlineíNEAS report monthly to the DGAC and what is domain Público, having said that, other promo rates couldíbe to findún más econóMICAS TO THESí represented, But they are a reference to see the reductionón Potential by route:

UIO-MEX Aeroméxico 548 835.95 813.55
GYE FOOD Air Europa 700 1031.25 1016.25
UIO-MIA American Airlines 301 493.41 458.46
GYE-PTY Copa Airlines 206 375.67 335.97
UIO-ATL Delta Air Lines 431 744.14 715.69
GYE FOOD Iberia 715 1048 1033.75
GYE-JFK JetBlue 490 675.3 649.8
UIO GLUE LATAM 236 451.16 412.96
GYE-FLL Spirit 278 475.22 439.12
UIO BOOK Avianca 172 368.48 327.08
GYE-AMS KLM 905 1439.84 1435.09
UIO-IAH United 410 897.7 868.2
GYE-BOG Wingo 1 171.72 121.77
UIO-SDQ Arajet 199 370.72 330.67

As we can see in the picture, between más short the flight, generally the net rate will beá más baja, Therefore the reductionón of the echo delta is más notorious how we can see in the Gye-Bog example of Wingo, but everything dependsá of the airline rateínea, but we have a reference.

Remember that these prices are estimates and may change., So they must be used úIt is only reference, más not like exáThe prices we will see, since there are promotional prices where the net rate is evenúminor n.

Final note: These prices were based on informationón of the DGAC along with the rates that were found online when conducting this investigationón.

¿Do you consider the reductionón is significant and generateá that máS Ecuadorians fly? I read them…

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6 comments on “Ecuador: New prices on international flights from June”

  1. What position would put Ecuador with respect to the taxes of other Latin American countries? If I don't remember badly, we were #2 With more Latin American Taxes behind Argentina

  2. Hi Nicolas, I think it helps, But it does not attack structural problems, since the flights from uio (I do not know the reason) They are still more expensive than starting from Gye. On the other hand, If the goal is to be more competitive, This can be subjective depending on the final prices and routes. It seems to me that the most benefited are going to be the Ecuadorians who travel abroad, since on the other hand the security situation and others in the country do not help for foreign tourism.

  3. The reduction is not significant.
    The theme was only to distract attention from the high prices and from the airlines as well as from the set of taxes, including this
    But by itself after the great show of months we see that the reduction goes from 10 a 30 maximum dollars which is not significant to increase the number of travelers

    1. It seems you didn't read well, the reduction can be up to $47.5, it all depends on the net rate. It's not much on several routes, but undoubtedly on short flights the difference will be more noticeable and will boost demand. There are travelers who choose one airline over another due to a difference in $5 Dollars, imagine for $40 dollars minus what it would generate in users.

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