copa airlines Boeing 737 max 9 HP-9926CMP pink do it on time breast cancer campaign

Cup paints a Boeing pink 737 MAX for a good cause

the airínea Copa Airlines presentó a Boeing 737 MAX 9 painted pink in the countrysideña «Do it on time» for the fight against cábreast cancer and próstata.

The new aircraft, what to plowá the skies of América, It's a yesícommitment plunger Copa Airlines with the detectionón early of these diseases. Además, the airínea realizedó give us oneón of $50,000 dólares to the Oncol InstituteóNational Geographic of Panamaá, intended for the equipment of a new chemotherapy room.

737 Copa Airlines pink MAX

Copa Airlines, committed by meás de 20 años with the fight against cábreast cancer and próstata, joins Pink Ribbon Month with its campaignña «Do it on time». It is añO, the airínea presentó a new Boeing aircraft 737 MAX 9 with a special paint that carries the message of preventionón and awarenessón of the fieldña. This MAX is the HP-9926CMP which has 1 month since his first new flight of fábrica is thereá configured for 174 passengers in three classes.

«At Copa Airlines, We are determined to raise awareness about people's health care and well-being», I sayó Peter Donkersloot, Vice President of Human Resources at Copa Airlines. «We want to bring this message of preventionón and hope to our passengers, collaborators and clients, because we believe that together we can make a difference in the fight against cáncer».

This initiative is part of a commitment más wide of Copa Airlines with the fight against cáncer. the airínea has participated for más of two défalls in the fieldñace of awarenessón and has provided support to organizations working on this cause.

«The awarenessón about preventionón of cáBreast cancer is a responsibility that falls on all of us as a society.», I stand outó the Honorableñwrite thereín CabbageóNo. of Cortizo, First Lady of the RepublicúPanama Wará. «Copa Airlines continúsetting an example with this important initiative, which demonstrates its constant commitment to the disseminationón of the prevention messageón».

Finally, Copa Airlines invites everyone to join the fight against cáncer. To get máwith informationón on the fieldña «Do it on time», visit the Copa Airlines website.

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