GOAL Chapter 11 financial restructuring flights routes that pass through the United States clients passengers Boeing planes 737 MAX fleet

GOL begins restructuring under Chapter 11

the airíin Brazilña GOAL startó the restructuring processóN LOW Capíleakage 11 of the USA to strengthen its positionófinancial n.

Ante an econ panoramaócomplex myco that multipliedó in the úLetñO, GOAL voluntarilyó al Capíleakage 11 of the USA, following the path that at the time will make airlineíne as LATAM, Avianca and Aeroméxico, process from which ECUS was strengthenedónot at all.

Goal enter Capíleakage 11

GOL Lines AéReas Intelligentes S.A., announcementó what GOAL and its subsidiaries, to enterán voluntarily with the request for Chapter 11 In the bankruptcy court of the USA For the South District of New York (United States Court). The Chapter 11 It is a legal process of the United States used by companies to increase capital, restructure your finances and strengthen your long -term commercial operations, while continueúAnperating normally.

GOAL The legal process in the United States begins with a US $ financing commitment 950 millions, In the modality debtor in possession (“DIP) members of the ad hoc bondholders group, along with other opening holders. The CompanyñíTo look forá Access to this financing as part of the hearing on the first day with the US Court, planned for PRóximos días. This está subject to approvalón judicial y, together with the box generated by the ongoing operations, strengthená substantially the liquidity to support the operations that continueúAn normally during the restructuring processófinancial n.

With support to the process supervised by the Court and with the additional liquidity of financingón DIP, passenger flights operated by goal, Gollog load flights, The Smiles and other Compa Fidelity Programñía continúAn normally. Go to continueá offering their travel services toésafe inmates, reliable and low cost, providing the best travel experience for customers, what couldán Continue planning their trips in the same way they always did. The Smiles program will not haveá alterations, like theí spaghettién, C agreementsóI say shared (codeshare) e interlínea (interline), to continueán available for customers.

Goal has been making significant efforts to offer the best and más reliable travel experience to your customers, at the same time what bestó its results and positionófinancial n” declareó Celso Ferrer, CEO. “Until now, We made notable progress and we believe that this process will allowá Draw the challengeíyou generated by the pandemic, At the same time we maintain a high level of services that we offer to our clients. This process allowá Gol Expand theún más your positionón of being one of the main compañías aéAms of AMérich latina, keeping at the same time, the nearósite of “Be the first for everyone”. We are confident that the measures that areán being taken, to allowán what a continuous goalúE offering máS LOW, With exceptional travel experiences to customers, In a greater number of routes. Our employees continueán with its D activitiesía a dínormally, taking care of the quality and safety of our flights. We are grateful for having managed to advance with the commitment of a new capital to helpá To advance in our long -term strategies, including improving access, The travel experience and being chosen by our clients”.

GOAL USEá This process to restructure its short -term financial obligations and strengthen its capital structure to be long -term sustainability. The compañíWaiting to get out of this process with an investmentósignificant capital n, including new US $ 950 Millions in DIP Financing, positioned to expand your visión as compañía aérealíthere an Américh latina.

Despite the challengesíos of its capital structure and the lowest aircraft availability, the performanceñthe continuous goal operationalúa sólido. In 3T23, Gol Deliveó One of the best operational results for Compañías aéAms of AMérich latina, and the fourth consecutive trimester of MáHigh and consistent operational rges. Compa's net operational incomeñíA reachedó a Récord histórich of r $ 4,7 trillions, with a growth of 16,4% with respect to the sameíI smell the añprevious one, mainly due to the important contributionón of the income from the business units of the Smile Fidelity Program and the Gollog load operations, that as a whole grew a total of 65,1% In 3T23 (vs. 3T22) and totaled r $ 412,6 millions in per Período. in december 2023, the occupancy rateón reachedó the 82,7%, an increase of 4,8% with respect to the sameíI smell the añprevious one. Operational goal indicators related to punctuality, regularity, occupation rateón and daily use of the operational fleet demonstrate their focus on efficiency and productivity.

Taking care of our employees, suppliers and all our allies

Empty containúA normally operating during the Supervisi processón conducted by the US court. The CompanyñíTo payá salaries and benefits to your employees normally throughout this process, And nothing changedá In their daily activities.

Protecting suppliers and all partners

The businesses of GOAL Continueán normally during the supervisi processón conducted by the US Court and Honor Companiesá The commitments with the commercial partners and suppliers for the goods and services provided in the DíA O Después of the date of Chapter 11.

Customers will beán normally attended

The clients of GOAL couldán Continue planning your trips and flying through the companyñía regularly, including useón of passages and vouchers. Goal customers continueán accumulating its miles to fly by the companyñía and couldán Buy and exchange their miles accumulated through Smiles. Goal plans to fulfill all its obligations with its customers, including passage refunds, Trip and CR payments couponséditos associated with luggage or services claims, In accordance with your polícurrent ethics.

About Chapter 11.

The Chapter 11 It is a well -established and flexible judicial process for restructuringónumber of companies, With operations in MúLtas jurisdictions. This process allows companies to strengthen their positionófinancial n, while continueúA normally operating under the supervisión and approvalón of the judicial system of the USA. The process of Chapter 11 It has been used with éxito for many compañías aéinternational areas, including Latam, United Airlines, Delta, AeroméXICO AND AVIANCA COLOMBIA.

GOAL You have confidence that this process attends the greatest interests of your stakeholders, including employees and customers, to continueán counting on an offer of accessible flights, safe and reliable, además of the best service.

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