statistics flights passengers airlines airports quito guayaquil blanket account Ecuador travelers 2023

Statistics of passengers who traveled in Ecuador during 2023

Welcome to the publicationómandatory n of eachñO, We are going to review and analyze the statisticsístatics of the passenger movement that occurred during the yearñO 2023 in the Ecuador airports.

The 2023 for aviationón Ecuadorian was añthat of consolidatingón and stabilizationón as for the tránumber of passengers after the pandemic and although not everything was good news with some routes less, The data is still higher than 2019, demonstrating a stable recoveryón of the industry.

Although this 2024 We have started with some bad news such as the departure of Viva Aerobus, Wingo from Ecuador and JetBlue from Quito, The figures are encouraging to be able to have new actors on the routes that these leave, without forgetting that a JetSmart spaghettién already operates in our countryís.

*With data from the Bulletinín StateíDGAC static.

Stadiumípassenger cabins in Ecuador 2023

Let's review cóhow was the transport toéprisoner in Ecuador during the 2023, reviewing the statesístatics for international transport, doméstic, regular, not regular at the different airports in the countryís, to theí to be able to know cóour little one continues to evolveñthe transportation industryéreo.

international regular service

In the AñO 2023 by international regular service, comes trueó in Ecuador 42.492 movements toéprisoners, through the international airports of the countryís, of which 21.246 landings and 21.246 take offs, by airílines that carry out regular service, combined and pure freighters.

These movements both in the general total, así as in landings and takeoffs, compared to the 36.338 flights carried out in the 2022, register a growth of 16,94%.

In Ecuador, the regular international service during theñO 2023 transportó, 4.660.404 passengers with a variationón that represents the 23,07% according to theñO 2022 what happened with 3.786.865 passengers.  Of the 4.660.404 passengers, 2.278.692 are entered and 2.381.712 they are out of the countryís, AUGUST being the month “pico” with 216.327 for tickets and AUGUST the month “pico” with 241.328 for passengers leaving throughés of the airports of Ecuador.

International 2023
entered  2.278.692
exited 2.381.712
TOTAL 4.660.404

And térelative terms the termáTotal number of international passengers in ECUADOR was distributed as follows: QUITO with him 53,23%, GUAYAQUIL with the 46,40%, and MANTA with him 0,37%.

The three cities with the highest passenger demand were: BOGOTA with a participantón of the 22,27%, PANAMA with the 20,46% and MIAMI with the 11,60%, and the complement corresponds to 45,67% of the remaining twenty cities as destination points, to and from Américh and Europe, mobilized by airports in Ecuador.

Quito airport

In the AñO 2023, mobilized a total of 2.480.567 passengers who, If we compare with theñO 2022 that were registered 1.829.848 passengers, growth is observed 35,56%. Passengers entered Quito were 1,252,517 while they registered 1.228.050 departing passengers

Guayaquil airport

At 2023 was mobilizedó a total of 2.162.449 passengers in the service toéreo regular; with a growth of 10,50% according to theñO 2022 that were registered 1.957.017. The passengers entered through the Guayaquil airport were 1.017.202 while those who left were 1.145.247 passengers, for service toéreo regular.

Manta Airport

At 2023 was mobilizedó a total of 17.388 passengers in the service toéregular prisoner on the Manta route – Panamá – Manta; Passengers entered by éthis airport were 8.973 while those who left were 8.415 passengers, for service toéreo regular.

International non-scheduled service

In our país NON-REGULAR AIR SERVICE, during theñO 2023, registryó a total movement of 32.755 passengers, of which 24.385 were transported by Quito airport,  7.790 passengers did it through the Guayaquil airport; 580 passengers left from the MANTA airport.

It should be noted that the tráI pay for this serviceó a decrease of -20,07% with respect toñO 2022 when it was countedó 40.980 passengers.

regular sun serviceéstic

In the AñO 2023 3 were transported´292.543 passengers. If it is related to theñO 2022 in which 2 were mobilized´686.729, growth is observed 22.55%. At the Quito airport the traáPassenger traffic shows a growth of 21.68% both incoming and outgoing passengers.

At the Guayaquil airport the tráPassenger traffic shows a growth of 17.84%, both incoming and outgoing passengers.

Doméstic 2023
TOTAL 3.292.543

The three routes with the highest passenger demand in theñO 2023 were: QUITO-GUAYAQUIL-QUITO with 1´371.527, QUITO-GUAYAQUIL-BALTRA-GUAYAQUIL-QUITO with 537.630 and QUITO-CUENCA-QUITO with 435.947, with a participantón of the 41.65%, 16.32% and 13.24% respectively; while the other routes together represent the 28.79% of national passenger transport, where the greatestía of routes presents growth with respect to the añO 2022.

Non-regular service sunéstic

In the AñO 2023 they were transported 111.162 passengers, in relationón al añO 2022 that is transportedó 106.715 presents a growth of 4.17%. The three routes with the highest passenger demand in theñO 2023 were: QUITO-LAGO AGRIO-QUITO with 27.124, QUITO-LOJA-QUITO with 13.486 and SAN CRISTOBAL-ISABELA-SAN CRISTOBAL with 9.547, with a participantón of the 24.40%, 12.13% and 8.58% respectively; while, the other routes together represent the 54.89% of national passenger transport.

Aviationón general

In the AñO 2023 the Aviationón General in our país realizedó 73.603 flights, value that, If we relate it to theñor earlier that were registered 80.539 operations, reflects a decrease in -8.61%.

The 73.603 flights made by the Aviaci serviceón General, between landings and takeoffs, are divided into: PRIVATE AIR SERVICE that represents the 41.47% of the total, MILITARY operations that intervene with 28.82%, AVIATION SCHOOLS participating with 20.22%; the 7.74% corresponds to AIR WORK and finally LOCAL flights with 1.76%.

Total passengers transported Ecuador 2023

Más de 8 million passengers used the service of the Ecuadorian airport network during the 2023 both international and domesticéstic, close upágoing toún más to what he was 2019:

Doméregular and non-regular static 2023 3.403.705
Regular and non-regular international 2023 4.693.159
TOTAL 8.096.864

Hereí some clarifications are in order. The 2023 It was año récord after the pandemic for Ecuador in international transportation, having transported 300 thousand passengers máI know that he 2019. A big step, but what follows isáPassengers on domestic flights are below what they were before the pandemicéstatic, where they were transportedás de 6 million passengers, versus the 3.403.705 of theñor past.

In this way, during the 2023 they mobilized 8.096.864 of passengers by the país in the different types of service toéprison and airports, which represents a growth of 22.28% in comparisonón with him 2022 where they mobilized 6.621.289 Travellers.

If you are looking for details of what was the 2022, they find them hereí:

¿CuáMany passengers traveled through Ecuador airports on 2022?

¿Whaté they think it will happená the 2024? I read them in the comments.

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