IPW 2024 Los Angels United States event trade press US Travel Association

Start the IPW 2024 in Los Angeles

Homeó the IPW 2024 in the Ádrooling, a new opportunity to boost tourism in the USA.

A new edition is already celebratedón of the tour eventístico más important of the USA and in the editionón 2024 the great city of The Ádrooling is the hostess, which promises an event like never before seen.

IPW 2024 in the Ádrooling

Every añO, IPW reúne to travel industry exhibitors, tourism and airíguidelines to present all work and business opportunities with national and especially international actors, with the úonly great objective, make the enormous tourism of the USA Keep growing.

Of the 3 al 7 May 2024, the city of The Ádrooling It is the epicenter of world tourism with the celebrationón the IPW 2024, the flagship event of the Associationón American Travel (U.S.. Travel Association). This meetingúne thousands of industry professionals from más de 70 países to establish connections, generate business opportunities and promote the varied tourist destinationístic that is USA.

The event takes place at the Los Convention Center Ádrooling, a modern and huge space equipped with the úlatest technologyíto provide a next level experience to attendees. For five daysías, participants canán attend a wide agenda of activities that include:

  • Networking sessions
  • Presentations and workshops
  • Exhibitions
  • Special events

Son más de 5.700 professionals and delegates from around the world attending IPW 2024 between thetur peradoresíestics and travel agents, representatives of companies that sell tour packagesítourism and travel services, hoteles y resorts, managers and representatives of the hotel industry, compañías aéareas and cruises, Ogovernment agencies for tourism and mcommunication mediaón specialized in travel tourism from around the world.

Definitely, the IPW is an opportunity úunique for all participants to generate connections and tools to spread the mega diversity of the USA, an enviable event that Latinoamérich dutyíto be used as an example to generate events of this magnitude that help develop the economy.íto local of their nationals.

In this context, issuance opportunitiesón of tourists to USA from Latinamérich is broad and continues to grow, being the visitors of our países, on the whole, the second source of tourists admitted with más de 13 million annual travelers, what represents the 30% of tourists from a total of 42 millions of people received by the North American giant.

Ecuador present

Víand la organizationón of Seeónica Zumáraga, representative of US Travel and Chair of IPW in Ecuador, our fatherís has the participationón of two means of communicationón (www.nlarenas.com being one of them) and members of trade in búSearch for new business opportunities.

Expected, for the prówe go toños, that the delegationón of Ecuador continue to grow with greater participationón of different actors.

The pr is preparedóximo IPW

This event starts, but what will be is already plannedá you edit itón 2025, what will haveá to “city ​​of winds” , Chicago, as protagonist and host.

The exact details of the IPW 2025 knowán pronto, but from now on, ¡see you in Chicago 2025!

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