wingo started flights caracas bogota venezuela colombia route schedules price cost destinations connection to where it flies

Wingo started flights to Caracas

Wingo, the low cost belonging to Copa Holdings, startó its regular flights to Caracas from Bogotaá with three initial weekly frequencies. Photo @IAIM_VE

Takeoffó officially the new route Wingo between El Dorado International Airport in Bogotaá and the International Airport of Maiquetía, that serves Caracas. After obtainingón of the final permits by the aviation authoritiesáutics of both países, the airínea operó its first flight between both capitals, which was scheduled to come out on Tuesday 25 from July to 3:30 pm, Colombia hour, and land in Caracas around 6:30 pm local time.

Wingo restartedó flights to Caracas

This takeoff marks the re-start of operations of Wingos in Venezuela, paíI know who I servedó consecutively until March 2020, when it had to cease operations due to the pandemic.  Total, the airíne to offerá 4.500 chairs per month between both routes, distributed in three frequencies a week: the Díthe mars, thursday and sánot yet.

“We celebrate and appreciate the decisionónstitution of both Governments for allowing Wingo to fly between Bogotaá and Caracas, With this we contribute to the full restoration of connectivity toéarea between both países, in order for citizens to have greater alternatives for their choice.ón”, expresó Eduardo Lombana, Wingo CEO.

With the aim of contributing to a reactivationón más expeditious commercial and tourist activityística between both territories, Wingo advances in the necessary government efforts to offer at least four m routesás between the two países in the medium term. “We want to connect Caracas with other cities in Colombia, así like other cities in Venezuela with Bogotáá”, on timeó The competition.

the airíno butá initiation and su operationón officially this Tuesday afternoon, in companyñíof Aeron officialsáutica Civil and the Ministry of Transportation. Wingo remember that, pre-pandemic, was the única aerolíColombian effort to maintain the operationón commercial between Colombia and Venezuela.

The new route operateá the Días Tuesday, thursday and sánot yet, with rates starting from los USD 152 one way, advancing in the trápermits to offer a greater number of routes toéareas between the two países.

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