air traffic 5,5% Latin America Caribbean grows statistics flights passengers airlines airports

Air traffic in Latin America and the Caribbean increased 5,5%

The tráI'm theéprisoner in Américh latina and the Caribe keeps taking off and  presentó an increase of 5,5% in the first quarter of 2024.

Airports Council International Américh latina and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) today reveals a positive outlook for the regionón, with a growth of 5,5% in the traáPassenger traffic during the first quarter of 2024, in comparisonón with the same personíI smell the añprevious one.

An uneven but promising takeoff

Preliminary data from ACI-LAC show that performanceñone from the kingsón was heterogeneouséneo, with some países experiencing a significant rebound and othersún recoveryácoping with the effects of the pandemic, in total the tráI'm theéprisoner of the regionón presents a 5,5% of growth.

Uruguay positionó like the país with the highest percentage growth, recording an increase in 28,6% in passenger movement. They follow him Perú (+21,4%) and Chile (+18,9%), consolidating a positive outlook for the southern cone.

Ecuador, Secondly, was the único paíwhat an experienceó a slight decreaseón (-2,8%) in the traáfic during the first trimester.

Brazil, as expected, remains the main marketéprisoner of the regionón, with 52 million passengers and a growth of 2,5%. México follows in second place, with an increase of 1,3% and a passenger volume that exceeds 45 millions.

Un futuro brillante para la aviacióLatin American

rafael echevarne, Director General of ACI-LAC, expresó su optimismo ante estas cifras: “Transportation toéreo es fundamental para el crecimiento económico y social de Américh Latin and Caribbean. Celebramos este crecimiento, que demuestra el gran potencial de nuestra región y la capacidad de resiliencia de su industria aeroportuaria.

The statesístatics of ACI-LAC se basan en datos de tráfico de pasajeros de los aeropuertos más transitados de la región, que representan más of the 90% of the tráfico total de Américh Latin and Caribbean.

Estos resultados preliminares son un alentador indicio de la recuperación of sector aéprisoner in the regionón y confirman el papel crucial que juega la aviación para el desarrollo económic and social Américh latina and the Caribe.

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