iberia tokyo madrid route flight flights schedules cost price itinerary airbus a350

Iberia will resume its flights to Tokyo

Iberia returná to fly to the International airport of Narita from Such directly from Madrid from the 27 October 2024.

This return to Japón coincides with the beginning of the próxi winter season. the airíne españhello offerá since then and continuously throughout the yearñor three weekly flights on Thursdays, sáSaturdays and Sundays from Madrid, and on mondays, Fridays and Sundays from Tokyo.

Iberia restarts flights to Tokyo

The direct flight of Iberia Come in Madrid and Such becomes in the únothing generalóno direct to connectá España with Japón, and create a new optionón so that Am travelersérich Latina can connect with the continent like thisático, with a stopover in the Spanish capitalñola.
Only in the winter season, which includes from the 27 October to 25 of March, se pondrán for sale 45 000 seats between España and japón.

Flight Origin Destiny Departure Arrival
IB0281 Madrid Tokio-Narita 12:00 10:10 (+1)
IB0282 Tokio-Narita Madrid 12:20 20:20

Due to the closure of the spaceérussian prisoner, Iberia adjustó the route to Tokyo. Given the fundamental role of winds in planningóroute number, this devía giftá a trip around the world, since clients who make round trips with Iberia volarán on the way through the south of Russia, and on the way back north, a través del Océanus Pacífico and Áarctic.

From today, Customers wishing to purchase tickets to fly with Iberia from Madrid to Tokyo can do so on iberia.com from 931 euros round trip.

To Tokyo on the A350

The Airbus A350 is the model chosen by Iberia to operate this new direct flight. This type of aircraftón for long-haul routes is one of the mámodern s, efficient and silent on the market. Its fuel consumption is between 30 and a 35 percent less than aircraft of similar capacity, what alsoén reduces CO2 emissions, thanks to the materials of úlast generationón with those he isá built and advanced designñor its Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engines. The A350 of Iberia have the capacity to 348 passengers, 31 and Business, 24 in Economy Premium and 293 in Tourist.

The flight to Such, además of adding a new destination to the route map of Iberia, It also meansén the return of Iberia to Japón and to Asia. The first time the aerosolíne españwave voló to Tokyo he went in 1986. Unlike direct flights that are offeredán the añor what's coming, at that moment, the flight plan includesíthe one of the stops, one in Barcelona and another in Mumbai. In 1992 with the incorporate usón to the Iberia fleet of the Airbus A340 and the versionón improved Boeing B747, the compañía operó direct flights between both capitals until 1998. On 2016, Iberia returnedó to offer this route to its clients until 2020, when I broke inó the pandemic COVID-19.

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