Cuenca airport alliance company airports CCR

Strategic alliance to promote air connectivity in Cuenca

The Cuenca Airport advances in a strata allianceégica together with the CCR company to promote the medium and long-term aero-commercial development of the city.

The Cuenca Mariscal La Mar Airport, under the managementón of CORPAC,  announcementó a strata allianceégic with the renowned company CCR, with the aim of strengthening connectivity toéevil from the kingsón and contribute to economic developmentómonkey and turístic of Cuenca, this within the growing interés that has generated this littleña, but very important terminaléarea of Ecuador.

Alliance between Cuenca Airport and CCR

Within the framework of this alliance that will beá reaffirmed in the prónext weeks, tookó held a meetingón of work with the presence of Mr.. Ricardo Hernández, IAP, and Mr.. Fabio Russo Correa, CCR Group representatives. During the meetingón, they settledíaccident neasón strataétips for collaborationón in various projects, highlighting the following:

  • Implementationón of joint initiatives to increase connectivity toéCuenca area and its airport network.
  • Development of projects at the Mariscal La Mar Airport aimed at optimizing its operation and expanding its capacity.
  • Taking advantage of the extensive experience of Grupo CCR in management mattersón airport, tourism developmentíaesthetic and connectivity toérea, for the benefit of Mariscal La Mar Airport and the regionón.
  • Joint and coordinated work in planningón and executionón of the project of the new international airport of Cuenca.

This alliance strataégica represents a fundamental milestone for the future of aviationón in Cuenca. The synergy between CORPAC and Grupo CCR, added to the experience and knowledge managing 20 airports around the world, to allowá la implementationón of innovative and high-impact initiatives for the airport development of the regionón southern equator.

CCR Airports, subsidiary of the CCR Group with más de 26 años of experience in infrastructure development, is a company líder en la operationón of airports in Brazil and Américh latina. The compañímanages it 20 airports, 17 of them in Brazil and 3 abroad (Curacao, San José and Quito), and aims to provide an exceptional experience to passengers, from check-in to boarding.

With the próXima signature of this strat allianceégica, position is confirmedón of Cuenca as a reference in terms of connectivity toérea, driving economic growthómonkey, shouldíaesthetic and social of the city that I consider the mostápa's beautifulís.

We will keep reporting.

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