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The most connected airports in Latin America

OAG publicó the report where the airports sáconnected s of the world, Within these megahubs, several of them stand out Latinoamérica.

The íindex Megahubs of OAG, published in September 2023, classifies the world's airports according toún its international connectivity. The megahubs They are airports that offer great núnumber of connections to international destinations, and are important transportation hubs for airlinesílines and passengers.

Airports máconnected s of Latin Americaérica

First we must know the methodologyíto what OAG use to get the list, which focus on the núgroup of international destinations that can be traveled to directly from an airport, núaerosol grouperílines that offer flights and the numberúnumber of seats available on scheduled flights from a given terminal.

The airport of Londres-Heathrow (LHR) is locatedó first of all in the íMegahubs index 2023 and also beingén the fourth airport más largest in the world led by British Airways. The airport of New York (JFK) dealó the second place, with Delta Air Lines as its main operator, followed by the airport ÁAmsterdam (AMS), lead by KLM as main operator.

The presence of seven airport centers as welláticos at the Top 20 world is significant considering that the regionón todavía isá on the road to recoveryón total. The más connected to these centers is Kuala Lumpur (KUL), which occupies fourth place, followed closely by Tokyo Haneda Airport (HND), which occupies fifth place.

The main European airport centers – ÁAmsterdam (AMS), Frankfurt (FROM) y Byís (CDG) – se unen a Londres Heathrow (LHR) at the top 10 of global megacenters. istanbul (IS) spaghettién is located in the Top 10 in the Ségreat place, which is considerably más higher than your rankingón in the position 17 on 2019. This follows a període of expansionón of the fleet by the airlineídominant line of istanbul, Turkish Airlines, which has been adding both destinations in Central Asia and USA, and increasing in some points.

Very interesting tooén is the locationón of USA being the sun marketéstico más important and big in the world, from a list of 25 airports, they are all from the countryís of the stars and stripes led on this occasion by Chicago O’Hare.

Latinoamérich present

Despite the enormous differences in connectivity, económica and social, there are airports in our regionón that stand out in the TOP 50 presented by OAG.

The City of México (MEX) remains the highest ranked Megahub in Américh latina with Aeroméxico dominating with him 58% to participateón, follows Bogotaá (BOG) in second place with Avianca occupying the 53% of the flights, in third place appears São Paulo Guarulhos where LATAM Airlines dominates the market with 49% to participateón, follows Panamá Tocumen with a clear command of Copa Airlines of the 92% and finally closes the Lima ranking with LATAM Airlines leading the market with 59% of international routes.

Position Airport País Put in 2019 Aerolínea principal Percentage
1 MEX Mexico 15 Aeromexico 58%
2 BOG Colombia 32 Avianca 53%
3 TOWER CRANE Brazil 46 LATAM Airlines Group 49%
4 PTY Panama 53 Copa Airlines 92%
5 LI Peru 58 LATAM Airlines Group 59%

It should be noted that in the ranking 2023, MEX cayó in the positionón 18, BOG subió to the post 29 and GRU lostó positions to the box 49.

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