Boeing scale 717 replaces aircraft flights irbus a220

Qantas withdraws Boeing 717 to make way for the A220

the airínea Qantas announcementó that accelerates the withdrawal of your Boeing 717 to make way for aircraft úlast generationón how is he Airbus A220.

The first Boeing 717 output (foodícula VH-NXI) occupies a special place in the modern history of Qantas Group, since I operatedó the first Jetstar flight between Melbourne y Launceston el díin which the aerosolíNea beganó to fly in May 2004, being alsoén the first of its kind registered and flying in Australia.

Boeings are retired 717

the grandfatherón también has flown on regional and national routes for QantasLink during the úlast 15 años. Total, have done más de 29.000 flights and has safely transported más de 1,6 millions of customers for both Qantas how to Jetstar during twoérock.

Named Montañace Azules through the world heritage-listed national park in New South Wales, the grandfatherón leaveá from Australia in mid-June before being sold to another Aerolíimportant news. It is the third of the 717 from the airíline that abandons the fleet and its líreach mites mean the journey to its new owner in Américh North implyá eight fuel scales, including Cebú, Sapporo y Anchorage.

The 20 Boeing 717 de QantasLink sirán gradually replaced by 29 planes Airbus A220 low fuel consumption as part of the renovation programófleet number «Winton Project». The first grandfatherón A220 arriveá at the end of this toñor and the first of the 20 A321XLR arriveá at the end of 2024.

Renovationón of the Fleet

The planes of próxima generationóThey are not part of an investmentón significant in the renovationón of the fleet that will doá that the Group receives a new aircraftón every three weeks on average during the prówe go toños. the grandfatherón incoming helpá a Qantas and Jetstar to restore capacity and expand its network while reducing emissions and improving efficiency.

The úlast Boeing 787 Qantas Dreamliner, Billabong, startedó to fly on the international airline networkínea this month and will be deliveredán two more Dreamliners in the prónext three weeks. These additional aircraft allowed the resumptionónumber of flights Sydney-San Francisco and backán the launch of the Sydney to route New York a través of Auckland el próxth month. This carryá the fleet 787-9 from Qantas to 14.

Jetstar tooén welcomed his s this monthégreat grandfatherón Airbus A321neo LR, what is a 50 percent más quieter than the A321 más old ones that it replaces and consumes up to 20 percent less fuel. East án operating sun serviceséstatic and flying between Australia and Bali. the airíneed to receiveá others 11 planes A321neo end of 2024.

A través of a combinationónot coldén arrived and waiting aircraft returning to service, Qantas Group has returned to around 100 percent of pre-COVID domestic flight levels and hopes to restore the 100 percent of international flights for March 2024.

Blue Mountains Boeing 717 – operations in Australia:

  • 2000: first registered in Australia as VH-IMP. First commercial flight operated for Impulse Airlines.
  • 2001 – 2004 – Transferred to operate QantasLink flights.
  • 2004 – 2005 – Operated for Jetstar.
  • 2006 – 2023 – Operated for QantasLink, registered as VH-NXI.

A220 in front of 717

  • Seating: 25 percent más 110 a 137.
  • Scope: 100% más far.
  • fuel consumption: 28% less per seat.

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2 comments on “Qantas retires the Boeing 717 to make way for the A220”

  1. Joaquin Zamora

    So sad, a great aircraft and what little remains of the McDonnell Douglas legacy, Let's hope they are not scrapped and survive longer., It's still a shame to see that with Ecuadorian Airlines half gone they won't come here but I hope they survive. Very good blog

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