Latam Airlines traffic transportation passengers 2024 first quarter flights airlines destinations Ecuador Peru Chile Colombia Brazil Argentina

LATAM mobilizes more than 20 million passengers

The LATAM Group informó that during the first quarter of 2024 transportó más de 20 millions of passengers on their different flights, a whole récord histórico.

LATAM registryó a historic operational quarterórich in capacity (ASK) y trápassenger fare (RPK), así as wellén in the number of passengers transported during the quarter, themselvesún follows from the statesíoperational statistics corresponding to March 2024 reported today by the group that allow us to have a visionón of the quarter as a whole.

In the first three months ofñO, the group LATAM transportó 20,2 million passengers, which represents an increase of 19,4% in comparisonón for the same period of 2023. The above is explained by the increase of a 32,5% of passengers transported in the international segment, and of a 26,0% in the sun marketséaesthetics of the subsidiaries of Ecuador, Perú, Chile and Colombia, and of a 9,1% at the sun marketéoffice of the subsidiary in Brazil. Sóin March of this toñO, the LATAM transport groupó 6,7 million passengers, a 16,9% versus the same month of 2023.

Regarding the capacity, measure in seats – kilómeters available (ASK), in the first quarter ofñO, the LATAM group increasedó its consolidated offer in 17,5% versus the first quarter of the yearñprevious one, surpassing by 1,2% the levels of 2019. Specíficamente en el mes de marzo, the group increasedó its consolidated capacity in a 17,8%.

For his part, the tráfico de pasajeros consolidado (measured in passenger-kilometersórented meters – RPK) I grew upó 22,3% este trimestre respecto de igual periodo del añor past. In March, the tráfico de pasajeros creció 22,2% in comparisonón a igual mes del 2023, impulsado por el incremento de 31,1% de la demanda internacional, from 17,1% de la demanda doméstica de las filiales en Ecuador, Perú, Chile and Colombia and of 11,8% de la demanda doméstica de la filial brasileña.

Dado lo anterior, the employment factorón consolidado del mes de marzo alcanzó a 83,1%, lo que representa un incremento de 3,0 puntos porcentuales en comparación al mismo mes del 2023, destacando el incremento de 5,1 puntos porcentuales en el factor de ocupación de la filial brasileña durante este período.

in charge, la capacidad (measured in tons-kiloómeters available – ATK) el grupo LATAM aumentó in a 13,8% in relationón a marzo de 2023, arriving at 655 million tons-kiloómeters available.

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