equair closes flights operations routes destinations quito guayaquil baltra san cristobal loja coca suspension

Equair announces immediate suspension of operations

From this sánot yet 30 of September, the airíecuadorian nea Equair announcementó It's suspensionón immediate of all its operations and flights in Ecuador.

Surprisingly and after a week of inaugurationónew route number and announcement of flights to Loja, the company Equair has communicated the suspensionón of its operations in its five destinationséstatic.

Within a complex panorama due to external factors such as the increase in fuel prices, reductionón of demand on the country's main routesís and caídate of employmentón hotel, have been some of the factors that influence this tough decision today.ón that undoubtedly affects the entire industryérea.

After añor and nine months of operations like the one that was the fourth airínea regular doméstic In the país and having transported más de 700 thousand passengers, it is announcedó It's suspensionón of its operationsún se indicó in the following statement.

Equair suspends flights

concretely, the statement shared during the mañyear of is sánot yet 30 of September details así next steps for aerolínea, where they thank their passengers and workers who supported this Ecuadorian project during the time it operated.ó and a very important issue is that all airline passengersínea beán protected on LATAM Airlines Ecuador flights subject to space and flight availability:

Equair, the airínational flag line, with inversesón 100% ecuadorian, today he announces to the paíyes you suspend itón of its operations after two toñservice since their arrival at the end of 2021. Since its beginnings, Equair has maintained various commitments: With safety, The sustainability, the service, the quality and, How could it not be any other way?, with the búquest for profitability. As a result of a constant anámarket lysis, the responsible decision has been madeón to suspend its activities, complying with all open processes in the labor framework, fiscal and operational.

It has been communicated to its más de 200 collaborators personally, thanking and recognizing their contribution in theseñwork. From Equair you will be givená all support and advisoríin the separation processón.

For the peace of mind of your passengers, Equair has defined a process to provide solutionsón timely to all users who have already made a previous purchase. In this context, a través of a protection agreementónumber of passengers, non profit, LATAM Airlines Ecuador was put on holdón seats available on their aircraft to take them to their destinations at no additional cost.

further, has been made availableón a líhotlineón specialized to address all queries that passengers may have. The lídirect contact details: 1800 EQUAIR o 1800 378247 O 0963871680.

the airíne abrió their activities with up to 66 weekly frequencies between Quito and Guayaquil, 12 to the Gal Islandsápaid, And till 10 frequencies to El Coca. The commitment of its shareholders and main directors always fulfilledó la misión to push national development and generationónumber of jobs. Since then, the compañía logró a participationón in the market on the routes we fly to the 17%.

“We want to extend our gratitude to all our allies, human capital, suppliers and all of Ecuador for opening the doors to us and allowing Equair to become a reality. Today we look to the future and focus on the new challenges that today's world holds., in a din environmentámic that forces us to have an adaptationón to change of manner ágil and stratumégica”.

Hoy, you are a dívery sad for aviationóecuadorian n, which adds to your aerol historyílines that suspend their operations in recent yearsñaxis a Tame, Airplanes (divisionón Fixed Wing Dash 8) and now Equair, that in its brief history seekó become a reference in aviationóEcuadorian n with 100% inversionón local and generate a growth framework for the industryérea coming out of the middle of the pandemic, generating employment and competition to support the consumer by being a price regulator.

I am deeply sorry to share this news onífrom today, where we lose competitiveness in the domestic marketéstic and that alsoén an important player in the operationón cháInternational rter for the favorite vacation destinations of Ecuadorians leaves an empty spaceíO, what not to beá fáeasy to occupy again, since a negative precedent is generated for future projects of this importance that could occur through interés local or international.

From this space continueé, as usual, supporting the aviationóecuadorian n with current and future actors whoé they asked to see on the horizon.

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11 comentarios en “Equair anuncia suspensión de operaciones de manera inmediata

  1. Carlos Fernandez

    Extremely unfortunate and being an Ecuadorian airline operating relatively new aircraft, Boeing 737-700 which gave travelers another possibility to LATAM and Avianca that uses only Airbus A319/A320.

    The saddest thing is that local aviation cannot continue like this, fewer and fewer airlines and prices cannot be competitive. I hope we don't hear bad news from Aeroregional soon…. This airline should at least lease the Boeings 737-700 ex Equair to replace the B737-500 and 400 What Aeroregional has today.

  2. It is regrettable that an airline suspends its operations in such an unusual way and in less than two years after starting its flights..

  3. Wow, what sad and unexpected news., It will undoubtedly change the industry for the worse and it was so close to continuing to expand. But if it was doing so well, what happened?? I just opened a route and was going for one more, He had so much left to fly and it seems very strange to me that it is so sudden and without much context, Financially it didn't seem like it was doing badly and it even had big plans and expansions. Is there any additional or more specific information?? I still have a hard time believing it happened., I think something more complicated must have happened than it seems, but what could it be??

  4. Regrettable, just when the LATAM-Avianca duopoly was beginning to consolidate itself as serious competition. That's why I wonder if the other airlines had something to do with it., apart from normal free market competition. Anyway, it's a real shame that something that apparently looked so good is lost..

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