jetsmart quito guayaquil flight flights route destination lima peru ecuador airline

JetSmart Peru requests flights to Quito and Guayaquil

the airínea JetSmart Perú solicitó the operating permit is formally grantedón para contar con flights from Lima toward Quito and Guayaquil.

After having started receivingén sun flightséstics in Perú in june 2022 and alsoén haber iniciado its first international routes, the Peruvian subsidiary of JetSmart has requested its first flights in Ecuador.

Remembering that the aerosolíne había solicitado varios meses atrás ante la autoridad aeronáutica peruana volar más de 20 international routes, donde se incluía flights to equator toward Latacunga, Cuenca, Quito and Guayaquil, Everything indicates that their initial plans opt for the airports of greater passenger demand in Ecuador: the Marshal Sucre and Ifé Joaquín de Olmedo.

JetSmart seeks flights to Ecuador

Honestly, es una jugada que se venía esperando hace mucho rato. De la región Ecuador era de los últimos y pocos países a los que ninguna filial de JetSmart was flying, so now in a demand growth outlook and less taxes, the arrival of a new aerolínea de bajo costo se concreta al país.

concretely, the airíI do not requestó the granting of an operating permitón for performanceón of the transport service toéreo, público, international, regular, passenger, cargo and mail, in combination to operate the following routes and frequencies:

  • LIMA – QUITO – LIMA, up to seven (7) weekly frequencies with traffic rightsáI stay third and fourth freedoms of the air.
  • LIMA – GUAYAQUIL – LIMA, up to seven (7) weekly frequencies with traffic rightsáfico de terceras y cuartas libertades del aire.

En cuanto a qué aviones operará, the airínea indica en su pedido incluso el añor manufacturingón y el número de serie de los Airbus A320neo con los que operaría a Quito y Guayaquil:

  • AIRBUS A320-271N, AñO 2021, Serie 9194;
  • AIRBUS A320-271N, AñO 2021, Serie 9328;
  • AIRBUS A320-271N, AñO 2021, Serie 9356;
  • AIRBUS A320-271N, AñO 2021, Serie 9476; and,
  • AIRBUS A320-271N, AñO 2021, Serie 10301.

From its operations and maintenance center, which is located in the Lima International Airport – Jorge Cháturn, in the constitutional province of Callao, the airíne to offerá a más de los viajeros con destino final Lima, a growing hub of connections to 11 destinos internacionales en el norte y sur del continente sea de forma directo como en conexión and Santiago de Chile.

Ahora es cuestión de tiempo para saber si los planes de JetSmart to fly to Quito and Guayaquil se concretan y cuándo esto se hará una esperada realidad.

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8 comentarios en “JetSmart Perú solicita vuelos a Quito y Guayaquil

  1. Excellent news, let's hope that flights to Ecuador are completed and, above all, there are flights from Gye to Lima, which is not available now., There is only UIO to Lima

      1. Good Morning
        What happened to Avianca ? They also had the Guayaquil route – Lima

        What about Sky or Jet Smart itself? (Chile) for flights between Chile and Ecuador ?



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