Alaska Hawaiian Airlines buys merger airlines fleet aircraft destinations

Alaska Airlines announces purchase of Hawaiian Airlines

Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines announced that they have reached a definitive agreement so that Alaska purchase Hawaiian for $18 by acción in cash, for a transacci valueón of approximately $1.9 billion.

the airícombined nea arriveíTo operate a fleet of 365 narrow and wide body aircraft, and offerá A loyalty program Líder in the industry by joining both companies in one.

I melted itón (subject to approvalón of the control entities) createíto the fifth airlineínea más big of the USA, with a network of 138 Destinations, included 29 international destinations. This actionóN combineá The two airline networksídenies, that offer service to destinations throughout the PACífico, continental United States and abroad. Alaska Airlines operates a network of 120 destinations in the USA, Canadaá and México, while Hawaiian Airlines operates a network of 11 destinations in Hawái and others 18 destinations in the PACífico.

Alaska and Hawaiian one

I melted itóN of Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines is an important event in the aviaci industryón, Although it was announcedó That both keepíAn your brand independence without losing the beautiful Hawaiian painting. This strategic movementéGico createá a new aerosolínea líder in the PACífico, what to offerá To passengers a series of advantages.

Advantages for passengers

Hawaiian's purchase offeringá To passengers a series of advantages, between them:

  • Access to más destinations, both in the United States and abroad.
  • Más flight options, With schedules mácon convenient and más competitive.
  • A travel experience Más fluid, With a single airlineíNea that operates flights to all destinations.

Advantages for airlineídenies

Spaghettién, This movement offersá to the airía series of advantages, between them:

  • Greater efficiency, by combining the operations of two airlineídenies.
  • Larger scale, what will allow themá compete in a más effective with demoás aerolídenies.
  • New growth opportunities, by expanding into new markets.


I melted itón aún isá subject to approvalón of antitrust regulators. Nevertheless, Analysts hope the Fusión be approved, since not creatingá a dominant company in the market and its result is expected within a period of up to 8 calendar months.

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