Ecuador airlines foreign registration 100% registered aircraft RDAC119 RDAC regulation

Ecuador Airlines may have a registered fleet 100% foreigner

With an updateón and la regulationón local, the DGAC of the Ecuador to allowá that the aerosolíEcuadorian lines have a fleet composed 100% by airplanes with matríforeign ass.

This is a second updateówhat happens around at foodíforeign classes in Ecuador, the first occurred in 2017 when it was allowedó now to the airíEcuadorian guidelines to use matríforeign wheels for operationón local, now, a new change.

Ecuador adjusts to the eastáregional floor

By Executive Decree 256 from 27 from December to 2017, Ecuador adoptedó like política púnational war, la plena liberalizationón of transport toéreo, From that moment on, the authoritiesáuticas have issued regulations and modifications to the regulations, that seek to provide greater flexibility and have efficiencies for both the regulatory body and operators, así how to attract investmentón and facilitate connectivity toérea.

Proof of this is the modificationón a la RDAC 119 which eliminates the limitationón that I establishedíto what:

“(b) An exploiter mayá be authorized to operate aircraftíforeign ass; as long as, The núgroup of said aircraft, does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total number of aircraft to be incorporated into the OpSpecs, …”

This limitation was included in the AñO 2020, which I tookó by surprise to the industryérea, since it was going through the worst crisis in history due to COVID- 19, Since that date the industry madeó efforts with the authorities on duty to eliminate this limitation without any luck, well, apparently there isíindividual interests involved (travels, inspections, viáticos, commissions) what is believedíthey stopped being perceived and with the erroróne idea and ignorance of what will be lostían jobs for téaviation expertsón.

It is necessary to remember that Perú, Chile, Colombia, México O Brazil, do not require maintenance of service aircraftínational network and this has facilitated connectivity, has increased operations and makes the exchange of aircraft viable, which translates to Ecuador in flexibilities to the operationón, incentive of investments in aeronautics supplyáutica, which generateá benefits for transport userséprisoner in prisonís, greater job opportunities for people who are related to aircraft assistance activities, for example the operationón the attentionón on land or their maintenance.

The limitation made in 2020, demotivationó to the industry and freó your growth plans, given that, those of us who know this matter, We know the limitations that an HC aircraft has to make exchanges with other countries.íses, in fact, to date no aircraft with registrationíHC national team has registered an exchange with another countryís.

Hoy, with the reform carried out by the Committeeé of Standards from the DGAC to the RDAC 119, removing the 50% HC aircraft, if you allowá that más aerolícompanies enter and invest in the countryís, facilitateá Aerol's growth plansílines that already operate in the Ecuador, improving connectivity toéarea and favoring users. This shows that this administrationóI didn't solveó based on general interests of the countryís, of tourism and industry and not of a smallñor group with individual interests.

The industry toéarea is a great source of income for the país, contributes very significantly to GDP, generates jobs and foreign exchange, Therefore, control entities must regulate and control, but throughés of efficient processes and regulations, facilitator that complies with the provisions of the Org Lawáonly for optimizationón and tr efficiencyáadministrative tasks, where we are displayed outwards like a país más competitive and attractive.

There is concernón in the industry

Several industry players have contacted this medium to express their concerns.ón about this change, that as we see, ya existíto since 2017, but that was limitedó the 2020. After the reform of the RDAC 119 the áoperational areas of the industryéarea between técynical, pilots and crew have commented on their concernsón about it, thus, write this postón is so important to clarify many doubts that very understandably, have been presented.

I leave this space open for debate., opinionóno comments regarding this modificationón.

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8 comments on “Ecuador Airlines may have registration fleet 100% foreigner”

  1. I noticed that aeroregional is expanding considerably. On their website they have routes to Esmeraldas for sale., cali, and Punta Cana. These destinations are confirmed, they are going to operate?

  2. What has to do with flexibility seems positive to me, I suppose it is due to the arrival of Sky Ecuador, greater competition, better prices.
    I still see that we have to improve with taxes, for example Uio lim publish 30 dollars but added everything 125

  3. This has something to do with SKY Airline's upcoming entry into Ecuador? To facilitate your entry with your Chilean registered aircraft?

  4. Total flag sale for foreign airlines
    Many ECUADORIAN commercial civil aviation companies BROUGHT because the DAC FORCED THEM TO IMPORT AIRCRAFT PAYING TARIFFS TO BE ABLE TO OPERATE ONLY WITH THE ECUADORIAN REGISTRATION only allowing foreign registration for maintenance or force majeure for a very short time
    How many Ecuadorian companies were operating with these facilities?
    Money laundering must be reviewed on these new airlines

    1. You mix so many topics in a single comment that the weight of what you want to express is lost.. Which airlines went bankrupt due to "importing airplanes"? The correct thing would be to say: nationalize the plane. All airlines have had to do it and it is not seen that all of them have "gone bankrupt". Which Ecuadorian companies were operating like this? Regulations have allowed this for many years., what is the problem?

      Please, post information that supports your comment about money laundering, It is a very strong accusation that must have support.

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