boeing 737 MAX 9 Copa airlines flights service differences 737NG route report

This is what Boeings are like 737 MAX 9 of Copa Airlines

Volé for the first time in a Boeing 737 MAX 9 from Copa Airlines, I tell you in this installment cówhat it's like to fly in this planeón and the differences with the 737of.

We must start this installment by commenting that in case you don't know, Copa Airlines operates a fleet of 93 aircraft between airplanes Boeing 737-700, Boeing 737-800 and Boeing 737 MAX. Of all these, los Boeing 737 MAX are the más new and modern airlines operated by the main airlineínea panamañand today we are going to know one of the 26 that they already have in their fleet.

After visiting Panamaá for about díundress themés to arrive in the direct flight from Manta, returning to Quito took meé the pleasant surprise that the avión assigned to beístill 737 MAX instead of the traditional 737-800, so that moment begané a Flight Report from úlast moment, which I share with you in this video available on the YouTube channel:

flying in a 737 Cup MAX

In this post that más what flight report (in YouTube isá that part), you're a year oldálysis of the differences between the 800 and MAX of the aerolínea, so that theí we can meetún más of the new aircraft Cup centered nás that nothing in the service and alsoén in part itécynical.

Service and interior

The differences are many, from the outside that we are going to review, but inside the passenger cabin there are quite a few differences that make the experience for the passenger very different and superior.. Let's start with the Boeing Sky Interior, which is a new designñor cabin with lightingón distinctive, curved architecture and noise-reducing materials for smoother flightás cóway, where the lightingódon't change secún each stage of the flight or service, although this alsoén isá available in the 737of, It is important to indicate that the MAX spaghettiéthey don't have it.

A big difference isá in the Business area, where Cup has the Dream Business, What are your seats?ás large and cómodes of your entire fleet. These recline 180 degrees and there is a completely reclined bed. I haven't been able to try them personally., but stayá for another chance.

Also, the MAX They have screens in each seat, but only up to the line 8 grandfather'són. These touch screens that run on Android have a wide range of functions.ínaughty, series, música and tracking screen.

Hereí There is another difference with the NG. The MAX has WiFi, but not to navigate, but for streaming the same content that you find on individual screens. You only connect to the plane's WiFi networkón the tenderás the content on your device mówill. Don't forget to bring audíheadphones.


Well, Now it's time to review this avión outside, where the differences are perhaps más you meet, but they require a good eye to notice them.

For más detail, I made this post a while agoás:

¿Cóhow to identify a boeing 737 MAX?

Let's now also review más details.

The Boeing 737 MAX Eastán equipped with CFM International LEAP-1B engines, what are máThey are fuel efficient and produce less noise. The LEAP-1B engines alsoén they have a greater thrust capacity, which allows the 737 MAX carry más passengers and luggage.

In its part física, these are totally round, while NGs are «crushed» at the bottom of them.


The wings of Boeing 737 MAX son más larger and more efficient than the wings of the Boeing 737-800. The wings málarge s provide más sustainedón, which allows Boeing 737 MAX fly at speeds más high and at distances más long.

SpaghettiéThere are noticeable differences in the winglets as we can see in the YouTube video.


the boeing 737 MAX isá equipped with an electronic flight systemónico (EFIS) más advanced than the Boeing 737-800. Boeing's EFIS 737 MAX provides pilots with informationón más accurate and detailed, which helps improve safety and operational efficiency.ón along with LCD screens that present new data and aids for operationón.

Comparative table

Nextón, A comparative table is shown of the main differences between the Boeings 737 MAX and Boeing 737-800:

Characterístic Boeing 737 MAX Boeing 737-800
engines CFM International LEAP-1B CFM International CFM56-7B
Alas Más large and efficient Más smallñas and less efficient
Electrónica My EFISás advanced less advanced EFIS
Length 42.2 39.5
Scope 3,850 miles náUticas 3,115 miles náUticas

Diseño y Dimensions

Boeing 737 MAX 9:

  • Length: 42.2 meters
  • Wingspan: 35.9 meters
  • Capacity mápassenger maximum: about 220 passengers in a configurationón típica of two kinds.

Boeing 737-800:

  • Length: 39.5 meters
  • Wingspan: 34.3 meters
  • Capacity mápassenger maximum: about 189 passengers in a configurationón típica of two kinds.


Boeing 737 MAX 9:

  • Alcance máximo: 3,850 miles náUticas
  • Fuel consumption reduced by approx. 14% in comparisonón with him 737-800.
  • Greater fuel efficiency thanks to new technologiesías, including CFM International LEAP-1B engines and wing upgrades.

Boeing 737-800:

  • Alcance máximo: 3,115 miles náUticas
  • Efficient, but less than the MAX 9, and téterms of fuel consumption.

The Boeing 737 MAX 9 from Copa Airlines offers superior performance in térange and fuel efficiency, which allows operating routes más long and with savings in téeconomic termsómonkeys in the airídenies.

¿Have you ever flown in a 737 Cup MAX or another aerosolínea? Coméntame qué I looked like youó the experience in the comments.

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