ecuador tourists 2023 entry foreign visits international flights united states colombia panama chile china peru Quito Guayaquil Blanket

Ecuador: tourists who arrived during 2023

Ecuador I returnedó to receive más de 1 millón of tourists during 2023 por vía aéarea with entrance door Quito, Guayaquil and Manta.

Again, after what was the fatípandemic for world tourism, Ecuador I returnedó to receive más de 1 millón of tourists in what was during the 2023.

It's good news, butúThere are many challengesíyou have to solve and this 2024 to beá aún más complex due to the situationón internal insecurity, curfew and declared armed conflict by the national government.

Arrival of tourists to Ecuador during the 2023

With inform usón of the Ministry of Tourism of the Ecuador, let's check cómo se comportó the entry of foreign tourists to our countryís by the three airports authorized to receive international flights that currently have operations of this type.

With data as of December 2023, Ecuador registró:

  • Tourists Ecuador during 2023: 1,120.306

These data are below the 2019, where they registered 27 thousand passengers máI know the past 2023, indicating a positive figure given how close they are to each other, although the situationócurrent n of país does not allow us to be so optimistic. It should be noted that since 2015 till the date, the 2019 is heño más highest recorded entry of foreign tourists to the Ecuador.

By discriminating the informationón by airport of entry, The tourists who visited us were distributed as follows::

  • Quito: 678.706 tourists
  • Guayaquil: 437.323 tourists
  • Manta: 4.067 tourists

Let's compare the data with othersños: Quito It continues to be the main entry point for tourists in the Ecuador, but it is below the récord of 2015 where they visited us 701.590 tourists, in case of Guayaquil it is private, since compared to the 2022, this city saw decreased in 11 thousand tourists the income per vía aérea the 2023 and compared to himño récord de 2019 what were 457.587 The city has an important challenge ahead to attract travelers.

Finally, for Manta tourist income is below historicórich of 25.424 tourists who entered during the 2015, but taking into account that Copa openedó this route receivedén in June of theñor past and with three weekly frequencies, The numbers are expected to continue growing.

The PAíyou know that más visit Ecuador

Let's now review the top 50 of the paíyou know that más visited us during 2023:

Origin Market Entry of
1 USA 440.052 31,19 %
2 Colombia 249.016 17,65 %
3 Perú 120.820 8,56 %
4 España 112.601 7,98 %
5 China 49.548 3,51 %
6 Venezuela 35.043 2,48 %
7 Canadaá 33.186 2,35 %
8 Germany 31.378 2,22 %
9 México 29.756 2,11 %
10 Chile 26.222 1,86 %
11 United Kingdom 25.955 1,84 %
12 Argentina 25.500 1,81 %
13 Italy 23.177 1,64 %
14 France 22.118 1,57 %
15 Brazil 18.959 1,34 %
16 Panamá 15.651 1,11 %
17 Paílow ses 15.485 1,10 %
18 Switzerland 9.149 0,65 %
19 Cuba 8.550 0,61 %
20 Costa Rica 8.161 0,58 %
21 Israel 6.697 0,47 %
22 RepúDominican War 6.435 0,46 %
23 Australia 6.244 0,44 %
24 Bésecular 6.129 0.43 %
25 Philippines 5.870 0,42 %
26 India 4.917 0,35 %
27 Bolivia 4.578 0,32 %
28 The Savior 4.488 0,32 %
29 Russia 4.229 0,30 %
30 Guatemala 4.119 0,29 %
31 Uruguay 3.780 0,27 %
32 Denmark 3.251 0,23 %
33 Japón 3.224 0,23 %
34 Austria 3.133 0,22 %
35 South Korea 3.061 0,22 %
Poland 3.061 0,22 %
37 Portugal 2.673 0,19 %
38 Honduras 2.559 0,18 %
39 Sweden 2.500 0,18 %
40 Ireland 2.355 0,17 %
41 RepúCzech war 1.770 0,13 %
42 Ukraine 1.725 0,12 %
43 Norway 1.556 0,11 %
44 Paraguay 1.494 0,11 %
45 Nicaragua 1.452 0,10 %
46 New Zealand 1.324 0,09 %
47 Romania 1.126 0,08 %
48 Turquía 1.052 0,07 %
49 Finland 829 0,05 %
50 Hungría 810 0,06 %

USA remains the main país issuer of tourists to our countryís, that during the 2023 generó 31 thousand tourists más towards our market compared to what was the 2022. Go on Colombia With almost 250 thousand tourists, Perú with 120 one thousand, España más de 112 thousand and close the top 5 China With almost 50 thousand tourists admitted.

The Núgroupers are good and growing, but without a doubt the challengeíor general that has Ecuador in terms of securityá fundamental for añO 2024 positive or backward, that could affect the entire log chainístics of tourism.

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