Cubana de Aviación Cubana Cargo aviation flights Havana Cuba route flight itinerary service

Cubana de Aviación lost permission to operate in Ecuador

the airínea Cuban from Aviacón I lostó su permiso de operationón to fly on Ecuador to the east having recently been  revoked by authorities.

The National Aviation Councilón Civil (CNAC) has decided to completely revoke the operating permitón to the companyñía Cuban from Aviacón S.A. This measure, embodied in Agreement No. 025/2024 of the 2 of July, ends the regular international cargo and mail operations that the airlineíCuban nea comeíperforming in the país.

Afterños de operationón exclusive charging, that after the fatal accident at old Quito airport más de 20 años, since I never returned as passengersó to do it regularly, we say goodbye to this airínea.

Cuban lostó el permiso de operationón in Ecuador

I decided itón of the CNAC is based on non-compliance by Cuban from Aviacón of what is established in the Art. 48 of the Operating Permit Regulationsón for Provisionón of Transportation Service AéCommercial criminal. Además, the airínea también has been found to fall under the grounds for revocation established in literal i) of Artíass 53 of the same regulation.

The specific causesíThe effects of the revocation come hand in hand with the non-operationón of the aerolínea in the país since más of añor due first to non-operationón of your now único Tupolev Tu-204-100EC of cargo that is parked in Havana without being able to be reactivated, and additionally, the definitive closure of your business partner THE of Colombia that operated on its behalf the weekly flight that Aerolínea before exiting the market operated at Quito airport.

Let us remember that in June 2017, the airíne había shown su intendión to regularly fly passenger flights from Havana to Quito and Guayaquil with up 5 flights between both cities, acción that does not prosperó by not having met the necessary requirements for the granting of those routes.

The revocation of the operating permitón a Cuban from Aviacón represents a hard revés for the airíCuban nea, What do you seeíhas been operating in Ecuador for several yearsños. This measure alsoécan'títo have a negative impact on the economyíto ecuadorian (although very smallñO), given that Cuban from Aviacón was the única aerolíwhat I offeríto direct cargo flights between Ecuador and Cuba.

¿Whaté follow for Cubana de Aviación?

According to Art. 54 of the Operating Permit Regulationsón for Provisionón of Transportation Services AéCommercial criminal, Cuban from Aviacón can'tá apply for a new operating permitón until one m has passedíminimum of six months from the date of execution of the resolutionórevocation number.

Además, the airíno dutyá resolve the reasons that motivated the revocation of your permit before being able to request your operation again.ón and Ecuador.

Esta situationóIt certainly represents a great challenge.íor for Cubana de Aviación, who shouldá work hard to regain the trust of the CNAC and the Ecuadorian authorities if you wish to operate again in the countryís in the future.

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