mexico category 1 recovers oaci audit FAA flights security mexico

Mexico recovers the Category 1 FAA Safety

The Administrationón Federal Aviationón returnedó to qualifyón Categoryía 1 security toéevil of México at level más tall after meás from two toñwork between aviation authoritiesón civil of both países. FAA photo

Afterés of más from two toñthose of which México lost the Categoryía 1 due to concerns about compliance with various security processes and that the development of new routes and flights between both nations has been affected., the país returns to máxth level granted by the FAA with its audit that comes hand in hand with the findings of the OACI.

México returns to Categoría 1

With the return to Category statusía 1, México You can add new flights and routes to the USA (despite the restrictions that areán applying at the AICM), and the aerosolsíUS companies can resume marketingón and ticket sales with their names and códesignation sayingsón on flights operated under the modality of cóI say shared.

La FAA brinjaló experience and resources throughés of assistance agreements técynic to the Federal Aviation Agencyón Civil (AFAC) from México to resolve the safety issues that led to the degradationón. The agency sentó a team of aviation security expertsón several times during the úlast two toñto help you with the work.

La Administrationón Federal Aviationón discountó to qualifyón of the EvaluationóAviation Securityón International (out) from México to Categoryía 2 in may 2021 afterés to discover that the país no cumplíto with the onesáDepartment of Security of the Organizationón of Aviationón Civil International (OACI).

¿Cómo se determines the categoryía byeís?

Sayúin it the IASA program, the FAA evalúto the aviation authoritiesón civil of all paíyou are with a friendñías aéareas that have requested to fly to the USA, that currently carry out operations at USA or participate in agreements of cóI say shared with Aerolínew Americans. The evaluations determine whether aviation authoritiesón international civil comply with the standardsáseparate mísecurity moods of the OACI, not with FAA regulations.

To obtain and maintain a qualificationón of Categoryía 1, a byeís must comply with the EastáICAO safety standards, the t agencyéUnited Nations Convention for Aviationón. The ICAO establishes international standards and práRecommended Practices for Aircraft Operations and Maintenance.

The púwar traveler hopes that aviationón be the mode of transport más safe all over the world, and the evaluation programóAviation Securityón International FAA, called IASA, is one of their long-standing and proven instruments to ensure those expectations are met.

A través of this shared commitment between the FAA and aviation authoritiesón civilian around the world, the IASA program helps identify áAreas to strengthen supervisionóaviation securityón and comply with the standardsádepartment de la Organizationón of Aviationón Civil International (OACI) of the United Nations.

Specíficaly, he program IASA evalúa and determines the fulfillment of a país with these isáinternational standards on the eight cr elementsítics of the OACI for a supervisoróeffective management of aviation safetyón in the Document 9734 from ICAO, Manual de supervisionón of operational safety. Those eight elements crítics include:

  1. Legislatorsón berriesáprimary utica
  2. Specific operating rulesíyou stay
  3. state aviation systemón civil and supervisory functionsón of operational safety
  4. Qualify yourselfón and trainingóstaff number técynical.
  5. Orientationón tétechnique, tools and information provisionón críethics for security.
  6. License obligations, certificationón, authorizationón and approvalón
  7. Surveillance obligations
  8. resolveónumber of security problems

We congratulate México for resuming the Categoryía 1 what to pushá again his aviationóin the future.

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