NASA X-66A Boeing aircraft future zero emissions sustainable

The NASA X-66A aircraft will seek to reduce emissions

The NASA and Boeing produceán the grandfatherótest number designated as X-66A, which to look forá reduce emissions industry toérea.

The new X-plane seeks to create a possible new generationónumber of aisle aircraft único más sustainable, the workhorse of the aerolípassenger lines around the world. In collaborationón with the NASA, Boeing construirá, proveá And flyá I saw oneódemonstration noóLarge-scale n with extra long, thin wings stabilized by diagonal struts, known as concept Transonic Truss-Braced Wing.

The future isá on the NASA X-66A

The X-66A is the first aircraftón X focused specífictively in helping the USA to achieve the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions from the aviationón, that was articulatedó in the Action Planón Climáaviation ethicsón of the USA of the white house.

Boeing and NASA collaborateán with the aerosolsíAmerican companies to advise the demonstration projectósustainable flight (SFD) and the development of the aircraftón of investigationón X-66A. As part of a new coalitionósustainability, Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines and United Airlines toastán informationón on operational efficiency, maintenance, characteríairport handling and compatibility.

The aerosolsídaughters of USA offerán comments throughout the project, including:

  • DiseñO: the aerosolsínea participants shareán comments on sustainable operations and airport compatibility. Although the X-66A will haveá a wingspan of 145 pies, He saysñabout TTBW travelíto be used by aircraft of different sizesños and missions and can benefit from folding wingtips to adapt to existing airport infrastructure.
  • Simulationón and laboratory tests: airplane pilotsíneat tenderán the opportunity to experience the X-66A throughés of a flight simulator and evaluate the characteristicsívehicle handling characteristicsíass.
  • flight tests: Aerol operations and maintenance teamsíne evaluateán the X-66A as modifications are made to the aircraftón. The flight tests areán scheduled for 2028 and 2029 in the Research CenteróNASA Armstrong Flight Number at Force Base Aérea Edwards.

For the X-66A, USAF ratioó the designationón of an aircraft that validates technologyías for a configurationón wing reinforced with Transonic armor that, when combined with other advancements in propulsion systemsón, materials and systems architecture, couldíto result in up to a 30% any less fuel consumption and reduced emissions comparedón with the best avión of its current class.

Due to its intensive use, aisle planes úonly represent today in díalmost half of aviation emissionsón all over the world. The creationón of sayingños and technologyías for a verseón más sustainable of this type of avión has the potential to have a profound impact on emissions.

NASA's history with the designationón of the aviónéeach of 1940, when its predecessor agency, the committeeé National Advisor for Aeronáutica (NACA), creó jointly an experimental aircraft program with Force Aérea and the navy. The X-66A is the úlast of a long líNASA X Plane Line.

For the Sustainable Flight Demonstrator, the NASA has a Funded Space Law Agreement with Boeing a través from which the agency investá $ 425 million for seven toños, while the companyñíand its partners contributeán with the rest of the funds, estimated at around $725 millions. NASA tooén contributeá with experience téconical and installations.

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