air canada avianca flights codeshare code share route toronto bogota quito lima airline

Air Canada code shared with Avianca to Quito and Lima

the airínea Air Canada púwar that will haveá flights in cóI say shared with Avianca toward Quito and Lima.

Air Canada Eastá making moves to not lose presence in these two markets. A Quito wateró to fly in 2020 due to the pandemic (habíhas started flightsén in December 2019) Already Lima, destination to which I operatedó again briefly between December 2021 and march 2023.

In fact, in the case of Lima, after the partial restart of Air Canada, the other aerosolícanadian nea Air Transat startó regular flights to Lima from the paímaple leaf s.

Air Canada tenderá cóI say shared from Bogotá to Quito and Lima

The portal @aeroroutes made púpublish an informationóvery interesting about the expansionón of the agreement of this airlineínea with Avianca from the Hub of this úlast in Bogotáá towards the south of the continent.

with himólogical reason for maintaining a presence in these markets where at the moment it does not operate directly, but without ceasing to offer an alternative to its clients, Air Canada beá offering flights in code sharing with Avianca from 28 December secún shows the airline's own reservation systemínea:

The flights of Air Canada operated by Avianca to beán the following:

  • Bogota – Lima
  • Bogota – Quito

At the moment, this is the informationón that is officially known víto the airline reservation systemínea, taking into account that the route to Bogotaá from Air Canada seems to be the más stable on cap sideíSouth Am ficérica, expansion is to be expectedón of that agreement and further informationón about the scope or additional plans of the aerolínea in our país.

We can additionally, understand this movement as a route development strategy and reviewón of the demand that allows the restart of the operation in the futureón direct commercial.

¿Whaté is cóI say shared?

If you want to know más in detail what this commercial agreement between two airlines meansídenies, prepareé this explanationódetailed about it hereí:

What does codeshare mean?óI say shared

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