the airínea LATAM Ecuador and the FEF presented the new avión official of La Tri for the playoffs on the way to world 2026.
LATAM Airlines Ecuador renovó its agreement with the Federationón Ecuadorian of Fútbol (FEF) ratificágoing like the airínea oficial de La Tri and incorporating an avión inspired by the selectionón of Ecuadorians. Thanks to this alliance, the airínea reiteró the commitment to facilitate the transfer of national team footballersón for a foríear from four toños. The agreement was made official in a protocol act in which the máwe are managers of both entities. From one side, Mónica Fistrovic, CEO of LATAM Airlines Ecuador, and from another, Francisco Egas, President of the Federationón Ecuadorian of Fútbol.
During this event I was present and was able to make this Aero Report for you so that así can see the details better and know moreás what the presentation wasón official de is avión:
LATAM presentó new avión of La Tri
concretely, the new avión official it is the one of the Airbus A319 with marriageícula HC-CPY, núMSN4602 series grouper, which has 12 añsince its incorporationón to the airínea, powered by two IAE V2524-A5 engines and with a configurationón up 144 passengers when used in a single class.

with this alliance, LATAM Airlines ratifies his bet with the Ecuador, supporting the sport that connects Ecuadorians. In that línea, además of the signing of the joint agreement, Those attending the event were able to witness the unveilingón of the avión of La Tri part of the fleet LATAM Ecuador, what además partsó towards Bolivia leading the national teamón the fúEcuadorian soccer that alsoéI don't participateó of this official act.
“We are at a key moment as país in a new race in the South American qualifiers of the F World Cupútbol 2026. From LATAM Airlines we decided to join the dreamñor world cup of Ecuadorians, being the aerosolínea official to transportá to our selectionón in their games. This time, our avión of La Tri, ademáWe are proud that he can lead the national teamón to their match against Bolivia. We are very excited to be an important part of the history of our fúnational football and living together this great passionón”, I knowñaló Fistrovic, after signing the agreement.
For his part, the President of the FEFñaló what “for the FederationóIt is an honor to renew our agreement with LATAM Airlines Ecuador, the airíofficially from La Tri. We extend así our vílink with one of the brands más strong in the world aeronáuseful. Thank you Latam for making us fly, for believing in us, for taking us safely and on time. the grandfatherón of La Tri goá loaded with sleepños, illusionón, sacrifice and many emotions but above all with a clear objective: to the classificationsón to the 2026 world cup”.

The selectionón ecuadorian voló to the city of Peace, adíbefore his meeting with the Bolivian team to be held on 12 October at the Hernando Siles stadium for the South American qualifiers, with a view to the World Cupútbol 2026.
with this alliance, LATAM Airlines makes it possible for me to dreamñof thousands of Ecuadorians who trustíare in the selectionón and in the king of sport reach the best destination, in a passón that inspires us to fly.
¿You liked itó the new avión official of La Tri?
Very good report as always Nicolás,
Thank you very much Carlos!