jetsmart makes changes to its flights flight route routes Quito Guayaquil Ecuador Lima Peru

JetSMART makes changes to its flights to Guayaquil and Quito

They learned about changes that JetSMART tenderá en sus vuelos hacia Ecuador, specifically to Guayaquil and Quito, their destinations in the countryís.

JetSMART, the airínea low-cost líthe one sudamérica, presentó important changes in its operations towards Quito and Guayaquil, Ecuador, from Lima in Peruú for what to beá the úlast quarter of 2024.

The specific changes have to do with the suspensionón of flights to Guayaquil and instead, the increase in flights to Quito, the details of these modifications más down.

JetSMART adjusts flights to Guayaquil and Quito

Let's start reviewing the specific changes that will haveá JetSMART Perú from Lima towards the two destinationsás important of Ecuador, in one it goes down and in another it goes up, but for the calm and good of the país, the changes are temporary.

SuspensionóTemporary flights to Guayaquil

We start with the somewhat negative part, although it is temporary. Due to seasonality and readjustment reasonsón of its route network for maintenance of its Airbus A320neo, JetSMART suspendá temporarily their flights to Guayaquil from the 27 de agosto hasta el 2  December of 2024.

the airíne resumeá its operations to this destination with 3 weekly flights, of the current 2 frequencies, themselvesún reflects its página web, maintaining connections to Cusco, Arequipa, Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile.

Increase in frequencies to Quito

JetSMART strengthens its commitment to Quito, increasing a 4 weekly frequencies for flights from Lima (disclaimer, This increase has already occurred since last May, but there wasn'tícommented on the blog). Sayúon the airline websiteínea, the 4 weekly flights, versus the 3 frequencies with which they started towards Quito, to maintainán valid until 31 from December to 2024, showing that this route presents better operational results for the airlineínea.

But this is not all, from the 2 of January of 2025 the airíneed to increaseá cinco vuelos semanales hasta el 28 de febrero próximo.

Informationón important for passengers with affected flights

Passengers with flights booked to Guayaquil during the períI smell suspenseóto beán contacted by JetSMART to offer travel alternatives, how to change route, rescheduleóflight number or refund.

Passengers can visit the website of JetSMART or contact the customer service centerón to the customer throughés from official channels.

We will continue to update any informationóno change that is made in the operationón of JetSMART towards our fatherís.

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