¿It is necessary to travel with a travel insurance or assistance? In this installment I will tell you about the advantages and benefits of doing so.
Traveling is a wonderful experience and every dayía máWe aspire to achieve, arriving every timeás far, but alsoéIt can be a time when we expose ourselves to risks that can endanger your health and, above all, your pocket..
Therefore, it is important to have a travel insurance to protect you in case of any unforeseen event, no matter how short, nearby, long or distant trip, I do not recommend taking the risk of not doing it withñados of international travel and assistance insurance.
Travel with international travel insurance and assistance
Insurance or international assistance is not más that a contract between a companyñíinsurance and a traveler where you receive benefits in case you have any contingency.
In case the traveler or tú suffer somethingún mishap during your trip, the compañíinsurance will take careá to pay the expensesédicos, the repatriationón, on pélost luggage, and other travel-related expenses (to dependá of the level of coverage thaté contrasts and their benefits).
¿Cóhow to choose travel insurance?
There are many different types of international insurance, so it is important to choose the one that best suits your needs and that only tú you know. Some factors to take into account when choosing travel insurance are the destination of the trip, the durationón of the trip, the activities you are going to do during the trip, and your state of health.
If isáthinking about traveling, I recommend that you always take out insurance that covers your entire adventure.. It's an investmentón that can save you a lot of problems and expenses in case of any unforeseen event.
If you want to save a few dóhomes, the I recommend entering this link and enter the cóI say NLARENAS to get the 5% discount with ASSIST 365: https://assist-365.com/ec?voucher=NLARENAS
Recommendations for choosing travel insurance
When choosing travel insurance, There are some factors you should take into account.:
- The destination of the trip: Insurance must cover the costsésayings in the país o paíyou are the ones you are going to travel to.
- For example, traveling to Europe is now mandatory with insurance coverage. 30.000 euros.
- The durationón of the trip: Travel insurance must cover the durationón of your trip.
- The activities you are going to do during the trip: Assistance must cover the costs méinformation related to the activities you are going to do during your trip, like risky sports, dive, etc.
- Your health status: If you have any conditionón métip, asegúrate that the insurance covers it partially or in full.
additional tips
Además to take out travel insurance, There are some additional tips you can follow to travel safely.:
- Make a copy of all your important documents (passport, visa, travel insurance, etc.) and guáput them in a safe place.
- Take a small one with youñamount of cash in case your credit card is lost or stolenéhere.
- Mantén your passport and other important documents in a safe place during your trip.
- Don't bring too much luggage.
- Sé Be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to avoid being seen.íCtima of a robot or a robbery.
- If you feel sick or are injured, seek attentionón mésay as soon as possible.
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