Air Canada Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner order planes flights routes aircraft fleet

Air Canada announces application for 18 boeing aircraft 787-10

Air Canada announcementó the additional order of 18 planes Boeing 787-10, the verseón más largest of the Dreamliner family to enhance and renew its fleet. Press photo Air Canada

Air Canada announcementó the 25 September 2023 a firm request for 18 planes Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner. The planes beán delivered from the fourth quarter of 2025 and be usedán to replace wide-body aircraft máolder and less efficient aircraft in the airline fleetínea más big Canadaá.  The order includes 10 potential subsequent additional orders.

Air Canada operateá the entire Boeing family 787

The 787-10 It is the model más big family Dreamliner and can carry up to 336 passengers, depending on the configurationónumber of seats. It has a range of 6.330 miles náUticas (11.730 kilómeters), making it suitable for transcontinental and intercontinental routes.

The airplanes 787-10 beán equipped with a designño new cabin interior and úlast generationón. The booths countán with seats más cómodes, illuminationón LED and enhanced in-flight entertainment.

This request is start from a plan máwith amplio de modernizationón and sustainability of the fleet Air Canada. the airínea también plans to incorporate más models of fuel efficient aircraft, As the Airbus A220 and the A321neo XLR.

Benefits of 787-10

The 787-10 offers a number of benefits for Air Canada, which include:

  • Greater fuel efficiency: the 787-10 consume up to 25% less fuel than previous generation aircraft. This will helpá Air Canada to reduce its carbon emissions and operating costs.
  • Greater capacity: the 787-10 can carry up to 336 passengers, what to allowá Air Canada to increase seat capacity on popular routes.
  • Better comfort: the 787-10 Eastá equipped with a quiet and spacious cabin, with seats más cómodes and lightingón LED.

The request for 18 planes Boeing 787-10 It's an investmentón important for Air Canada. The planes helpán to the airíwants to modernize its fleet, improve your efficiency and offer passengers a better flight experience.

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