pilots crew technicians future maintenance need aviation industry jobs

It will take more than 2 million pilots, technicians and crew

Boeing presentó his pronóstatic for the need pilots, técynics and crew members in the world, don himselfún the report will be neededán más de 2 million new professionals in the prówe moan 20 años. Press photo Boeing

Okay, not only of pilots, but alsoén of the enormous need for témaintenance conical and of cabin crew that borders the thousandón of new professionals that the industry will needá.

Más pilots, téscientists and crew

Since it is expected that the world fleet of commercial aircraft to double for 2042, Boeing forecasts an industry-wide demand for 2,3 million aviation personnelón new during the prówe moan 20 añto support the commercial fleet and meet long-term growth in global travel.éprisoners.

The Pilots Perspective and Técynical (PTO) of the companyñíto for 2023 projects that companieséareas needán a considerable number of personnel up to 2042 to support the global commercial fleet, which are divided as follows:

  • 649.000 pilots
  • 690.000 témaintenance conical
  • 938.000 cabin crew.

Until 2042, the PTO projects highlight the following by regió:

  • China, Eurasia y Américh North drive demand for más half of the industry's new staff, and the requirements in China exceed those in Américh from the North.
  • The regions of más ráI ask for growth for the staff Áfear, the southeast like thisáTico and South Asia, and its regional demand is expected to nearly double.
  • Afterés to omit Russia's claim in the PTO of the yearñor passed due to uncertainty in the regionón, the pronóstic from this toñor includes Russia in the regionón of Eurasia and includes the 3% of global demand for personnel.

Más concretely, by regióThese are the personnel estimates by regionóno and ábad operation:

Región new pilots New técynical New crewócabin number
Global 649,000 690,000 938,000
Áfear 21,000 22,000 26,000
China 134,000 138,000 161,000
Eurasia 143,000 156,000 235,000
Latinoamérica 38,000 41,000 49,000
middle East 58,000 58,000 99,000
Américh from the North 127,000 125,000 177,000
Northeast Asia 23,000 28,000 39,000
Oceanía 10,000 11,000 18,000
Asia meridional 37,000 38,000 45,000
Southeast Asiaático 58,000 73,000 89,000

¿Whaté What do you think of these figures or are youá in your future plans to be part of one of these professions? Cuétell me in the comments…

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6 comentarios en “Se necesitarán más de 2 million pilots, technicians and crew”

  1. What the airline sector wants is to have more pilots and thus be able to pay them 1.500 euros or 2.000, as happens in Spain, Shame on aviation how they have ruined it!
    And he wants to have extra Passenger Cabin Crew so he can pay them their base salary. 700 euros at the level 12 of Iberia that does not even reach the minimum interprofessional salary.

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