Ecuador passengers 2022 airports quito guayaquil cuenca manta coca flights airlines statistics data

How many passengers traveled through airports in Ecuador on 2022?

Today we are going to review and analyze the statisticsístatics of the passenger movement that occurred during the yearñO 2022 in the Ecuador airports.

Definitely, the 2022 it was a goodñor for aviationóEcuadorian n in a contextúrecovery numberón to reach the núgroupers from before the pandemic allá at 2019, where throughout the airport system más de 10 million travelers.

During theño past new routes were opened, new Aerol arrivedílines and showedó an important recoveryón of travelers passing through the country's main airportsís, especially on Sunday flightséstatics and statisticsísticasí demonstrated.

* Informationón Painín StateíDGAC static.

Stadiumípassenger cabins in Ecuador 2022

To know cówhere transportation is locatedéprisoner in Ecuador let's check the statusístatics for international transport, doméstic, regular, not regular in the different airports of Ecuador, we started:

international regular service

Airbus press photo We start a review of the most important news, during theñO 2022, regular international transport serviceó 3.786.865 passengers with a variationón that represents the 46,48% according to theñO 2021 what happened with 2.585.308 passengers.

entered 1.840.568
exited 1.946.297
TOTAL 3.786.865

Of the 3.786.865 passengers, 1.840.568 are entered and 1.946.297 they are out of the countryís, DECEMBER being the month “pico” for passengers entered with 185.146; and, AUGUST the month “pico” for departed passengers 197.739 a través of the airports of Ecuador.

The three international cities with the highest passenger demand were: PANAMA with a participantón of the 23,92%, BOGOTA with the 18,87% and MIAMI with the 14,86%; and, the complement corresponds to 42,35% of the remaining eighteen cities as destination points, to and from Américh and Europe, mobilized by airports in Ecuador.

Quito airport

In the AñO 2022, mobilized a total of 1.829.848 passengers who, If we compare with theñO 2021 that were registered 1.198.787 passengers, growth is observed 52,64%. The passengers entering Quito were 915.574 while they were recorded 914.274 departing passengers.

Guayaquil airport

At 2022 was mobilizedó a total of 1.957.017 passengers in the service toéreo regular; with a growth of 41,15% according to theñO 2021 that were registered 1.386.521. The passengers entered through the Guayaquil airport were 924.994 while those who left were 1.032.023 passengers, for service toéreo regular.

International non-scheduled service

In our país NON-REGULAR AIR SERVICE, during theñO 2022, registryó a total movement of 40.980 passengers, of which 23.687 were transported by Quito airport (57,80%), 16.931 passengers did it through the Guayaquil airport (41,32%); 217 passengers left from the MANTA airport (0,53%) and 145 passengers left from the SANTA ROSA airport (0,35%).

It should be noted that the tráI pay for this serviceó a growth of 15,70% with respect toñO 2021 when it was countedó 35.419 passengers.

regular sun serviceéstic

In the AñO 2022 they were transported 2.686.729 passengers. If it is related to theñO 2021 in which they mobilized 1.249.489, growth is observed 115,03%. At the Quito airport the traáPassenger traffic shows a growth of 119,95% both incoming and outgoing passengers. At the Guayaquil airport the tráPassenger traffic shows a growth of 111,19%, both incoming and outgoing passengers.

The three routes with the highest passenger demand in theñO 2022 were: QUITO-GUAYAQUILQUITO with 1.186.790, QUITO-GUAYAQUIL-BALTRA-GUAYAQUIL-QUITO with 457.024 and QUITO-CUENCA-QUITO with 386.669, the participationón is from 44,17%, 17,01% and 14,39% respectively; while, the other routes together represent the 24.43% of national passenger transport, where the greatestía of routes presents growth with respect to the añO 2021.

Non-regular service sunéstic

In the AñO 2022 they were transported 106.715 passengers, in relationón al añO 2021 that is transportedó 56.090 presents a growth of 90,26%.

Aviationón general

In the AñO 2022 the Aviationón General in our país realizedó 80.539 flights, value that, If we relate it to theñor earlier that were registered 75.828 operations, reflects a growth of 6,21%.

Total passengers transported Ecuador

Más de 6.5 million passengers used the service of the Ecuadorian airport network during the 2021, close upágoing toún más to what he was 2019:

Doméregular and non-regular static 2.793.444
Regular and non-regular international 3.827.845
TOTAL 6.621.289

In this way, during the 2022 be mobilizing 6.621.289 passengers by the país in the different types of service toéreo, which represents a growth of 68.63% in comparisonón with him 2021 where they mobilized 3.926.306 Travellers.

If you want to fully compare the data with the 2021, I share this information with youón:

Movement of passengers in the airports of Ecuador on 2021

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4 comments on “How many passengers traveled through Ecuador airports on 2022?”

  1. Good day
    To what do you attribute that Guayaquil has mobilized more passengers internationally considering that Quito has more airlines and frequencies abroad ?


    1. just to that, Guayaquil has fewer international destinations, therefore fewer airlines, recovered these flights in full faster, generating greater dynamism and transporting more passengers through that airport than Quito, that even still does not recover all the routes it had before the pandemic.

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