Lima public transportation how to use the metropolitan bus Lima Metro price cost how to get around recommendations how much it costs to pay for the recharge card

Navigating Lima: Public Transport Guide

Today I am going to tell you cóhow to use the complex transport púwar of Lima, from the bus, Metropolitan and ending in the modern Metro from Lima.

in my más recent trip to Lima after JetSMART's inaugural flight to Quito, take advantageé to visit many sectors of the city, but with the difference that I did it in transportationúblico. In case I don't knowíthis about me, I love using buses, subway and everything in order to meetún máIt's a place with its people and customs.

Lima, It is a vibrant city, full of history and huge, that offers a wide variety of options to move through its streets. En is fasting, tell youé audaré to move through the intricate transportation system púwar of the Peruvian capital, approachágetting on the busesúblicos, the Metropolitan and the Lima Metro, with inform usón updated on prices and rates as of March 2024.

Transport púwar in Lima: bus, Metropolitan and Metro

First I want to start by saying that this is a brief guísummarizing everything I learnedí during the 4 días que visité this city. That being said, I'm going to start by saying that I love it. Lima, but unless you move around the city by taxi or Uber, do it in transport púwar can be caótico and it is not for everyone.

First, I invite you to watch the video I made in Lima, mostrándoles cóhow the three m workéall transportúI thank youé in Lima, but focused on the city's modern Metro, Eastá on YouTube and hereí:

We start with the tips.

1. Dumpingús: The opción más económica

Sí friends, it's super cheap, since secún the distance they travel they can pay S/ 1 or some $0.27 d centsólar, but there are many buts. I even went to the airport on the busúno. of transport, but it's chaos, the buses do not respect the stops, They do not respect the route that appears on Google Maps andñalizationón to know whaté bus serves and dówhere it goes, it's not fáeasy to see or not there.

Having said that, If you are going to use the bus, be very careful, first for safety reasons and second for the risks of driving.ón of these buses that respect traffic laws very littleágeneral site.


  • Buses with conductor: At the rate of varíthe assistantún the route and the transport company. On average, a trip costs between S/. 2.50 y S/. 5.00.
  • express buses: At the rate of varíthe assistantúon the route. You can check the prices at the stops directly with the driver or conductor.

Cópay me:

  • Cash: Pay the driver or conductor the exact fare when boarding the bus.
  • Only cash is accepted as único méall paid.
  • wears loose.


  • Be careful with your belongings, since the buses can be full, especially during peak hours.
  • Plan your trip in advanceón and check the routes on Google Maps (although the route is referential, In my case I did not complyían).
  • pay attentionógo to the stops and get off where you belong.
  • If you need help, you can ask the driver or other passengers
    • Thoseí, everyone helps you very kindly and recommends whaté bus use dówhere to connect with another.

2. Metropolitan: Efficiency and speed

It is the taste systemó a lot and I used ité to try to get to the Metro (there is no connectionón among the systems surprisingly) and to go to the historical centerórich of Lima with great efficiency. Me recordó a lot to the Ecovía and Trole de Quito, but well done, neat and very functional.

This system is very secure, There are many options for routes and destinations and the best, it's very ráI ask since it uses víthe exclusive. Recommended to go downtown 100%. As I indicatedé, the system works very well, but for now there is no integrationón with the Lima Metro both at stops that are close to both systems and on the use card (you need a card for each system).


  • Fee per trip or each time you enter a stationón: S/. 3.50
  • There are other values ​​for the use of feeders or connections.

Cópay me:

  • Metropolitan Card: The card is the único méall payment accepted in the Metropolitan.
    • The rechargeable card costs S/. 4.50
    • Apart from the value of the card, you can recharge the value you want at the entrance of each station.ónot in the márechargeable machines.


  • Buy your card at Metropolitano stations or at authorized kiosks.
  • Avoid rush hours (7:00 – 9:00 and 17:00 – 19:00) for higher comfort.
  • Follow the safety regulations within the Metropolitano:
    • Do not obstruct the passage of other passengers.
    • Give up your seat to older people, pregnant or disabled.
    • Do not eat or drink inside the bus.
    • Maintain the volume of your device mólow vile.

3. Lima Metro: The opción más modern

Really, come into Metro of Lima is taking a leap into the future and it is so difficultíeasy to understand cóThere is so much difference between what happens in the subway and what happens on surface buses..

Going from the chaos of buses to the metro is beautiful and I hope that the change that is experienced in Lima's transportation with the trains, be seen in somethingún moment represented alsoén in transport púbus battle. The Metro works very well, but as you saw in the video above there are some details that can be improved, but it is an efficient and very economical systemómonkey of $.040 cents.

Going deeper with the Metro, at the moment Lima has in planningón seis lídenies, but at the moment única what isá 100% functional is the Línea 1 that runs más de 30 kilómeters through several of the neighborhoods más towns of Lima. The other línea what isá quite advanced is the Línea 2, which already has five active stations in operation and is expected to beé list this toñO, being the first líunderground snowánea.

The other líline that is advancing quite a bit is the Línea 4 what to activateá connectivity to the Lima airport, although not to the new terminal, and news is expected very soon.


  • Travel fee: S/. 1.50

Cópay me:

  • Metro Card: Is he único méall payment accepted in the Lima Metro.
    • The rechargeable card costs S/. 5.00
    • Apart from the value of the card, you must charge the value you want at the entrance of each station.ónot in the márefilling machines.


  • Plan your trip in advanceón and consult the routes on páofficial website of the Lima Metro or Google Maps.
  • In my experience, at least in the Línea 1, the subway isá always with full trains, así what prepárate to stand on your route.
  • Use escalatorsárooms and elevators for greater comfort or if you have any mobility difficulties.
  • It is neverá by más be careful with your belongings in stations and carriages.
  • Respect the rules of coexistence in the Metro:
    • Do not run or push.
    • Do not block the doors.
    • Do not consume food or drinks inside the train.
    • Give up your seat to older people, pregnant or disabled.

summarizing, así is transportation púwar of Lima:

Optionsón Cost Advantages Disadvantages
Dumpingús S/. 2.50 – S/. 5.00 Económonkey It can be slow, congested and at higher risk of crime
Metropolitan S/. 3.50 – S/. 5.70 Efficient, ráI ask and with greater security Limited coverage
Lima Metro S/. 1.50 Modern, ráI ask and sure Coverage toún más limited

¿They have used the p systemúLima transportation war? CuéTell me your experience in the comments and I hope this guideíto serve them for their pró1st trip to the capital of the Perú.

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