avianca Ecuador suspends cancels stops flying route flights Manta Galapagos Baltra airport routes

Avianca Ecuador stops flying between Manta and Baltra in Galapagos

the airíecuadorian nea Avianca Ecuador informó that cancels its regular flights between Manta and Baltra on Galápaid.

Was the 2 July 2023 when this inception beganédirect route between Manta and Baltra in Galápaid, now passing almost añor of that historic factórich for manabí and for the país, in the face of results lower than expected, Avianca Ecuador leaveá to fly between both airports.

Effective from 15 April próximo, Avianca Ecuador leaveá to operate this routeéstica that in the díToday it operates with two weekly frequencies onías monday and friday.

Avianca Ecuador cancels flights between Manta and Baltra

La suspensionón of flights between Manta and Baltra by Avianca Ecuador implies a reductionón to the connectivity of Manta, that más allá of the profitable topics of the aerolínea, have also shownén the reduced intentionón of Government and Gal authoritiesápayments for implementing CGREG controls for emissionsóTr Control Card No.ánsito – TCT e inspección of luggage and cargo at the Airport by the ABG, that have not been implemented until now.

Avianca has mentioned the lawsuit as one of the main reasons, y así metó in an official statement shared by the airlineíne to this medium:

Manta, 1 april 2024. At Avianca we are constantly evaluating our route network, to focus our capacity on those who have más demand, For this, It has been decided to suspend the Manta route – Baltra, Galápayments from 19 april 2024. All passengers with reservations after this date will beán relocated víTo Quito.

Avianca has announced that it willá contact affected passengers to offer travel alternatives for passengers with tickets after the 19 april 2024, who to beán relocated víTo Quito.

Less connectivity

Alternatives to travel to Galápayments from Manta They are limited and they are all vía Quito in grandfatherón or first by land towards Guayaquil and from thereí sí take a flight with both aerolíEcuadorian neas currently operating to the islands.

The connectivity toéArea is an important factor for the promotionón of the Islands as a tourist destinationístic. The reductionónumber of flight optionsíto affect the flow of visitors to Galápaid, más aún with him increase in the rates that will be givená Since August.

Prior to flights Avianca on this route, metó the to intendón of LATAM Ecuador to do it, meetá pending at this point to see if it is aerolínea tomará the two frequencies available between Blanket and Galápaid that have already been returned to the state and have become available.


Although there is no stateíexact available statics for this route on the ticketín stateístic 2023 of the DGAC, it is known that in Manta the passengers using the route were too few to justify the stopover, highlighting that the strong demand continues to be generated in Quito.

The unexpected ésuccess of the route lies in the fact that from Quito flights depart with a occupancyón important, but that needs to be complemented with the captureón of passengers on a stopover as is the case of Guayaquil donde máPassengers board flights to the islands, allowing greater profitability, the situationón that in Manta not fulló the expectations.

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4 comments on “Avianca Ecuador stops flying between Manta and Baltra in Galapagos”

  1. Since there are no statistics, it is difficult for me to believe what the airline says. I had the opportunity to travel to Baltra from Quito via Manta and Guayaquil, and I don't know if it was a coincidence, but when I did it in Guayaquil they got on 3 passengers, when I did it for Manta they were like 30. It seems that there were other reasons.

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