What happened where are they ATR? 42-500 Tame EP aerolinea HC-CLT HC-CMH HC-CMB Winar Aerlink

What happened to Tame's ATRs??

After the sale of the 3 ATR 42-500 that I belongían a Tame EP let's check whaté notó with them and in whaté part of the world isán flying.

As part of a process of making Tame más social and can fly to low-profit destinations, but with an ancestorón according to demand instead of Airbus O Embraer what the now defunct Aerol had in its fleetíline from the 8 October 2011 they started to arrive 3 ATR to operate routes as Tulceaán, Macas, Again, Sour Lake and other routes from Guayaquil to Esmeraldas, Store and Cuenca.

Notó time, Tame cerró several of these routes and finally the airline itselfínew termó being closed and liquidated, process that follows the dífrom today, with many outstanding debts and thousands of passengersún affected.

¿Whaté notó with the ATRs of Tame EP?

a few days agoíAs a follower asked me this question and I have itípending writing, así which is a good opportunity to review whaté notó with the 3 beautiful ATR you haveíto Tame and which were sold in August 2022 for a value of $9.75 millions, but ¿Eastán flying or not?

Let's check whaté notó with each of them.

ATR 42-500 HC-CLT

This was the first ATR from Tame that came outó of the país and the one who más time voló until you get to your new house. concretely, it's avión madeó 21 flights or legs to reach Cairns, Australia for your new operator.

With marriageícula VH-FVZ operó for Hevilift Australia and almost immediatelyó a Aerlink tooén and Australia, where he flewó until the 26 July 2023.

At the moment he remains on the ground without knowing his future..

ATR 42-500 HC-CMB y HC-CMH

These two ATR I group them into one since these went together and areán operating together. Exactly these planesí Eastán flying right now and not that far from us.

Both ATR Eastán operating for the aerolínea Winair it's an aerosolíDutch government-owned company headquartered in St Martin, Indeed, Tame's former ATRs are the úonly aircraft it currently has in its fleet.

HC-CMB is now PJ-WIW and operates from 4 November 2023, while HC-CMH is now PJ-WIV and flies on Winair from 8 July 2023.

Regrettably, On my recent visit to St Martin these ATR aúThey were not active in the airlineínea, so I couldn't see them ;(

An additional information, if they want, can see the 3 ATR one Flight Radar 24, since these now sí They have the system ADS-B installed, so we can follow their different flights.

This is the story and I hope you liked the information.ón.

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